Out Again

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"You killed him..." Dream whispered.

"W-what?" Tommy's eyes filled with tears.

XD laughed, "N-No! I would- I wouldn't hurt George!"

XD rushed over to George's body. He cradled the dead man, realizing Dream was right.

"No..." XD mumbled, "no no no no no!"

Dream inched over to the boys, "come on..."

Dream grabbed Ranboo as Tommy helped Tubbo walk around XD. Dream felt like he couldn't take his eyes off of George's body.

"I can bring him back." XD said, holding up his hand and collecting a ball of blue light.

XD slammed the ball of light into George's chest. For a moment nothing happened. Then George shot up, breathing heavily.

He pushed himself out of XD's arms, "get off of me!"

"George!" XD smiled, "I brought you back to life!"

Tommy's eyes went wide, "what the fuck!?"

George stood quickly, backing away from the god, "you killed me!?"

"Don't worry!" XD laughed, "as soon as I kill the experiments, everything will be okay!"

"No!" George yelled, moving to stand between XD and the others.

"Yes!" XD stood up.

A wall of flames filled the corridor, separating XD from the rest. Sapnap stood up slowly, grinning.

"That should buy us enough time to get away from this creep." Sapnap let out a small laugh.

Dream smiled, "thanks Sap. Let's get out. Hopefully Techno found Fundy and Michael by now."

"Michael?" Tubbo lifted his head slightly.

Tommy smiled as he followed the Dream Team out of the facility, "yeah, we'll see him soon Tubbo."

The three heros and the three kids made it out of the facility. Tommy felt the sunlight hit his face for the first time in a week. He smiled as they walked across the grass to the ambulances and medical teams standing by. Tommy saw Technoblade in the back on one of the ambulances, holding Michael. Fundy was behind him, getting checked up by a paramedic.

"Tubbo look." Tommy said, "there's Michael!"

Tubbo didn't respond, having passed out somewhere along the way out.

Paramedics ran over, trying to take Tubbo from Tommy. Tommy just held his friend tighter.

"I'm not leaving him again!" Tommy snarled.

"Tommy, you're not going to be separated again." Dream told him, letting the paramedics take Ranboo, "Tubbo needs medical attention now, and so do you."

Tommy's breathing picked up slightly as he took a step back.

"We can treat both of you at the same ambulance." The paramedic said, "but you can't carry him all the way there."

Tommy hesitated, "I don't want to leave him again..."

"You don't have to." The paramedic said, trying and this time succeeding in taking Tubbo from Tommy, "now come on, you're safe now."

Tommy nodded, following the stretcher Tubbo was on closely. Once they reached the ambulance, Techno came over. Michael was curled up in his arms.

"Tommy..." Techno sighed, hugging the boy tightly, "I'm so sorry."

Tommy teared up, burying his face in Techno's shirt. He didn't know what he wanted him to say, but that wasn't it. Tommy didn't want Techno to be sorry. He didn't want anyone to be sorry.

"I want to go home..." Tommy whimpered.

Techno nodded, "soon Theseus. We'll be home soon."

Michael climbed down from Techno's arm, walking over to where Tubbo was laying, "Dah?"

Tubbo managed to turn his head slightly, giving the child a little smile through the oxygen mask on his face, "Hey Michael..."

Michaels eye filled with tears as he tried to climb up onto the stretcher, "Dah!"

Tubbo placed a hand on the child's head, "I'm okay Michael... Tommy? Where's Boo?"

Tommy looked up, "h-he's in the ambulance next to us."

"Is he okay?" Tubbo asked, trying to sit up and look around.

Tubbo gasped, falling back onto the bed. Tommy jumped to his side.

"Tubbo! What's wrong!?" Tommy worried, gripping the edge of the stretcher, "Tubbo!"

"Dah!" Michael yelled, his tears starting to fall.

The paramedics rushed over, gently pushing Tommy and Michael away. Tommy could barely comprehend what was going on. He heard "crashing" and "surgery" and "critical" as the medics lifted Tubbo into the ambulance.

"Where are they taking him!?" Tommy asked, tugging on Techno's sleeve.

"To the hospital." Techno told him as the ambulance drove away, "you need to go too. When you get there you'll be able to see Tubbo again."

Tommy nodded, keeping a tight hold on Techno's sleeve. Today was too much for him. The shock collar, George dying, XD bringing him back, seeing his best friends completely unresponsive, escaping only to be separated again. Black dots started to swim in his vision.

"Techie, I-" Tommy didn't get to finish his sentence before collapsing into Techno.

"Tommy!" Michael cried.

"It's okay, it's okay." Techno said, picking up the boy, "he just passed out. He'll be okay."

Michael nodded, holding on to Tommy's tail as they walked towards the ambulance Ranboo was at. Ranboo was completely still, his eyes unfocused and gazing at nothing.

"Dah?" Michael whimpered, holding Tommy's tail a little tighter.

Techno handed Tommy off to one of the paramedics, who put him on a second stretcher next to Ranboo. Michael watched as the ambulance doors closed and they drove away.

"T-techo?" Michael sniffed, "where Dah and Tommy?"

Techno sighed, picking up the child, "they're going to the hospital so they can get better."

Fundy limped over, his arm in a sling, "Techno? Where's Grandpa?"

"He's gonna meet us at the hospital." Techno told the fox shifter.

Fundy nodded, yawning, "can I take a nap on our way there?"

Techno let out a small laugh, "sure Fundy."

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now