Another Hospital Trip...

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Phil couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the boys. How could anyone be that cruel. Torturing kids to the point of near death.

Ranboo was completely covered in bandages and had a feeding tube taped to his cheek. When he arrived at the hospital, he was in physical shock. The doctors were able to get him out of it safely, but they said the mental shock was the primary risk at the moment. Ranboo wouldn't move, eat, or respond to anyone, besides shaking in the presence of doctors, despite being fully awake. All he would do is stare at his lap.

Tubbo had crashed multiple times on the way to the hospital and during surgery. His ribs were pretty much shattered, causing the bones to poke at his lungs and heart and nearly kill him. He was currently asleep, with lots of pain medication and bandages.

Tommy was the only one who was relatively mobile. The only major injury he sustained was re-breaking his wing. The break was so bad this time, that Tommy had metal pins sticking out of the feathers. Other than that, he had mild burns on his neck, wrapped in bandages. He had been sitting at the window of their room, but looked up as Phil came in.

Phil didn't know what to say. He felt like it was his fault. He let them go alone.

"Phil?" Tommy said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Phil couldn't meet Tommy's gaze as he gripped his arm tightly, "I'm sorry..."

Moments passed in silence. Phil closed his eyes. He didn't want to see the look of anger Tommy must be giving him at that moment.

Phil felt arms wrap around him and opened his eyes. Tommy was... hugging him?

"I wanna go home..." Tommy said, crying softly into Phil's shirt.

Phil hugged the boy back, "we'll go home soon."

Tommy nodded, tightening his hold on Phil. The two stood there for a while. They didn't need to say anything, they understand.

Phil pulled back from the hug slightly, "I'm so proud of you Tommy."

"W-why?" Tommy asked, rubbing the tears from his eyes.

"For being you." Phil smiled softly.

Tommy felt fresh tears well up in his eyes. He went to sit back on his bed, tucking his knees up to his chest.

Phil went over to sit by Ranboo, who didn't move. The winged man placed a hand over Ranboo's. The boy flinched slightly, but didn't move otherwise.

"Ranboo?" Phil said softly, "do-do you need anything?"

Ranboo didn't move.

"Michael and Techno are coming soon." Phil told him.

Ranboo's tail twitched. Phil smiled. Ranboo would be okay.

Techno opened the door. Michael peeked his head around the piglin shifters legs.

The child gasped, "Dah!"

Michael ran over to Ranboo, climbing on the bed, "Dah?"

"He'll be okay Michael." Phil patted the child's head.

Michael crawled into Ranboo's lap, curling up and hugging his dad. Ranboo blinked, one hand coming up to hold Michael.

Techno sat next to Tommy, "you okay kid?"

Tommy shrugged, "I'm... Alive..."

"Considering what you've been through, that's the most we could ask for." Techno said.

"Is it?" Tommy asked, looking up at Techno.

Techno hugged the boy, "yeah."

Tommy curled into Techno's hug. Techno sighed softly. He wished they'd gotten to them sooner. Maybe then the boys wouldn't have been so hurt...

There was a groan from Tubbo's bed, "Boo..?"

"Tubbo!?" Tommy shot up with a wince.

Phil got up, waking over to the goat boy, "hey Tubbo, how're you feeling?"

Tubbo turned his head slightly, "P-phil? Where-?"

Tubbo was cut off by coughing.

"Woah, you're okay." Phil said, "you're at the hospital. You're safe."

"T-tommy, Boo..." Tubbo said, trying to sit up.

"I'm here Tubbo!" Tommy yelled, running over.

Tubbo gave him a small smile, "hey..."

"Oh my god!" Tommy hugged his friend, "we didn't know if you were going to make it!"

Tubbo winced, but laughed it off, "I'm alive Tommy. Where's Boo?"

Phil sighed softly, "he's here. He hasn't spoken or moved since he woke up. Michael's here too."

Tubbo smiled, "he's okay?"

"Nothing more than a few scrapes and bruises." Techno said.

"He's snuggling with Ranboo right now, but in a bit maybe you can get up and see him." Phil told him.

"Then can we go home?" Tubbo asked.

Phil glanced at Techno, "maybe. You all got really hurt. You might need to stay for a few days."

Tubbo nodded slightly. As long as he had Tommy and Ranboo, he'd be okay.

Soon a nurse came in, telling them that they had to leave. Michael started crying when Techno picked him up and started carrying him away. But he quieted down once they reassured him that they'd be back tomorrow. The door closed, leaving the boys in silence.

"T...Tubbo..." Ranboo breathed out, shaking slightly.

"I'm here boss man." Tubbo said.

Ranboo let out a shaking breath. Tubbo sat up slowly, despite Tommy's protests, and walked over to Ranboo. He sat on Ranboo's bed, reaching up and holding the enderman-hybrids face. Ranboo leaned into the touch.

"Ranboo, we're okay now." Tubbo said softly.

Ranboo closed his eyes, gritting his teeth as the tears falling down his face. Tubbo rested this head against Ranboo's. Tommy sat on the opposite side, wrapping his uninjured wing around his friends. They'd be okay.

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now