As History Repeats

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T.W.: blood, major c!death, explosions

Phil was out on patrol when he heard it. The explosions. It shook the ground, the very air in which he hovered. And it came from the Complex.

Techno had just went back to check on things. Wilbur was injured. The boys hadn't been trained in any survival situations. Any one of the could be hurt, or worse. The thought pushed Phil to fly faster towards the-

The Complex was still standing.

Phil swooped down. He swore he heard explosions, he felt it. What happened? For some reason, he felt pulled to the back of the building.

Around the back of the building, was Wilbur. He was mumbled to himself, his hand hovering over a button- no, a switch linked to explosives.

Phil flicked his wings out, "what are you doing."

"Phil?" Wilbur jumped, looking up in panic.

Phil glared down at his son, "what are you doing."

"I’m not- I wasn’t doing anything! We just- We just made Tubbo president!" Wilbur nervously laughed, "We- Um- We elected Tubbo president and we won! We won the war! Schlatt’s gone! Schlatt’s gone, Phil- So, it’s um-"

"Wil, what are you talking about?" Phil asked, taking a step forward, "Schlatt retired years ago, there's no president- no war!"

Wilbur took a few breaths, holding his head, "no, no no! PHIL- I’M ALWAYS SO CLOSE TO PRESSING THIS BUTTON, PHIL! I’ve been here- I’ve been here like seven or eight times! I’ve been here- seven or eight times…!"

"Seven or eight- Wilbur! You got released from the hospital yesterday!" Phil yelled.

"I don’t even- I don’t even know if it works anymore, Phil. I don’t even know if the button works. I could- I could… press it and it might…?" Wilbur looked up at his father.

"You really wanna take that risk…?" Phil laughed lightly, "There is a lot of TNT potentially connected to that button."

"Phil-" Wilbur took a breath, "There was a saying, Phil… uh… by a traitor uh… once part of L’Manburg. A traitor, I don’t know if you’ve heard about Eret…?"

"What..?" Phil whispered.

"He had a saying, Phil." Wilbur smiled, "It was never meant to be…"

Wilbur pressed the button.

"NO!" Phil screamed, launching himself forward and shielding his son from the TNT that rang through the Complex.

The fire and shrapnel singed his feathers, burning them to his skin. Phil grit his teeth at the pain. This wasn't Wilbur. Not his Wilbur.

The explosions stopped. The dust settled. Luckily, many heros were out of the complex at the time, and the ones who were inside seemed alive at least.

The Warden, Sam, got up from under a pile of rubble, revealing Ponk and Foolish. Puffy managed to squeeze out from under a beam. She was now helping Quackity, who was unconscious with rebar jutting through his stomach. Sneegsnag was running around in small form, checking on Smajor and Snifferish. Aimsy and Bearbub we're limping toward Eret and Ori.

"Wilbur!?" Tommy yelled, his wing pinned by a block of concrete.

Ranboo teleported next to him, looking ready to pass out as he gripped onto Tubbo and Michael. Techno ran up to them, attempting to move the concrete, but ended up catching Ranboo when the block didn't move.

Wilbur laughed lightly, "My L’Manburg, Phil! My unfinished symphony! FOREVER UNFINISHED! If I can’t have this no one can, Phil!"

"Oh my god…" Phil whispered.

"Kill me, Phil. Phil, kill me. Phil," Wilbur forced a sword into his father's hand, holding it tight with his own, "kill me."

Phil shook his head, staring down at his son.

"Phil, stab me with the sword. Murder me, now. Kill me. Killza. Killza!" Wilbur laughed, his eyes shining green, "Do it. Kill me, Phil. Murder me! Look! They all want you to!"

Phil glanced over, seeing everyone watching them closely.

"Do it, Phil. Kill me..." Wilbur begged, forcing the point of the sword into his own stomach, "Phil, kill me."

"I can’t-" Phil gasped, "YOU’RE MY SON!"

"PHIL, KILL ME!" Wilbur yelled.

"No matter what you- dude! No matter what you’ve done, I can’t-" Phil's voice got quiet.

"Phil… This isn’t- LOOK! LOOK! How much work went into this and it’s gone! Do it." Wilbur sighed, reaching up with the hand that wasn't holding Phil's hand to the sword and held his father's shoulder "Do it."

Phil shook his head, "I can't..."

Wilbur smiled softly, "I know..."

Wilbur pulled his father close. To the outside eye, it looked like a hug...

"Thank you..." Wilbur laughed lightly.

Phil's eyes were wide. He felt frozen in place, the blood spilling onto his hand scalding. Wilbur rested his head on Phil's shoulder, letting his eyes fall closed.

"Wil..." Phil caught his son as he fell, "WIL!"

It was over. Phil frantically felt for his son's heartbeat. He couldn't be dead. Not with his blood on Phil's hands.

"Phil..." someone grabbed his shoulder, "it's over."

"No... No!" Phil cried, shrugging the hand off his shoulder.

"Dad." Techno said, "he's gone."

Phil leaned down until his head hit Wilbur's unmoving chest. His broken wings shielded the body from everyone's view as he cried. He cried for everyone. He cried for the heros who would need to rebuild. He cried for the people who got injured. He cried for unprepared and unprotected.

But he refused to cry for himself. Because that would mean he would have to accept reality. He would have to accept that his son was dead.

"Phil." A new shadow fell over him.

Phil didn't need to look up to know it was Dream.

"We have to find out who did this." Dream said, creating a white sheet to lay over Wilbur's body, "you can't sit here moping. There's people out there who need your help."

Phil glanced up. Sapnap was with Quackity, their other fiance, a retired hero Karl, was with them. George had put Tommy to sleep, allowing Sam to lift the concrete without hurting the boy more. Smajor, Eret, Foolish, and Sniff we're already clearing the rubble in preparation for rebuilding.

Techno helped his father stand, "I have a feeling XD is connected to this. Between the green in Wil's blood, and the random occurrence of him showing up. It can't be a coincidence."

Phil nodded, refusing to watch as Dream draped the sheet over Wilbur's body, "we'll figure this out. But first, let's make sure everyone's okay."

Techno gave Phil a short nod, following him into the rubble.

Dream stayed back for a moment. He felt like something was off. Like Wilbur needed something else. The masked man knelt next to the covered body, lightly touching the white sheet.

Colors spiraled from his fingertips. Black, yellow, red, and blue. A flag fit for a king. Or a president. Or even just an old friend.

Dream stood. This wasn't the end. This was just the beginning.

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