Chapter 5: Don't Call Me 'Lord'

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A lot of things were going through Sierra's mind after her interactions with Karl Heisenberg. She had expected him to hit her after she had practically disrespected him, but he instead surprised her when he moved her hair out of the way. Most people would have been freaked out, and rightly so, but Sierra wasn't. She felt... comforted by the touch. He had been fairly good to her, feeding her and giving her her own space, and she felt like she almost screwed that up.

She lay in her bed after Heisenberg left, and ran the situation over and over in her mind. Maybe I also enjoy the company, he had said. Was he being serious? He spent so much time in the factory alone, she didn't think he really liked anyone being around. Sierra sighed and rubbed her face irritatingly. She didn't know what to do.

A faint horse whinny caught her attention, and she rolled out of bed to peek out the window. She saw a horse-drawn carriage coming into Heisenberg's property, and the poor beast was hauling a huge man in the back of it. How the horse hadn't blown its back out pulling him, she had no idea.

Sierra watched as the man stopped the carriage, and Heisenberg appeared not long after. The two spoke and Karl went behind the carriage, and four large boxes of items floated out behind him. They were unmarked, but she saw each had a piece of metal attached to it so he could carry them inside. His supplies, she thought to herself.

The large man stopped Karl, and they spoke for a second and exchanged bags before the driver somehow reached behind him and pulled out a smaller box. He handed it to Karl, who looked up to Sierra's room, and their eyes locked for a moment before she ducked away from the window. She scurried back to her bed as she listened to the carriage pull away, and she bit her cheek nervously. They had yet to speak since Heisenberg left, but it looked like she wouldn't have much of a choice soon enough.

The door to the apartment opened, and Sierra listened as the four boxes hit the floor, and Heisenberg let out a sigh. There was a bang on wood and a creak as the crates were opened, and she heard it three more times, and then rummaging. She picked at the blanket, her heart skipping as she debated on going out to help. Sierra knew she'd have to face the music at some point, so she took a deep breath and walked to her door quietly, and watched Heisenberg take canned and dried goods out and set them in the cupboard.

Sierra cleared her throat and asked, "Do you need some help?"

Karl looked over at her, and she couldn't pinpoint the emotion in his eyes. He gave her a once-over before putting a can away with a shrug. "Sure."

She let out the breath she was holding and went to one of the boxes. Some were cold goods like cheese, butter, and some sauces. She placed them in the small fridge and moved the box away before going to help with the third box. The fourth one contained nothing but cigars, so Sierra left it alone before helping Heisenberg with the others.

The air was thick with tension as they finished emptying the containers, and when Karl took the boxes outside, Sierra decided to make him a meal. She grabbed some of the ingredients that were brought in, and turned on the stovetop to preheat, and she set a pan on it.

She cut up some chicken, put it in the pan, and spread some spices on it. After that, she grabbed some peppers, mushrooms, and rice and began preparing them. "What are you doing?" Heisenberg asked as he came back, making Sierra jump.

She looked at him and lifted the small pot with rice cooking in it. "I'm making food, like you told me to."

"Why?" His eyes narrowed at her as he leaned against the counter with his arms crossed.

Sierra felt her face grow warm as she stirred the rice. "To thank you, for tolerating Angie yesterday. I know you don't like the other lords, you made that loud and clear." She looked up at him. "But I appreciated the company she gave, even if she did scare the daylights out of me when she got there."

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