Book II, Chapter 7: The Facility

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I don't know much about Umbrella Corp or anything deep into the Resident Evil lore, so bear with me 😅


The helicopter ride didn't last for more than three hours. Sierra had drifted off against Heisenberg's shoulder at some point, and only woke up when the helicopter landed. She blinked her eyes slowly and looked around, and one of the men opened the doors, hopping out. Chris Redfield stood up and gestured to the surviving villagers.

"Come on, we have rooms available for you until everything is figured out!" he called over the propellars. He stepped out, and all of the villagers filed out.

Sierra unbuckled and grabbed her bag, and followed with Karl right on her heels. As they stepped out of the helicopter, men surrounded Heisenberg and put his hands behind his back, cuffing him. "Hey!" Sierra cried, turning to them. "Let him go!"

Redfield put an arm out to stop her, and Sierra watched as Karl gave them an annoyed look, but didn't fight them. "Sorry, Ms. Brown," Chris said to her, "but he's not going with you this time."

"You do realize these won't hold me, right?" Heisenberg pointed out, wiggling his fingers in the metal cuffs.

Redfield rolled his eyes annoyingly. "Humour me."

"Why are you taking him?!" Sierra looked desperately at Karl, and he gave her a sad smile. "What are you going to do to him?!"

"It was part of his agreement, Ms. Brown."

Sierra looked at Chris. "What agreement?!"

Chris sighed. "Let's get you inside and I'll explain it more."

Just as he tried to pull her to the large facility, she wiggled out of his grasp and ran to Karl. He leaned down and Sierra kissed him firmly, letting him feel her fears in her heart. They released hesitantly, and Karl murmured to her, "Do as he says. I'll be fine."

"But --"

"Go, Sierra," he said a bit louder. Redfield gestured to his men and they began to escort Heisenberg to a different door of the facility.

Sierra's heart sank as she watched the love of her life be taken away, and tears fell from her eyes. What were they going to do to him? What agreement did he make with these people? Chris cleared his throat quietly and touched her shoulder. "Ms. Brown, this way."

Sierra reluctantly agreed and began to follow Redfield and the other survivors towards the facility. It was a large facility made of one huge building and a few small ones, much bigger than Karl's factory from the outside. There were vehicles and other helicopters all around the tarmac, along with men and women dressed as if they were going to war. They were definitely not military, by the looks of their black uniforms. Who the fuck are these people? Sierra thought as she and the other villagers were led inside. The facility seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by a forest so this place would be far from prying eyes.

Security stopped each villager and checked their belongings, including Sierra's bag. When they didn't find anything, they were led down a long, brightly lit hallway. Glancing around, Sierra felt like they were in some kind of hospital. The floors were made of dark grey linoleum, with off-white walls from floor to ceiling. Brown doors led to unknown rooms, and Sierra saw cameras in every corner and almost every ten feet they walked.

One by one, the villagers were brought to separate rooms, and Sierra was the last to enter one. Redfield opened the door and nudged her inside. The room looked vaguely like a college dorm room. It had a twin bed, a desk, a small TV in the corner, and a door to a small bathroom with a shower. It felt like a fucking mental hospital.

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