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T.W.: blood

Techno grit his teeth as he searched the city for his brother. Why the hell did Wilbur say that? What was he thinking!? He knew those boys were going to react badly. What happened to Wilbur?

The shifter, fully transformed into piglin, growled lightly as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop. He was missing something, he was sure. Wilbur wouldn't act like that normally.

Techno was so distracted by his thoughts that he almost missed the brown trenchcoat wondering into a patch of trees in a park.

"Wilbur!" Techno yelled, jumping down and sprinting towards the phantom.

"Tech-!" Wilbur was cut off by a punch to the face.

"The hell did you do!?" Techno shouted, grabbing the collar of Wilbur's sweater.

Wilbur it looked up at Techno with fear in his eyes and blood streaming down his nose, "I-I-!"

"Answer me damnit!" Techno yelled, shaking the phantom.

Wilbur looked around quickly, "W-where are we?"

"The hell do you mean where are we!?" Techno grit his teeth, "I had to follow you halfway across town after I found out what you did to the kids!"

"What!?" Wilbur grabbed Techno's wrists, "what happened to them!?"

Techno glared down at his brother, "I can't believe you."

"Techno please!" Wilbur yelled as he was thrown to the ground, "the last think I remember clearly is fighting the Masks!"

"The Masks? Wilbur that was days ago." Techno said.

"Days..?" Wilbur whispered, wiping blood from his face, "fuck..."

Techno crouched down to Wilbur's level, shifting back into human form, "do you really not remember?"

Wilbur shook his head, "I can kind of remember things... But they're fuzzy. Did we ever go to a place called L'manburg?"

"Uh, no." Techno sighed, "listen. You called the kids failed experiments that should die and then shoved Tommy. Be careful when you get back home. Phil is pissed."

Wilbur nodded, "well I understand why you punched me now..."

Techno nodded, helping Wilbur to his feet, "come on. Let's get back."

"Oh my god, did you have to hit me so hard?" Wilbur sighed, swaying on his feet as blood continued to pour out of his nose.

Techno shrugged, "you deserved it."

Wilbur paused, leaning on a tree. Techno stopped as well. The piglin raised an eyebrow. Maybe he had punched a little too hard.

"Fuck..." Wilbur muttered, falling to his knees.

"Woah, you okay?" Techno asked, catching the other.

Wilbur looked up, a foggy green haze over his eyes. Glowing green mixed with the blood running down his face and he seemed like his mind was in a different world.

"Wilbur?" Techno asked, shaking his shoulder, "Wil!?"

"Tech..." Wilbur's eyes rolled back as he collapsed into his brothers arms.

"WILBUR!" Techno yelled.

The hero shifted into piglin form, easily lifting Wilbur, and started sprinting towards the hospital. He didn't know what was happening, or what the green stuff was, but it was hurting his family.

The whole time from starting running to when the doctors took Wilbur was a complete blur for Techno. The only thing Techno was concerned about as he ran was how slow Wilbur's heart was beating. He was more than worried to say the least.

Techno's phone started ringing. It was Phil.

"Hey mate, have you found Wil yet?" Phil asked

"Um, yeah..." Techno took a shakey breath, "but um... Phil we're at the hospital..."

"What? Is everything okay?" Phil said, worry clear in his voice.

Techno shook his head despite Phil not being able to see him, "no. No, things are not okay. Wilbur doesn't remember anything after the Masks and he was... Bleeding green stuff and his heart rate was slow-"

"Techno. Breathe." Phil instructed, "me and the boys will be there soon."

"Okay." Techno let out the breath he had been holding.

Phil hung up. Techno took a few deep breaths. Despite him and Wilbur fighting all the time, he really cared for his brother. The thought of Wilbur dying...

Techno grit his teeth. No. Wil wasn't going to die. He was going to be fine. He was going to be fine...

Minutes passed while Techno sat in the waiting room. He was confused and worried. Something happened to Wilbur after the Masks attacked. Maybe it was the dust they left behind? Maybe it messed with his head or something?


The man felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up.

"Phil." Techno sighed, standing and letting his dad hug him.

Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo stood behind him, huddled together and seemingly wary of their surroundings.

"What happened?" Phil asked, pulling away And wrapping the boys in his wings.

Techno shook his head, "I found Wil, punched him and gave him a bloody nose. But then he said he didn't remember anything after we had the fight with the masks. We started heading home but... He collapsed and green stuff started coming out with the blood. And his eyes seemed all weird too."

Tubbo tugged on Tommy's sleeve, "it's like that one Smiley Man, remember? The one you kicked on our way out?"

"Yeah." Tommy nodded, "fuckin weird green eyes and shit."

"We can speculate later." Phil told them, "let's just go see Wil now."

The rest of the group nodded, following Phil up to the registration desk. They got the room number and started walking up towards Wilbur's room, each with their own questions and worries in mind. But one overarching thing stood out amongst their thoughts...

What happened to Wilbur?

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now