Back From The Dead

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Phil was walking back from buying the kids presents. Christmas was in a week. The boys were almost fully healed physically. Techno was adjusting well to being the top hero. And Kristen was able to come down for Christmas! Phil smiled to himself. He can get the hang of this whole civilian thing!

The crow shifter trudged through the snow, seeing Tommy and Tubbo flying around by the side of the Hero Complex. The two were dropping snowballs on Fundy, who was trying his best to dodge the snow bombs. Ranboo and Michael were slightly away from them, making a snowman.

As Phil neared the entrance to the new Hero Complex, he saw a crowd gathered just inside. Contrary to popular belief, a large crowd wasn't that common. Curious, he went forward. What could possibly be making everyone-!

The gifts dropped to the ground. Phil's eyes went wide. This was impossible... It couldn't-!

"Wil..." Phil whispered.

His son was unconscious, being healed by Moonzy. Puffy was holding his head, talking quietly to Eret. Eret looked up, noticing Phil standing there.

"Phil," they sighed, "I-"

"How." Phil demanded, looking Eret straight in her eyes.

"We don't know." Eret said, "he stumbled in here, he was bleeding, Puffy found him right before he passed out. Phil-"

Phil pushed past them, kneeling by Wilbur's body. He gently took Wilbur from Puffy, as though he might shatter with the slightest touch.

"Phil, wait-" Moonzy tried to stop Phil.

"He's my son." Phil said quietly.

Puffy put a hand on his shoulder, "Phil, let Moonzy-"

"He's my son!" Phil yelled, spreading his wings wide over himself and Wilbur, forcing everyone to move or be hit by the powerful shifter.

No one stopped Phil again as he lifted Wilbur and carried him up to the elevator. Phil could barely think. How was Wilbur back? He killed him! He buried him!

The elevator doors dinged open. Techno was in the kitchen, washing a dish.

Techno started to turn, "before you ask, the kids are ou-"

The plate Techno was holding shattered onto the floor. Neither one said anything.

Techno took a shaking step forward, "h-how..?"

Phil just shook his head. Techno walked up, seeing his twin brothers face. He looked exactly the same, save for a white streak in his hair.

"It's him..." Techno whispered, watching Wilbur's chest rise and fall with his breathing, "it's- it's actually him..."

"It is..." Phil said quietly.

Techno didn't say anything for a moment, "what do we do now?"

Phil shrugged, walking to Fundy's room, "wait for him to wake up?"

Techno nodded, watching as Phil layed Wilbur on his son's bed. Phil left the door open as he left. Silently, he moved to sit at the table. Techno sat next to him.

The elevator dinged open again. Tubbo flew out, covered in snow. Tommy flew out after him, laughing as he threw snowballs at his friend.

"This isn't fair!" Fundy shrieked as Tubbo accidentally dropped snow on him.

Ranboo chuckled as he walked out behind Fundy, Michael on his shoulders, "okay Michael."

The little piglin shifter squealed in delight as he dropped a snowball on Fundy's head.

"Stop it!" Fundy yelled, turning to Phil, "they've been doing this all day!"

"Calm down Fundy!" Tubbo laughed, flipping himself upsidedown to talk to the fox shifter, "we're only playing!"

Fundy crossed his arms, "I'm going to my room!"

Techno sighed, standing up, "Fundy wait."

Fundy shook his head, tossing more snow on the floor, "no! I'm going to my room!"

Before anyone could say anything else, Fundy ran to his room. But Fundy froze when he saw who was there.

"W-w-wha-..." Fundy took a step back.

Techno sighed, sitting back down.

"The fuck are you-" Tommy flew over, falling out of the air when he looked inside, "Wilbur!?"

"What!?" Ranboo rushed over, stumbling back when he saw that it was indeed Wilbur there.

"How!?" Tubbo asked, turning to Phil and Techno with tears in his eyes.

"We don't know." Phil sighed.

"Is-is he our Wilbur?" Tommy asked, slowly picking himself up from the floor.

"We don't know..." Techno said.

Fundy's eyes filled with tears, "D-Dad!"

Fundy launched himself at Wilbur, crying into his shirt. No one had the heart to stop him. Michael climbed down from Ranboo's shoulders.

"Funny okay?" Michael asked, tugging the fox shifters jacket.

Fundy gripped Wilbur's shirt tighter, "I-I don't know Michael..."

Michael hugged Fundy, "Funny okay."

Fundy sniffed and nodded, "okay... Funny okay..."

In the back of Phil's mind he wondered... Could it be her?

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now