Bee Boy Trauma Dumps

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T.W.: discussion of abuse and brief mention of death

Tubbo hummed as he drew on Wilbur's tablet. He was happy the older wasn't mad about him drawing on it before. In fact, Wilbur actually downloaded a drawing app called Autodesk Sketchbook for him.

The phantom was currently watching Tubbo as he drew. Ranboo was in the kitchen, being taught how to cook pasta by Technoblade, and Tommy was out with Phil.

"So Tubbo," Wilbur leaned forward to see what the boy was drawing, "why do you draw such... gory things?"

Tubbo looked up at the other, "what do you mean?"

"All the pictures of you and Tommy and Ranboo. Like the one where Ranboo is burning." Wilbur said, "why did you draw all those?"

"Oh." Tubbo smiled, "Those are the experiments."

"Experiments?" Wilbur frowned, "what do you mean?"

"The smiley people. They were the ones we escaped from." Tubbo told him, going back to his drawing, "they did experiments on us. They kinda made us as well."

"Tubbo, are you okay?" Wilbur asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Tubbo looked up again, "why wouldn't I be?"

"Tubbo, that's not normal." Wilbur frowned deeply, "What experiments did they do to you?"

Tubbo rubbed his wrists, "Um, they stuck me with needles a lot... They made me feel really sick and gave me really bad headaches. Bad enough where I couldn't move for a few days and I would throw up a lot. Then my back started to hurt and Tommy said it looked like there was something growing under the skin. A few days later my back ripped open and I had wings. I almost died. I probably would have if the smiley people didn't come back. They sewed me up and left me alone in my room until I healed. I couldn't even see Tommy..."

Tubbo shivered, but continued, "that was when I was about ten. When I got out, Tommy had dog ears and was really jumpy. Once I was healed fully, they started putting more needles in me. That's when I got the stingers."

"Ranboo showed up when we were twelve." Tubbo continued, "He was transferred from a different facility that had been destroyed. He already had memory issues when he came. They would test how long he could stay in water before passing out or getting really hurt. When they found out he could teleport, they made him go around a room until he passed out. And sometimes Ranboo's eyes would glow purple and... And h-he-"

Tubbo shut his eyes tightly as he curled in on himself.

Wilbur placed a hand on the boy's back, "it's okay, you're safe here. You don't have to continue."

"He killed one of the smiley people." Tubbo whispered, "he tore them apart with his bare hands."

Wilbur's eyes widened. The tall, awkwardly sweet child killed someone? Ranboo? Who almost cried when he saw a baby deer?

"Don't tell him." Tubbo said, "he doesn't remember anything from then. He doesn't need to."

Nodding, Wilbur sat back, "okay. I won't tell him."

"After that the smiley people wouldn't let us see eachother." Tubbo told him, "for two months we were separated. When we saw each other again, Tommy had wings. He seemed almost dead... Like he'd given up on life. When we were thirteen, we escaped."

"Ranboo teleported us past the walls, as many as he could before he passed out. Then Tommy and I few him out. They tried to fire bombs at us." Tubbo brushed his fingers over the large scar on his face, "Tommy managed to hide us all in the forest. We've been living there for the past four years."

Wilbur pulled Tubbo into a hug, causing the boy to stiffen.

"Wha-what are you doing?" Tubbo asked.

"No one should have gone through that." Wilbur said, "we'll find them. I promise we'll find them and take them down."

Tears filled Tubbos eyes. No one except Ranboo and Tommy had ever cared for him like this. He liked it.

Wilbur smiled softly as the boy relaxed. He wondered if this is what it would have been like if his little brother didn't die at birth. It crushed everyone when the doctors said the child wasn't going to make it. Soon after that, his mother was sent off on a hero mission to America. That was sixteen years ago, and she only came back for short visits before being sent off again.

"Wilbur?" Tubbo whispered, "what happens to us when this is all over?"

Wilbur looked down at Tubbo, "I think you'll stay with us. I've always wanted a younger brother or three."

Tubbo chuckled and pulled away from the hug, "alright."

"Tubbo! Wilbur! The pasta's done!" Ranboo yelled, running into the room with a large smile on his face.

"Awesome big man." Tubbo smiled back, "I'm starving."

"I'll join you in a minute," Wilbur said, "I need to plug in the tablet."

The boys nodded, rushing back into the kitchen. Wilbur smiled and picked up the tablet. Just then, Phil opened the door, Tommy asleep in his arms. Wilbur gave his dad a small smirk.

"Shut." Phil said, placing the sleeping boy on the couch.

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