Book II, Chapter 3: Temporary Goodbye

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"What did you pack?"

Sierra looked up at Heisenberg as he pulled his coat on. "Clothes to last me a few days, my sketchbook, my documents, and my phone."

He smiled as she began pulling her jacket on. "The same thing you came to the village with."

She giggled and slung the bag over her shoulders. "I'll also be leaving with you, I hope."

He stroked her cheek gently. "You mean you will be leaving with me." Smiling slightly, Sierra nodded. "C'mon, we've got quite a walk ahead of us." Using his abilities, he lifted a couple of metal-lined crates and stepped out of the apartment.

Sierra looked back at the place that had been her home for the past six months, and felt her heart sink. Regardless of what happened in the next few days, she was never going to see this place again. So many memories filled this space, she would forever be grateful for them. Readjusting her bag, she shut the doors and followed Heisenberg down and out of the factory doors.

They walked across the large open field behind the factory, and headed for a trail that Sierra could barely make out in the trees. She caught up with Karl and remained close to him as he entered the treeline. "So, where are we going?" she asked.

"I have a safehouse that I had built not long after you arrived. It's remote, and not noticable even from the super sized bitch's castle." Heisenberg looked down at her. "There's a path leading away from the safehouse that will take you to the closest road, far from the village."

Sierra's eyebrows rose. "How did you find it?"

"A lot of fucking tracking. Took me a month just to mark it and then make sure it was visible enough to be seen for you."

"Wow." Sierra looked at the small path they were on now. The vegetation was packed down by something, probably a piece of metal he dragged, and it weaved through the trees and very quickly began to go up. It was only a matter of time before Sierra realized that he was leading her up the mountain.

"You put it all the way up here?" she panted after about ten minutes of walking uphill. It wasn't very steep, but she wasn't in the best of shape, and going uphill consistantly was beginning to make her calves ache.

Heisenberg looked back at her and slowed when he saw she wasn't keeping up as well. "Do you need help?" he asked her.

Sierra waved a hand as she caught up to him. "No, I got it. Just don't walk so damn fast. Your legs are longer than mine." She readjusted her bag again and paused to catch her breath when he waited for her.

Heisenberg frowned and opened his hand. "Give me your bag."

Sierra shook her head. "I've got it, Karl."

He rolled his eyes. "You're not going to make it up there with any lungs left if you have to carry it. Give it to me, kitten, or I'll just sling you over my shoulder, bag and all."

Sierra actually debated on letting him do it, but she gave in and slid her bag off and handed it to him. He slung it over his shoulder and smirked at her before beginning the hike again. "Thank you," she mumbled as she followed, rubbing her shoulders where the straps dug into her skin.

She heard a small chuckle from him, but he didn't reply as they continued up the side of the mountain. She didn't want to admit it was a lot easier now that she didn't have the bag, but Sierra was able to keep up relatively easier now.

The farther up they went, the colder the air began to be. Sierra was grateful she wore the jacket Donna and Angie had made for her, it kept her quite warm for the trek. Karl kept looking back at her to make sure she was okay and keeping up, before continuing on.

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