I Dont Know How To Name Chapter 4

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The three strange boys were asleep on the couch, all a tangle of limbs and bodies. They had refused to separate again after dinner. Tubbo was laying on Ranboo's chest, Tommy curled around them, using his wings to shield the three.

"Dad?" Wilbur whispered, walking into the living room where Phil was keeping an eye on the boys, "what are we going to do with them?"

Phil hummed, letting his eyes close, "I don't know. I've never seen anyone like them."

Wilbur nodded, "is this another case of spontaneous adoption?"

"Techno had been living with us almost his whole life, it wasn't spontaneous." Phil rolled his eyes.

Wilbur chuckled, "I guess that's why I was so surprised when I found out he was adopted."

Techno yawned as he walked into the room, "honestly, I don't know how you did t figure it out sooner. We don't even have the same accent, let alone similar powers."

"We have the same birthday, what else was I supposed to think!?" Wilbur cried, only to be shushed by Phil.

"Quiet. The boys are sleeping." Phil sighed.

"I'm actually still awake."

The heros looked over to see the faint glow of Ranboo's eyes.

"I just can't move without waking these two." The boy laughed lightly.

Phil smiled and nodded, taking a seat across from the couch, "well, are you up for answering some questions?"

Ranboo nodded, shifting his arm as Tommy rolled over onto his shoulder.

"Why were you three out in the woods alone?" Phil asked, leaning forward.

Ranboo hesitated, "I don't really remember how we got here. My memory isn't very good. Tommy and Tubbo don't like talking about what happened. All I know is that we escaped someplace and Tubbo got hurt really bad during it."

Wilbur frowned, "how long were you living in the forest? And how did you survive?"

"A couple years I think?" Ranboo sighed, "and it was mostly Tommy. He was able to sneak into town and steal food. He said it was because he's part raccoon."

Techno chuckled at that, leaning against the wall.

"So, what are you guys?" Phil asked.

Ranboo looked at him, "what do you mean?"

"Usually people only have one trait or power. You seem to have multiple." Phil told him.

Ranboo's eyes went wide, "oh... Well, I'm an enderman and cat hybrid, with something else that I... Don't remember..."

"I'm sorry mate." Phil said.

"What about the other two?" Wilbur asked, "Tommy and Tubbo?"

"Tommy is a hybrid of a golden retriever, an eastern screech owl, and a raccoon." Ranboo told the heros, "Tubbo is a bee-goat hybrid."

Techno hummed, "do y'all have any powers?"

Ranboo nodded, "I can teleport. Tubbo has stingers in his wrists and can fly. Tommy has incredible hearing and can climb really fast."

"He can't fly?" Wilbur asked, looking at the bright red wings.

Ranboo shook his head, "he can glide, but says he can't figure out how to move his wings right."

"Hey Phil, maybe you could teach him." Techno smirked.

Phil chuckled, "I'll have to take care of his feathers first."

"What, why?" Ranboo asked quickly, pulling his friends closer.

"It's nothing bad, don't worry." Phil gave him a reassuring smile, "his feathers are just dirty and they look like they haven't been preened in a while."

"Oh... Okay..." Ranboo whispered, looking at his friends wings.

Phil sighed and stood up, "anyway, you sound get some sleep. It's nearly midnight. If you need anything, our rooms are down the hall."

Ranboo nodded, his eyes slowly closing. Wilbur hung back for a moment to grab his tablet, noticing it was open on the note app. He swiped through some of the drawings. A flower, a bee, and...

Wilbur looked at this drawing curiously. It looked like doctors surrounding a young boy, half the doctors holding large needles and the other half holding the boy down.

The phantom swiped to a new drawing. A boy who almost looked like Tommy without wings chained to a wall. A collar around his neck.

Another drawing. Ranboo submerged in water. It looked like it was burning him.

A boy screaming as insect wings ripped out of his back.

The boys being dragged apart into separate rooms, all of them bloody and so small.

Wilbur turned off the tablet with gritted teeth. What the hell were those? Who drew them? And why were the so... graphic?

Wilbur set the tablet back where he found it. He'll bring it up to Phil and Techno tomorrow. Then maybe they could ask Tommy and Tubbo questions as well.

The ghost shifter yawned. He had too much social interaction today with the townsfolk. It was definitely time for bed. As he walked away, he heard a small whimper from the couch. Like a puppy who just got kicked.

Wilbur turned back to see Tommy shaking in his sleep, his tail tucked between is legs. He sighed softly and walked over to the boy.

"It's okay Tommy." Wilbur gently scratched behind the golden dog ears, "you're safe here. I promise."

Tommy stopped shaking, leaning into the touch lightly. And Wilbur did not awe at the gremlin. He did not take an extra moment to comb out the twigs and tangle in his hair. And he definitely did not smile when Tommy moved slightly and his ear flipped inside-out.

Wilbur sighed and walked back to his room. They'd figure everything out eventually.

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now