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Tommy couldn't describe the feeling of relief he felt when his feet touched the ground. After escaping the facility, he never wanted to fly again. Not after the Smiley Men forced him to fly through any means necessary.

"Tommy?" Phil asked, making the boy jump, "are you alright?"

Tommy nodded quickly, taking deep breaths to steady himself.

"What is this place?" Tubbo asked, looking up at a large castle-like building.

Phil smiled lightly, "this is the Hero Complex. It's kind of like an apartment complex for all the heros. We're going to the very top."

"Woah!" Tubbos wings buzzed with excitement.

"Come on. Let's get inside before anyone else attacks." Phil said, taking the still sleeping Ranboo from Tubbo and guiding all the boys into the building.

At first glance, it seemed like the entrance to a mall, barely alive as people started waking up. A large open space with a fountain in the center. Behind that on the far wall was a large elevator. Small alcoves around the ground floor housed places for people to submit things and talk to heros.

A man with sunglasses, a red cape, and a crown came up to them, "Phil! I thought you were out on a case?"

"Hello Eret." Phil smiled, "we were on a case, but we found these boys and, well, we were attacked. Dream is injured and as far as I know the rest of my team and Dream team are still fighting."

Eret nodded, "I'll send out reinforcements. You go take care of the kids. I think Captain Puffy is here too."

"Alright. Thank you." Phil said, starting to guide the boys towards the elevator.

"Who was that?" Tubbo asked, keeping close to Ranboo.

"Eret. He owns the place and coordinates the cases." Phil told him, "he rarely works in the field anymore, but he can hold his own in a fight."

Tubbo nodded, "What's his power?"

Phil chuckled, "he can bend light."

Tubbos eyes went wide at the information. Phil smiled, pulling out a key card and swiping it on a scanner by the elevator. The lights dinged down through a couple floors before the doors opened. Phil stepped through, gesturing for Tommy and Tubbo to come through as well.

Tommy hesitated. The Smiley Men would take him in one of these things. They'd take him up really high and push him off and let him fall-


The boy flinched, looking up at Phil.

"It's okay." Phil gave him a reassuring smile.

Tommy nodded, cautiously stepping into the elevator. He gripped Phil's coat tightly as the lift started moving. His eyes screwed closed. He hated this. He hated this. He hated-

"Tommy, breathe, you're okay." Phil said, "we're here."

Tommy opened his eyes to see the most beautiful place he'd ever seen. A large room spread out from the elevator. To one side was a spacious kitchen, and the other was what could be described as a living room. It was homely though. The walls an inviting cream color with dark wood paneling. The couch was grey, but very large. Big enough to where all six them could fit on it if they tried. A huge chandelier hung from the high ceiling, casting small rainbows around the room.

The entire top floor was segmented into four rooms, one being open to the elevator and having a floor to ceiling, wall to wall window overlooking the city. The door to the first room was white and fairly plain looking. The second was a bark wood, covered in posters and stickers mostly related to music. The third door was red with a gold handle, and like the first door, there were no decorations on it. The fourth door was wooden and simply said "guest".

Phil walked over to the couch, laying Ranboo down and covering him with a blanket. Tubbo and Tommy cautiously made their way in, looking around in awe.

Phil smiled at them, "Welcome home. When Wil and Techno get back we'll set up the guest room for your three. Are you hurt at all?"

Tubbo shrugged, flopping on the couch next to Ranboo, "my wings are sore."

Phil chuckled, "it was quite a flight. You'll probably be sore for a few days. Tommy? Are you alright?"

Tommy nodded, tucking his wings in, "I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" Phil said, walking up to the boy.

"I just- the Smiley Men-" Tommy's breathing started to pick up.

"Woah, hey, hey, it's okay." Phil pulled Tommy into a hug, wrapping his wings around him, "we won't let them take you again."

Tommy nodded, gripping on to the soft black feathers.

Ranboo groaned, sitting up on the couch and looking around, "where..?"

Phil smiled at him, "we're at my house. We're safe here."

Ranboo have a sighed of relief, "okay."

"Are you hurt?" Phil asked, moving away from Tommy.

"No." Ranboo shook his head, "just a headache."

"Alright. Well it looks like Tubbos already asleep, so you two just rest up." Phil smiled at the boys, "Wil and Techno should be back soon."

"What are you going to do?" Tommy asked as Phil moved towards the elevator.

"I have to talk to Eret about the case. Don't worry, nothing can get you here. And if you're scared there's loads of heros here, just tell and one will come running." Phil told them, "but I suggest you sleep now. We were flying all night."

Tommy nodded, moving over to the couch and curing up on the other side of Tubbo. Phil left, leaving the room in silence. It almost reminded Tommy of the forest as he drifted off. Just him, Tubbo, and Ranboo.

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now