Chaos 2 Electric Boogaloo

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Wilbur sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as the elevator dinged up to their penthouse. He and Techno finished off the Masks fairly quick with the help of NotFound and Sapnap. By the time BadBoyHalo and Skeppy came for reinforcement, the Masks we're all dead.

Techno grumbled, shaking green dust from his sleeve, "this stuff sticks to everything. It's worse than sand."

"At least they're gone and the boys are safe." Wilbur nodded.

"I can't wait to go to sleep." Techno sighed, waiting for the elevator doors to open.

Unfortunately, they were met with a chaotic scene.

Tubbo was on the chandelier, laughing at Ranboo who was trying to coax him down. On the couch was a huge pile of blankets and pillows. Tommy was nowhere to be found.

"You're dealing with this." Techno said, walking straight past the kids into his room.

Wilbur groaned, trudging over to Ranboo.

"What happened?" He asked.

Ranboo's tail flicked frantically, "Tubbo thought it would be funny to fly up to the hanging crystals and now he refuses to get down and while I was trying to get him down Tommy wandered off somewhere and Tubbo thinks it's funny!"

Wilbur sighed, "Ranboo, go rest in the guest bedroom. I'll take care of Tubbo and find Tommy."

Ranboo nodded, slowly making his way over to the room and disappearing inside. Wilbur looked up to see Tubbo smirking down on him. He smirked back, turning invisible. The phantom saw Tubbos face in an expression of amazement, only to morph into confusion moments later.

Wilbur walked over to the wall, phasing through and climbing the interior until he got up to the ceiling. From there he crawled across until he was right above Tubbo. He poked his head out of the ceiling and turned visible again.

"Hello Tubbo." Wilbur smirked.

Tubbo jumped, his wings flaring in fear, "Wilbur!? How-!? What-!?"

Wilbur chuckled, phasing through the wall to land right beside the bee boy, "I used to come up here a lot too. Mainly to annoy Techno."

Tubbo smiled, "so you'll let me stay up here?"

"No." Wilbur smiled back.

Tubbo groaned as Wilbur attached a rope to the ceiling, grabbing Tubbo and sliding down the rope before pulling it off again. The boy pouted in Wilbur's arms. He was just have a little fun.

Techno opened his door, holding Tommy by the collar of his shirt, "I found a raccoon in my room."

Tommy huffed, "I was just looking around."

"You were messing around with my axe. You could have gotten hurt." Techno sighed.

"But it was so cool!" Tommy whined.

Techno shook his head, "go to bed child."

"But I'm not tired!" Tommy crossed his arms, "where's Phil?"

"He went to check on Dream." Wilbur told him, his expression softening.

"Did something happen to him?" Tubbo asked.

Techno and Wilbur went silent, neither knowing how to break the news to the kids.

"Dream is, um, in the hospital..." Techno said.

"What!? Why!?" Tommy yelled, tugging on Techno's sleeve.

"Is he okay!?" Tubbo squirmed out of Wilbur's arms.

"He's alive." Wilbur told them, "he's in stable condition, but he'll be out of hero work for a while."

"Did he get hurt because of us?" Ranboo asked, standing in the doorway of the guest room.

"No, no," Wilbur turned to the boy, "it wasn't you, hero's just..."

Techno sighed, "heros are still human. We make mistakes, sometimes those mistakes get us hurt. And sometimes those mistakes are unavoidable. But it's no one's fault but the attackers that these things happen."

Ranboo nodded, staying silent. Techno sighed again, starting to close his door.

"I'm going to bed. I haven't slept in two days." Techno said, shutting the door completely.

Wilbur rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm going to sleep too. Phil should be back at some point."

With that, Wilbur went to his room, shutting the door behind him. The boys fell into silence, moving to sit on the couch.

"So, what now?" Ranboo asked.

"I wanna go see Dream!" Tommy said, fluffing his wings up, "he took us to an arcade! He got me a gun!"

"Okay, so when Phil get back-" Ranboo started.

"No!" Tommy yelled, "Let's go now! We can meet up with Phil on the way!"

Tubbo shrugged, "okay! Let's go!"

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ranboo said, "we don't know this place..."

"It's fine! Phil said we could yell and a hero would come running!" Tubbo smiled.

"Exactly!" Tommy nodded, "now let's go before Wilbur and Techno stop us!"

Tubbo jumped up, pulling Ranboo off the couch and towards the elevator. The boys stood in from of the door, not knowing what to do.

"So... How does this work?" Tommy asked.

Ranboo sighed, pressing a button. A few moments later, the doors opened.

"How'd you do that!?" Tubbo gasped.

Ranboo shrugged, "I saw Phil do it when he left."

"Let's go!" Tommy laughed, dragging the other two into the elevator.

Ranboo pushed the button that said one, hoping it would take them to the ground floor. The trio waited with anxious energy as the elevator took them down. The moment the doors opened the trio ran out, almost running into a man Who kind of looked like a green centaur.

"Hey!" The man yelled, but the kids just kept running.

"Sorry!" Ranboo shouted back as he was pulled away.

Tommy laughed as they burst out the doors. This was going to be so much fun!

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now