Back From The Hospital

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Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Michael, and Fundy we're laying in the living room, bored out of their minds after Techno left and Phil hadn't come back.

"So is this all you do all day?" Fundy asked, his tail twitching.

"We used to play chess with Wilbur but..." Tubbo shrugged.

Tommy groaned and pushed himself up, flapping his wings slightly, "This is so boring! I hate being grounded!"

"Wait." Fundy sat up, "why am I not doing anything? I'm not grounded!"

"That's not fair!" Tubbo whined, "Ranboo back me up!"

Tubbo turned to his platonic husband, only to find him fast asleep with Michael on his chest. Tommy poked him with his foot.

"I think he's dead." Tommy said.

Michaels eye went wide and he hugged his dad tightly, "Dah!?"

"Wait! No no no no! I was just kidding!" Tommy tried to comfort the child, but Michael just continued to hiccup and sob.

"Tommy look what you've done." Tubbo said, taking his son.

"I was just joking!" Tommy cried.

"Tommy, Tommy, Tommy." Fundy shook his head, "making a child cry."

"No! Michael I'm sorry!" Tommy said, reaching out to the four year old.

Ranboo stirred, waking up slightly, "why's Michael crying?"

"DAH!" Michael jumped onto Ranboo, fully waking the boy.

"Michael? What's wrong?" Ranboo asked, holding the boy tight.

"I'm sorry..." Tommy said quietly.

Ranboo sighed, "what did you do?"

"I joked that you were dead... And Michael thought I was serious..." Tommy whined, "please don't kill me..."

Ranboo rolled his eyes, focusing on Michael, "It's okay Michael, I'm okay."

Michael nodded as Ranboo wiped away his tears. Ranboo smiled lightly as Michel started to cheer up. The small burning sensation on his fingertips was so familiar he barely even registered it.

The elevator door dinged open. Phil stepped out, pausing when he saw the kids

"Is... Everything alright?" Phil asked.

"Yeah. Tommy just made Michael cry." Tubbo said.

There was a laugh, "Typical little gremlin."

Wilbur hobbled out if the elevator, one arm slung over Techno's shoulders and a wide smile on his face. He looked tired, but overall okay and alive.

"Dad!" Fundy jumped up, running over and tackling Wilbur.

"Fundy!" Wilbur laughed, gripping onto Techno and his son, "how's my boy? When did you get here!?"

"Yesterday!" Fundy smiled as his tail wagging.

Ranboo smiled softly, his tail curling around Tubbo and Michael, "it's nice to have you back Wilbur."

"Welcome back boss man." Tubbo smiled.

"Wil!" Tommy ran over, his tail wagging, "are you okay now?"

"Yeah Tommy, I'm okay now." Wilbur patted Tommy's head, "but I'm on bed rest for a few days."

Tubbo frowned, "does that mean no more chess?"

"We can still play chess." Wilbur chuckled, "it just has to be in my room."

"Sweet!" Tubbo's wings buzzed in excitement, making Michael giggle.

Wilbur froze for a moment, "uh, who's the child?"

"This is Michael! He's our son!" Tubbo smiled brightly.

Ranboo sighed, "we found him in the hospital and we can't find his parents."

"Uh, about that actually..." Phil started.

Tubbo's face fell, "no... please... he was all alone! We're his family now! Screw whatever family he had before, they left him!"

Tubbo was hovering in the air by the time he finished, looking at Phil with pleading eyes. Phil sighed, giving Tubbo a sympathetic look.

"There were reports of a missing child that match Michaels description..." Phil started, "but tied to that missing report... Is two murder cases. His parents are dead."

"Dah?" Michael looked up at Ranboo, who hugged him tight.

"It's okay Michael." Ranboo whispered, kissing the top of the child's head.

"He has no living relatives to stay with." Phil continued, "so the court has determined that since he's already living with us, I'm his legal guardian."

"Why not me and Ranboo?" Tubbo asked.

"Because you're still kids." Phil chuckled, "when you're adults next year you two can officially adopt him."

"Yes!" Tubbo cheered, zipping over to Michael and Ranboo.

Wilbur chuckled, wincing lightly, "well, um, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm kind of starting to see double."

Techno rolled his eyes, "alright, time to get you to bed."

Wilbur rubbed behind Fundy's ears one last time before Techno guided him to his room. Fundy's ears and tail drooped as he saw his father, the man who was supposed to be invincible, being half carried away.

"Grandpa? Is Dad really okay?" Fundy asked, turning to Phil.

"Yeah mate." Phil smiled, "he just needs a few days to recover. And as for you three-"

Phil turned to Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo, "you three are ungrounded."

"Yes!" Tommy cheered, jumping in the air with a flap of his wings, "Tubbo we can play Minecraft again!"

"Let's teach Michael!" Tubbo laughed.

Ranboo sighed, "I think he's a little too young..."

"Can I play too!?" Fundy asked, perking up.

"Yeah!" Tommy smiled, "Dream said he had a server he'd invite us too! We'll see if he can invite you too!"

Phil chuckled, "okay, okay, don't get ahead of yourselves. We still need to lay down some ground rules. Sit down and we'll talk over lunch."

The kinds groaned and walked to the table. Except for Ranboo and Michael, the older of which simply nodded and picked up the younger.

Wilbur smiled softly as Techno helped him into bed. Hopefully everything would go back to somewhat normal.

"Oh, by the way, Fundy chose to sleep in your room." Techno said, rolling his shoulder.

Wilbur nodded, "that's fine. Father-son bonding, right?"

Techno rolled his eyes, "sure. Are you sure you're... You?"

Wilbur chuckled and nodded, "I'm sure. You know, XD paid me a visit in the hospital."

Techno's eyes narrowed, "he did?"

"He did." Wilbur's expression grew cynical, "don't worry. He has plans to have us covered."

Outside the room, they heard Tommy yell in frustration.

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now