Philza Minecraft, Creator Of Minecraft

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T.W.: mild panic attack

Tommy grinned up at the father figure, "Phil can I play Minecraft again!?"

It had been a few days since the bubble bath incident. Tommy had apparently dumped half the bottle into the tub, causing bubbles to fill the entire bathroom. They only managed to coax him out with the promise of Minecraft. But now Tommy thinks Phil created the game.

"Actually Tommy, I want to talk with you for a bit." Phil said as Tommy's smile fell.

"Why?" Tommy asked as Phil reached for his coat and a bag.

Phil smiled at him, "you'll see. Now come on."

Tommy nodded as Phil lead him out of the door, "is Tubbo and Ranboo coming?"

"Nope, it's just you and me mate." Phil said as they walked down an overgrown path.

Tommy gulped. Had he done something wrong? Was he going to be separated from Tubbo and Ranboo again!? No! No, no, no! He'll never leave them again!

"Tommy? You alright mate?" Phil asked, turning to the boy who stood frozen in the path.

Tommy's wings started to shake as his tail poofed up. He couldn't be separated from them again! He couldn't!

"Tommy." Phil gently place his hands on the boy's shoulders, "what's wrong?"

"I can't be separated from them again!" Tommy yelled, tears stinging his eyes, "I can't! I can't!"

"Woah, woah, it's okay." Phil said, "we're only going to be gone for a little bit. I'm not taking you away forever."

Tommy looked up at Phil with wide eyes, "Really?"

Phil looked at the boy in concern, "of course mate. I just wanted to teach you to fly and take care of your wings."

"Fly..." Tommy whispered, then his eyes went dark, "no. I'm not flying."

Phil was taken back, "why not?"

"I'm just not!" Tommy snapped, baring his teeth at the older.

"Alright..." Phil said slowly, "at least let me teach you how to sort out your feathers."

Tommy paused. That didn't seem too bad. He nodded shortly.

Phil smiled at him, "it'll be quick, I promise."

Tommy followed Phil further down the path. Slowly, he got more relaxed. Phil wasn't forcing him like they did. Besides, it was nice here...

"Here we are mate." Phil smiled as they reached a clearing.

Tommy nodded, looking around, "um, where are we?"

Phil shrugged, "it's just a random clearing I found a few days ago. But it's privet and in a place where no one cares if feathers get everywhere."

Phil chuckled as he finished, walking over to a log that had fallen over. Tommy followed him curiously. Phil sat down, settling his wings behind him as he sorted through his bag.

"Sit." Phil smiled, gesturing in front of him.

Tommy walked over as sat down, his wings facing Phil. The winged superhero hummed as he looked at the boys wings. They were in horrible shape. According to Ranboo, he had owl wings. Owls had special feathers to help them fly completely silent, but they needed to be kept in pristine condition. And Tommy's feathers were definitely not in any sort of condition.

Phil gently took one of Tommy's wings, stretching it out slightly, "Is this alright?"

Tommy shrugged. In all honesty, it felt really nice. Phil gently massaged the joints in the wings, working out stress knots from the surprisingly built flight muscles. For someone who supposedly couldn't fly, he sure seemed strong enough too.

And Tommy practically melted into the touch. No one had ever been this gentle with his wings, and after they escaped, he wouldn't let Tubbo or Ranboo even attempt to handle them.

Phil combed through the tattered feathers, smoothing out the filaments and barbs. Most of the feathers were damaged beyond repair. The barbs broken, not allowing the filaments to lay properly and making the feathers look fluffy instead of sleek. Phil hoped once the feathers molted off, the next set would be better.

As Phil was smoothing the feathers to the best of his ability, he found scars. Most of them looked like they were caused by something restricting his wings. Some were puncture wounds. And around the shoulder joint, seemed to be surgical scars.

"Tommy." Phil said quietly.

Tommy hummed, half asleep.

Phil combed out another loose feather, "What happened to you?"

Tommy shivered slightly, pulling his wings a little closer, "I don't..."

"Did someone do this?" Phil asked.

Tommy hesitantly nodded.

"Do you know who?" Phil sighed softly at the thought of someone hurting any of the boys.

Tommy shook his head, "just a smiley face... That's all they wore..."

Phil frowned. The only person he know who wore a smiley face was Dream. But he was one of the top heroes, why would he be attacking kids?

"Can we go home and play Minecraft now?" Tommy asked, leaning his head on Phil's legs.

"Yeah mate." Phil scratched behind Tommy's ears.

Tommy smiled and closed his eyes, "I fuckin love Minecraft."

Phil picked up the half asleep boy, "I know mate. Let's get you home now."

Tommy hummed, his tail swishing slowly from side to side. Phil smiled down at him. Despite being an absolute chaos gremlin, Tommy was a good kid.

Wilbur looked up as Phil walked in the house. He gave his dad a small smirk.

"Shut." Phil said, placing the sleeping boy on the couch.

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