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Tommy's leg bounced anxiously as he watched Wilbur laying in the hospital bed. His wings still hurt from when he landed on them, Phil said they might be brushed for a few days.

But despite what happened, Tommy wanted Wilbur to wake up. He wanted his brother figure to come back and play Monopoly with them, and beat Tubbo at chess, and play guitar for them.

"Tommy?" The boy jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Phil held out a McDonald's bag, "since we missed lunch."

Tommy nodded, taking the bag, "thanks."

It had been over two hours since they arrived at the hospital. The doctors were running blood tests, the few that they got back so far were normal. No explanation of why Wilbur acted the way he did.

"Is Wilbur going to yell at us again when he wakes up?" Tubbo asked, picking at his burger.

Techno hummed, "I don't think so. He snapped back to his senses when I found him."

Ranboo wrapped his arms and tail around Tubbo. The bee boy was probably the most terrified when Wilbur lashed out at them, being the only one other than Tommy who was really close to him. But unlike Tommy, Tubbo didn't bounce back as easily. At least not internally.

Tubbo rested his head on Ranboo's shoulder. The room felt stuffy. Tense. He needed and air.

"Can I take a walk?" Tubbo asked, looking up at Phil.

The crow shifter nodded, handing Tubbo a pager, "just don't go too far. And if something happens press the button and we'll be there, okay?"

Tubbo nodded, standing up. Ranboo stood as well.

"Can I go too?" Ranboo fidgeted with his fingers.

Phil shrugged, "sure. Just be safe. Are you going too Tommy?"

The boy shook his head, vaguely playing with the happy meal toy he got, "no, I'll stay."

Phil gently ruffled Tommy's hair, "Wil will be okay."

Tommy nodded, but didn't say anything else.

Tubbo opened the door, followed closely by Ranboo. Both of them walked through the empty white halls, Tubbo leading them to a garden area they passed on their way to Wilbur's room.

"Tubbo? Are you okay?" Ranboo asked.

Tubbo nodded slightly, "I just... needed some air. I have this feeling like... like..."

"Like everything's happened before?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah." Tubbo sighed, pushing open the garden door.

The garden was beautiful. It was open to the sky, trees casting dappled sunlight onto the path and the small pond. Some fish swam peacefully under the shadow of the small bridge.

Tubbo walked over and sat on a bench with a sigh. Ranboo sat next to him, staying well away from the pond.

"I feel like we're stuck in this loop." Tubbo said, "and every loop is different in some way. Like chaos theory. Even if we tried to exactly copy another story, it would still be different."

Ranboo hummed. Tubbo leaned against Ranboo's arm, closing his eyes and feeling the sun on his face. Ranboo closed his eyes as well.

Everything was quiet for a moment. Then a small "oof!" came from the other side of the pond.

"What was that?" Tubbo asked, lifting his head.

"I don't know." Ranboo said, "should we check it out?"

Tubbo got up, heading towards the bridge. On the other side was a small child holding their knee while tears filled their eyes.

"Oh..." Tubbo carefully approached the sniffling child, "are you okay?"

The child jumped, looking up at the other two. The child wore an eye patch, and had pink hair a few shades paler than Techno's. There was a large scrape on their knee.

"Oh, hello." Ranboo crouched down to the child's level, his tail waving slightly, "do you need help?"

The child nodded, reaching out one hand. They didn't seem to be from the hospital as the eye patch wasn't clean and their clothes were dirty.

Ranboo picked up the child, surprised at how light they were. Tubbo took one of the child's hands in his hand, using his other to wipe the tears away.

"Ranboo I think we need to adopt him." Tubbo said.

Ranboo sighed, "Tubbo we don't know where they came from."

"They're hurt Ranboo! We need to help them!" Tubbo cried.

"Let's just see if their parents are around." Ranboo told him, his tail flicking.

Tubbo pouted, crossing his arms but following Ranboo regardless. The halls were empty, only a few nurses who didn't recognize the child. After a few minutes of asking around, they determined that the child was alone.

"Let's take him back to the room now." Ranboo said.

"Does that mean we can keep him?" Tubbo asked.

Ranboo sighed deeply, "yes."

"Yes!" Tubbo cheered, making the child giggle, "Did you hear that Michael!?"

"Michael?" Ranboo asked, one ear dipping down.

Tubbo nodded, jumping up to hover in the air, "I've named him. His name is Michael."

The child giggled again, reaching out to Tubbo.

"Alright." Ranboo rolled his eyes as Tubbo took the child and started flying around with him.

Tubbo laughed as he zoomed Michael through the hall. Ranboo laughed as he followed the bee boy to Wilbur's room.

"We're back!" Tubbo smiled, pushing open the door.

Ranboo saw the strange looks the rest gave them and sighed, "don't ask..."

"Why do you have a child?" Techno asked.

"He's our son!" Tubbo grinned, "His name is Michael!"

Phil sighed.

"We couldn't find his parents and he can't talk..." Ranboo said.

"Can we keep him?" Tubbo begged.

Tommy laughed as the child pulled the biggest puppy eyes at the adults.

"Fine!" Phil said, "we have another child now."

Techno chuckled, "this is just like Sally and Fundy."

"Don't remind me." Phil rubbed his head.

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now