Book II, Chapter 1: Miranda's Truth

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Hey everyone! Thank you for all the love in the first book with Sierra and Karl 🥰 I will do my best to be accurate to the lore of RE8, but I apologize in advance 😅

These parts takes place 3 months after the end of the Birthday part. There's lots to come, and I'll do my best to keep it up 🥰


"That looks ridiculous."

"It does not!"

"God. Why am I even helping you with this?"

"Because you love me."

Heisenberg frowned at Sierra as she slid the dark mahogany curtain onto the curtain rod. Holding it up, she grinned at his frustrated look. "Up, please," she giggled.

With a sigh, Heisenberg used his electro magnetic ability and raised the rod with the new curtain up on the hook, putting it into place. Sierra spread the curtain out to cover the balcony window on both sides and nodded when it fit into place. "There! That doesn't look so bad now, does it?"

Heisenberg grunted and went to sit on the bed that now had a matching bedset to the curtain. "I have the ability to bend and throw metal, and you had me use it for fucking home decor."

Sierra rolled her eyes and opened the curtains up to bring in some sunlight, and turned to the man on the bed. She loved looking at him so much, it made her giddy and happy that he was all hers. "It looks so much better now, though!" she pouted.

Heisenberg scoffed as he lifted the black pillowcase on his side. "It makes no difference what we sleep on."

"It makes all the difference," Sierra retaliated.

"Not when you're bent over it and biting the sheets all night," he snickered.

Sierra's face blushed and she shook her head. "It's better to bite clean sheets." As she walked by him, she smacked the hat off his head. "Fiend."

Heisenberg grabbed her wrist faster than she could blink, pulling her back to stand between his legs. Sierra felt her face grow warmer as his hands wrapped around and grabbed her by the ass, his eyes filled with mischief. "Since when did it become okay for you to be so bratty, hmm?"

"Since my period started and you couldn't fuck the brat out of me."

Heisenberg's smirk faded and he sighed in defeat, but Sierra laughed and hugged his head. "How much longer until it's over?" he complained as he buried his face into her body.

Sierra had to think for a moment. "A few days at most," she replied, stroking his thick grey hair. He let out a groan and she laughed. "Oh, come on now, it's not that bad."

Heisenberg lifted his head and glared at her. "A week without being inside you is fucking torment."

She shrugged. "You did well all these years without me."

His hand slapped her ass, making her yelp at the sting. "Because I didn't have you in my bed," he growled. "The moment your period's over, I'm tying you to the bed for the day."

Sierra bit her lip as she remembered the last time he had done it. She couldn't walk for the whole day afterwards, but it had been worth all of it. "Only if you have some chocolate ice cream left."

Heisenberg rubbed her back and sighed. "A small bit may be left, I think."

She frowned and pulled his hair to look him in the eyes. The glare he gave her made her heart skip a beat. "If there's no ice cream, I'm going to Donna and Angie's for a month."

"Like fuck you are."

"You can't stop me."

Gripping her ass, Heisenberg hoisted himself back onto the bed and pulled her onto his lap. Sierra giggled as she repositioned herself to straddle him, sitting on his very noticable bulge in his pants. Heisenberg held her by the nape of her neck and kissed her deeply. "Wanna bet, kitten?" he purred against her lips.

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