Book II, Chapter 6: Evacuation

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Karl was the first to wake the next morning. He had an arm around Sierra protectively, and he inhaled her scent from her hair. His body had healed quite well overnight, and he smiled to himself and hugged her body, feeling relief knowing that she was okay, and--


Karl bolted upright at the sound of an explosion, and Sierra jumped in her sleep, lifting her head groggily. "What was that?" she asked lazily.

"Shh," he murmured, touching her arm. "Stay here." Slipping his boots and shirt on, Heisenberg stepped out the door and looked over the edge of the mountain. "Oh shit..."

The meganycite seemed to have grown overnight. It rose high over the village, consuming the area around it. Without Miranda around to keep it under control, god only knows how bad it was going to be. Karl watched as two black helicopters circled the village above it, and he saw a small amount of men running around down below, shooting at lycans and soldats that attacked them. Even from up here, Karl could see the red and white umnrella marking on the backs of the machines flying around them.

"Shit... shit shit shit." Heisenberg bolted back inside and grabbed his coat. "Sierra, get up, now!"

The fear in her eyes was prominent as she obeyed and slipped her sneakers on. "Karl, what's going on?"

"We slept in too fucking much, that's what. Get your bag and let's go." He grabbed his hammer as Sierra grabbed her sketchbook and her other items, and slammed them into her bag.

Another explosion made Sierra yelp and Heisenberg looked out the window as she slipped her own jacket on shakily. "You're scaring me, Karl," she said nervously. "What the hell was that?"

He grabbed her hand and headed for the door. "Come on, we can't stay here."

Sierra barely got her bag over her shoulders before Heisenberg began to pull her out of the cabin and towards the path that he had mentioned earlier that week. "But who --"

"Just follow me and I'll explain later, alright?" he snapped angrily at her. Sierra was taken aback, but she nodded and followed quickly behind him. "We're not fucking safe here."

The two of them followed the path for a minute, weaving and going through the brush as fast as they could. Heisenberg refused to let Sierra's hand go as he scoured the area with his eyes every single second. Sierra had numerous quiestions, but didn't dare ask them in case he growled her again. She heard the booms and gunfire, but she had no idea who it was or why they were here. Was it the military?

Heisenberg stopped suddenly, causing Sierra to bump into his back. "What --"

"Shh," he hissed, and she snapped her mouth closed, hiding behind him. Heisenberg looked around, and Sierra did as well. She didn't hear or see anything besides the faint sounds of gunfire, but something put Heisenberg on edge.

"I know you're there!" he snarled, his hand clenching his hammer tightly. "Show your fucking faces or I'll kill you before you can call for your mothers."

Sierra peeked out behind him and held her breath as numerous armed men appeared from behind the trees, their guns aimed at them. She clenched Heisenberg's hand and shook as they circled them. "Karl --"

"Shh!" His eyes never left the man in front of him, who seemed to be the one in charge.

The armed man stepped forward, his gun pointed at Heisenberg's head. "State your name!" he yelled.

Karl rolled his eyes but said, "Heisenberg."

She bit her lip nervously as she watched the man put a finger to his ear and speak to someone. After a minute, he nodded and lowered his weapon. "Stand down!" he called. All of the men obeyed, and Sierra sighed in relief. "Redfield's expecting you, Heisenberg."

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