Chapter 4: Company

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The next few days went by in a bit of a blur for Sierra. She spent most of her time hiding in her room, sketching whatever came to mind, and keeping away from Heisenberg. He would be gone most of the day, but would return in the evening or long past dark. Usually, Sierra would be too nervous to go out and get food even when he was gone, so Heisenberg would come back and find her hungry, so he'd make a small plate for her. He didn't know why he bothered, but he felt a bit of pity for the girl. She was stuck here, not by her own choice, so the least he could do was make her feel comfortable.

Sierra had thought about escaping each time he left for the day. She had considered the window in her room, but she was two stories up, and there were lycans hiding here and there, and she didn't have a single thing that could defend her from them. She had tried the doors to the apartment, but they were locked and shut tight. Defeated, she would retreat back to her room and stay there until Heisenberg returned.

"You know you're allowed to get your own food, right?" he stated as he gave her a plate of bread and meat again.

Sierra blushed a bit and bit her cheek nervously. "Sorry, I'm just..." She shrugged and ate a piece of the bread. "I don't feel like I should touch it."


She looked up at him. "Because it's not mine."

Heisenberg rolled his eyes and grabbed the chair by her wall. He had made a desk and chair out of metal for her in order to fill the space in her room, and Sierra had used it a few times to draw. Her back was grateful. He straddled the chair and rested his arms on the back of it, and eyed her. "Look, buttercup, I--"


"Excuse me?"

"My name is Sierra."

Heisenberg smirked and nodded once. "Alright then, Sierra. Miranda had a plan for you, but she isn't going to do anything about it for a long fucking time. So there is no need to starve yourself. There's nothing wrong with anything here."

Sierra kept chewing on her cheek and looked at him. "What plan?" she asked hesitantly.

Heisenberg's smirk faded and his gaze went down as he rested his chin on his arms. "Nothing that you have to worry about, trust me."

Sierra found it hard to believe, but she didn't say anything and just kept eating her meal. "Thank you... again," she said.

He looked at her again and smirked once more. "It isn't a five star dinner, but it'll fill the tanks. I have a delivery of supplies coming later today, so we'll have more options this time when you decide to make your own food."

She nods and they remained silent for a few moments, but it wasnt uncomfortable in any way. To Sierra, it was more of a relief to have someone to talk to, even if he was holding her hostage. In a way, she thought he felt bad about it by the way he spoke, but she couldn't be sure.

After a minute, Heisenberg stood up and put the chair back. "Alright, buttercup. I'll be around for the day, feel free to come out and actually say something to me if you're up for it."

She nods and keeps eating. "No promises," she dared to say, and he only laughed and walked out, leaving only a few inches of her door open. She let out a breath and finished her meal before setting her plate aside.

Sierra grabbed her sketchbook from her bedside table and opened it. She was halfway through it, and she flipped back to look at her most recent sketches. She had done some sketches of the apartment, of a lycan she had looked at over the balcony, and some of the factory that she could see. She flipped over to a new page and began to sketch the first thing that came to mind.

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