Book II, Chapter 10: True Loves Bond

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Sierra was inconsolable for days. She remained in her bed, only getting up for the bathroom and one shower. Once Dr. Morgan made sure her and the baby were okay, Sierra refused to see anyone. Nurses bringing her meals were the only people she saw, and that was good enough for Sierra.

A ring of bruises formed around Sierra's neck, and she hid it under one of her sweaters. She didn't want to look at it. Every time she swallowed her food, it hurt a little bit, and she had tears in her eyes each time. She was offered mild painkillers, but she refused them. She didn't want to risk anything that could hurt the baby after practically being choked to death.

And even though he had almost killed her, Sierra still worried for Karl. For a brief moment, before Dr. Morgan rushed her away, she saw the pain, the true pain, in Karl's eyes when he realized what he did. Sierra knew the risk, and she took it. She was grateful that Redfield never said "I told you so" to her yet. She doubted she'd be able to hear it without decking him.

After three days, she got a quiet knock on the door, and Dr. Morgan came into the room. Sierra was in the middle of eating her chicken soup and she smiled weakly at the doctor. "Hey, Sierra. How are you fairing?"

Sierra sighed shakily, trying to hold back the tears that never seemed to stop since her attack. "I'm still upset about it, if that's what you mean," she replied, sipping the soup's broth from her spoon. Swallowing didn't hurt as much now, but it still made her shiver.

Dr. Morgan nodded and sat in front of her. "Can I see the mark? I just want to make sure no other blood vessels have broken."

Reluctantly, Sierra nodded and shifted the collar of her hoodie. Dr. Morgan glanced over it, not touching it to avoid hurting her. "It's healing, which is a wonderful sign."

Sierra moved some of the noodles in the broth around slowly. "How is he?"

Dr. Morgan let out a quiet sigh. "I don't think it's a good idea for me to speak about him."

"I'm not scared of him, if that's what you're worried about," Sierra stated, her voice rising higher than her small murmur.

The doctor raised an eyebrow. "Sierra, he almost killed you."

"And you have only known him for about a week." She looked the doctor right in the eyes. "I've lived with the man for six months, barely ever leaving his side. If he intentionally wished to hurt me, he would have left me to die in Dimitrescu's castle."

Sierra gestured to the door. "You lock away a man who has lost everything he worked years for, and expect him to comply with your fucking rules. If he wouldn't have done it to me, then it would've happened to one of the soldiers. And no safeword would have stopped him."

Dr. Morgan's face turned to pure surprise. "Safeword? Is that why he stopped before he..."

Sierra nodded and relaxed against the wall. "I chose it the first time he erm... touched me. He didn't want to go past my limit. It was the only chance to stop him, and I guess it worked for more than sex for once."

"It sure did," Dr. Morgan said, thinking. Taking her phone out, she tapped away then showed it to Sierra. It was a picture of what was on the screen above the two way mirror in Heisenberg's cell. The heart rate was well over 150bpm, and his body was very high in temperature. "This was taken the morning just before you visited." She tapped away again, and showed another picture of the screen. His bpm was around 65, and his body was visibly cooled. "This was taken when you were talking to him, right before he attacked you."

Sierra looked up at her. "You're saying I calmed him down?"

Dr. Morgan nodded and began to tap again. "His bpm should've killed him for going on that long. Seeing you may have settled him, but that was a very large change his body went through quickly."

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