Book II, Chapter 13: Chloe Mackenzie Heisenberg

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The song I have in the media section is what I use when I think of Karl and Sierra welcoming their daughter into the world. It may not be the same for everyone else, but I really love this song 🥰 Gives me big feels.

Also I'm not the best at describing how labour and delivery works since I've never had a kid, so I'm sorry if it seems inacurate 😅


Three months later...

"Broken Motors, my name's Desireè, how can I help you?" The receptionist answered the phone halfheartedly, expecting another appointment for a tire change. "Karl's busy right n --" Desireè's eyes widened as she stood up from her chair. "Hold on, let me get him."

Taking the cordless phone with her, Desireè poked her head in the garage and whistled. "Karl!"

"What?! I'm fucking busy here!" The voice came from underneath the hood of an old pickup truck, where Heisenberg and his boss/coworker Eric were trying to fix the engine.

"It's your wife! Her water broke!"

A resounding BONG echoed through the garage as Karl lifted his head too quickly. Eric winced and held the hood as Karl stepped back and looked to the woman. "She what?!"

"Her water broke!"

Heisenberg began to curse, running a hand through his hair. Eric put a hand on Karl's shoulder. "Go, take the time you need. And congrats to you both." Karl gave him a grateful pat before bolting out of the garage. He hopped into his SUV and sped out of the parking lot, dialling Sierra's phone number.


"Karl?" Sierra's voice was pained as she waddled to the bedroom to grab their overnight bag and the baby bag.

"I'm on my way, Sierra. Are you okay?"

She groaned as she felt a contraction rip through her, making her clutch her belly and lean against the wall. "Ow... fuck... No, I'm not okay. Your daughter wants out, and I want her out."

She heard him cursing at people as he sped through the traffic. "Five minutes and I'll be there. Don't lift a fucking thing."

He hung up, leaving Sierra to fight through the contraction. Bella whined and nuzzled Sierra's hand, and she pat the pitbull gently. "Your sister's on her way," she murmured, slowly standing up straight as the pains subsided.

Sierra picked up the baby bag slowly and pulled up the handle of the overnight bag, and began to roll it out to the front door. It had been a long few months of anticipation as she waited for their daughter's due date, and as she grew closer go the day, Sierra began to grow tired of being so pregnant. It was impossible to do anything herself, and since Karl had started his new job, things were that much more difficult.

Sitting in a chair in the dining room area, Sierra rubbed her swollen belly as she waited for Karl. She timed her contractions, and it seemed like they were maybe about eight minutes apart. She felt another one starting as she heard Karl practically drift into the driveway, and the car door slam.

He burst into the house and saw Sierra bent over, her eyes shut as the contraction shook her. "Sierra," he murmured, running over to her. She took deep breaths as she felt his hand rub her back slowly, and she looked up at him. "I'm here, buttercup. Let's get you to the hospital."

Grabbing the bags, Karl carried them out to the car as Sierra slowly got to her feet. She pat Bella on the head as she made it to the door, and Karl reappeared, worry in his eyes. "You'll have to come walk Bella and feed her tonight," she said as he took her hand.

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