It's A Chapter, That's For Sure

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Wilbur frowned at the information the heros gave. Five years ago... The boys would have been twelve. That's when Ranboo was transferred to the facility here.

"Did you catch anyone there?" Wilbur asked.

"Yeah..." Sapnap eyed Dream nervously, "we found two kids. Ones goes by Purpled."

Techno raised an eyebrow, "Quackity's sidekick?"

"Yep." Sapnap nodded.

"What about the other kid?" Phil asked.

Dream sighed and looked up at the older, "that was me."

"You!?" Wilbur's eyes went wide.

"Yeah." Dream started, "Sapnap was George's sidekick at the time. They were investigating a facility, found out what was going on, and destroyed it."

"That's a little oversimplified." George crossed his arms, "the facility was government run. Top secret. Sapnap and I were sent to make sure everything was going right. Sapnap wondered off and found Dream locked in a cell, half dead. So I put all the workers to sleep, and Sapnap got Dream out."

"Unfortunately, the workers who were awake hit a self destruct button and blew everything up." Sapnap rubbed the back of his neck, "we managed to find Purpled in the rubble afterwords while looking for survivors."

"Well you missed one!" Wilbur spat.

"What?" Sapnap glared at the top hero.

"Ranboo was at that facility!" Wilbur yelled, "You failed to rescue him then! He was transported to the facility here! He was fucking tortured!"

"You don't think I know that!" Dream shouted, swiftly standing up and facing Wilbur, "I was there too! I never saw Ranboo! I was kept isolated! I never even saw Purpled until we escaped! You don't know what hell we all went through!"

"Dream!" George stood and grabbed his arm, "calm down."

"I need some air." Dream yanked his arm out of George's grasp and went to the backyard.

Dream sighed to himself, trying to calm his emotions. They didn't know what it was like. He leaned against a small fencepost and looked out at the forest.


Dream jumped slightly at the sudden voice. He turned around to see a boy sitting in a window.

"What?" Dream asked.

"You're a bitch." The boy glared, fluffing his wings, "you scared Ranboo. He went into the Enderwalk."

"I'm... Sorry?" Dream gave the boy a look, "who are you?"

"Who are you?" The boy crossed his arms.

"I asked you first." Dream crossed his arms back.

The boy hummed, "My name is Thomas Careful Danger Kraken Innit."

"Shut up Tommy, no it's not." Another boy popped his head out, "his name is Tommy. I'm Tubbo."

"I'm Dream." The hero smiled.

Tubbo smiled back, "you have goat horns like me. Are we related somehow?"

Dream laughed, "I don't think so."

"How old are you?" Tommy asked, leaning forward.

"I'm 21." Dream said, "how old are you?"

"We're seventeen." Tubbo rested his chin on his arms.

Dream tried to look past the boys, "where's the other one? Ranboo?"

"None of your business, bitch!" Tommy hissed, his wings flaring.

"He's sleeping. Don't worry, he's not gonna remember anything." Tubbo said.

Dram tilted his head, "what?"

"Ranboo doesn't remember anything he does in the Enderwalk." Tubbo explained with a smile, "just don't scare him again or I'll skin you alive."

Dream chuckled nervously, "noted..."

Dre watched the two boys closely, then he realized. Tommy's wings... Last time his team was here, they found a feather that matched Tommy's feathers.

"How long have you been out here?" Dream asked.

Tommy shrugged, "couple years?"

"Four years." Tubbo rolled his eyes.

Dream nodded, "I escaped from the facility five years ago."

"You were in the facility!?" Tommy yelled, leaning out the window.

Dream chuckled, "one of them. The one Ranboo came from apparently."

"We're you one of the Smiley Men who hurt him!?" Tommy growled, his wings outstretched, making him seem larger.

"What!? No!" Dream took a step back, "I was one of the experiments! Like you!"

"Then why wear the Smiley mask?" Tubbo asked.

Dream shrugged, "I dunno. It just felt... I guess I felt like I was taking the power back, you know?"

Tommy hummed, settling back down, "so you didn't work for them?"

"No." Dream sighed, sitting on the fence next to the window, "I was the first experiment. I had the power to float originally. They gave me the agility of a goat. And then they tried to make me a god."

"A god?" Tommy scoffed, "did it work?"

Dream smiled, creating a disk out of thin air, "yes."

"Yo! That so cool!" Tubbo gasped.

"Here." Dream chuckled, handing the disk to Tommy, "it's mellohi."

Tommy took the disk with wide eyes, "woah..."

A groan came from inside the room and Tubbo disappeared.

"You good boss man?" Tubbo asked quietly.

"My head hurts..." A deeper voice said.

"I'll get some water." Tubbo said before there was a sound of a door opening and closing.

A new face stumbled next to Tommy. Dream recognized him as Ranboo, although his eyes were red and green instead of purple.

"Um, hello?" Dream gave the boy a small wave.

Ranboo's eyes went wide, "Clay?"

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now