Left The Hospital But Haven't Left The Trauma!

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Tommy sighed happily as he flopped down on his bed.

"Oh my god!" Tommy laughed, "two weeks without my bed! It feels so good to be home!"

Tubbo chuckled lightly, limping over to his bed, "I'm just happy I'm allowed to walk around. A week stuck in a hospital bed sucks."

Ranboo nodded, sticking close to Tubbo. He hadn't said much, only names and water. After a few days, Tommy and Tubbo managed to coax him out of bed. He still seemed pretty out of it mentally, but he was getting better.

Michael came running into their room throwing himself at Tubbo, "Dah!"

"Hi Michael!" Tubbo smiled, gently headbutting the child.

Michael squealed in laughter, hugging his dad tightly. Ranboo sat down next to them.

"Dah!" Michael gasped, reaching up to hug Ranboo.

The enderman-hybrid smiled, leaning forward to boop Michaels nose with his. Michael giggled and hugged Ranboo tighter.

"I wov you!" Michael smiled.

Ranboo blinked, tears welling up in his eyes.

Michael gasped, "no cry! Dah!"

"It's okay Michael." Tubbo rubbed the child's back, "they're happy tears."

Tommy laughed, "you've been learning more words, huh Michael?"

Michael nodded, turning to Tommy, "Uncle Tommy right!"

Tommy nearly started sobbing right then and there, "y-yeah, that's great Michael."

Phil walked in, smiling softly at the boys, "foods ready. Techno made spaghetti."

Ranboo lit up slightly at the mention of his favorite food.

"Awe yes!" Tommy smiled, "the hospital food always awful!"

Phil laughed, "alright, when you're ready you can come out."

The boys nodded. Phil closed the door. The relief he felt when Techno called him saying the boys had been found- Phil never wanted to be more panicked in his life.

"How are they?" Techno asked as Phil walked into the kitchen.

Phil smiled softly, "happy to be home."

Techno nodded, stirring the pasta a little. Fundy was at the table. The fox shifter was still a little shaken by the ordeal, but other than a dislocated shoulder and some nasty bruises, he was okay.

A few minutes later, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo walked out of their room. Michael was in Tommy's arms, snuggled under his chin. Ranboo was helping Tubbo limp to the kitchen.

"I'm starving!" Tommy smiled, sitting down and placing Michael in the chair next to him.

Techno rolled his eyes, putting a plate of spaghetti in front of the boy, "eat up, Theseus."

Tommy nodded, digging into the food. He forgot how good Techno's cooking was. Tubbo smiled as he took the food.

"Thanks Techno!" Tubbo said.

Ranboo have the piglin shifter a small smile, slowly starting to eat the pasta.

It was quiet as everyone ate. There was a sense of relief that filled the air, but also a feeling of guilt. Phil felt responsible for the boys getting kidnapped and tortured. He should have gone with them, or sent Techno out with them.

Tubbo finished first, standing up to put his plate in the kitchen. As he made in into the kitchen, he thought maybe he should have asked someone to take his plate. He leaned heavily on the counter, holding his ribs. Walking around so much today was a bit too much.

The others heard Tubbo fall before they saw him. Phil and Techno jumped up, but before they could move, Ranboo was already standing protectively over Tubbo, his eyes glowing purple. His tail lashed frantically as he growled at anyone who tried to approach.

"Ranboo..." Phil said carefully, "we're here to help..."

"Ranboo! Tubbo's gonna be okay!" Tommy tried to comfort his panicked friend.

Ranboo let out a distressed noise. Tubbo groaned, opening his eyes.

"Boo..." Tubbo reached up to hold Ranboo's face.

Ranboo looked down at Tubbo, the glow fading from his eyes, "Bo..."

Ranboo scrambled back, his back hitting the cabinets behind him. He wrapped his tail around his legs as he started hyperventilating.

"Ranboo?" Phil asked, kneeling by the shaking boy.

Ranboo flinched away from Phil.

"Ranboo, we're not going to hurt you." Phil said, "you're okay. So is Tubbo."

"Yeah, Boo, I'm fine." Tubbo gave him a small smile as Techno helped him up.

Phil tried to reach out again, this time succeeding in pulling Ranboo into a hug. He could feel Ranboo's uneven breaths as he shook. Phil just continued to hold the enderman-hybrid. How could one child be so scared?

Michael climbed down from his chair, carefully walking over to Ranboo, "Dah scawed?"

Phil nodded, "Dad got a little scared, but he's okay."

Michael crawled into Ranboo's lap, "Dah no scawe."

Techno sighed, walking back into the kitchen, "Tubbo's fine now. He's resting in his room."

"What happened?" Tommy asked.

"Overwhelmed I think." Techno shrugged, "too much walking around."

"Dah okay?" Michael asked.

Techno nodded, "he's okay."

Fundy shivered, "that was terrifying... I've never seen him like that..."

Phil sighed. Ranboo had fallen asleep after he calmed down from his panic attack. It was going to be a long healing process for them, both mentally and physically.

Phil picked up Ranboo, "I'm taking him to bed."

"I'm gonna go to." Tommy said, "I'm not that hungry anymore..."

Techno hummed, picking up Michael, "okay."

Tommy followed Phil and Ranboo to his room. Tubbo was already in his bed, fast asleep. Phil played Ranboo on his bed, smiling softly at the little purple particles that swarmed around his head. He hadn't seen them since before the boys were taken.

"Phil?" Tommy whispered, "what's gonna happen with X-XD?"

Phil turned to the boy, "we're going to find him. He'll be put in a high security prison and anyone else he's hurt will be free."

"Promise?" Tommy asked.

Phil hugged him tightly, "I promise."

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