Someone Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed

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"is Wilbur still sleeping?" Ranboo asked, glancing at the clock the now pointed to 12.

"Yeah. It's weird." Tommy sighed, "he's been acting really wired since XD came."

"Do you think he's sick or something?" Tubbo asked.

Ranboo jumped, "sick!? Should we call Phil!?"

"Or we could wait for Techno. He usually checks in at this time." Tubbo said.

Tommy hummed, "have either of you tried waking him up yourself?"

"He told me to um, f- off when I told him breakfast was ready." Ranboo shrugged.

"Well that's rude." Tubbo frowned.

Tommy jumped up from the couch, his tail flicking as a large smile spread across his face.

"Well I'm going to wake him up! If we can't sleep inc he can't either!" Tommy yelled, walking to Wilbur's door and throwing it open, "WI- Wilbur?"

The phantom was hunched over his desk, mumbling to himself. The only light came from a small lamp on his desk. His bed was cleanly made, like he hadn't slept in it at all, and papers filled his wast basket to the point of overflowing.

Tommy cautiously stepped into the room, "Wil?"

"It's my... No one can have it..." Wilbur mumbled, scratching out another thing on a paper, "No one!"

Tommy jumped back, his wings folding in tight, "Wilbur?"

"WHAT Tommy!?" Wilbur yelled, turning around sharply.

The boy flinched, his tail going between his legs, "U-Um-"

"Get out of my room!" Wilbur yelled, standing up and slamming the door, making Tommy fall back.

"Holy shit! Are you okay!?" Tubbo flew over and helped Tommy back up.

Tommy nodded quickly, "y-yeah, I think so."

"Are you sure?" Ranboo worried, "your wings are shaking..."

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Tommy insisted, "when's Techno getting back?"

"Hopefully soon." Ranboo told him, "let's just... Play a game in the mean time..."

"The only three player game we know is Monopoly." Tubbo sighed, flopping over the back of the couch, "unless we want to take turns in chess."

Ranboo chuckled, "I'm pretty sure you'd always win if we played chess."

"Monopoly it is then." Tubbo smirked, "that good Tommy?"

Tommy shrugged, "only if you're good with me winning!"

"No chance!" Tubbos wings buzzed as Ranboo started setting up the board.

Ranboo laughed, "keep the fighting for the game!"

Tommy vaulted over the back of the couch, "Alright! Are you two ready to lose!?"

"Only cause you're gonna lose!" Tubbo taunted.

"That hardly makes sense..." Ranboo said, handing out the fake money.

Tommy rolled his eyes. He was glad for the distraction. After the way Wilbur yelled at him... He hardly raised his voice, and whenever he did it was clear it was a joking tone. But what just happened was pure anger. It scared him.

"Tommy? You okay?" Ranboo asked.

Tommy jumped lightly, glancing at the board before sighing, "do you think we... did we make Wilbur mad?"

Ranboo frowned, "I don't know. We'll tell Techno or Phil what happened. Bit right now let's just play a game, okay?"

Tommy nodded, gathering up his starting money. They could focus on Wilbur later.


Techno sighed as the elevator doors opened. Another day, another group of petty criminals. At least he could come home to a nice quiet-

Techno froze. Hold on. Why was it so quiet?

The piglin shifter walked into the living room, seeing the unfinished remains of a Monopoly game. Something was wrong.

As quietly as he could, Techno drew his sword. He crept toward the trio's room. If there was an invader here, he wanted to make sure the boys were safe.

Techno opened the door swiftly. On the far corner, the three boys were hiding, a look of terror etched on each of their faces.

"Techno!" Tommy yelled, throwing himself in the oldest arms.

"What happened?" Techno asked as Ranboo and Tubbo came out as well.

Tommy's wings started shaking. Tubbo curled in on himself and Ranboo looked away.

"I-I-It was W-Wilbur." Ranboo said quietly, wringing his hands as his tail curled around him.

Techno blinked, "what?"

"We were- we were playing Monopoly and um, and Wilbur came out of his room..." Ranboo continued, "he um, he tried to leave but we invited him to play with us, then he-he-"

Ranboo screwed his eyes shut with a shiver.

Techno frowned, "what did he do."

"He yelled at us and calls us pathetic failed experiments that should have died..." Tubbo said, "then he pushed Tommy and left."

Techno's eyes went wide. Wilbur did what!? He glared at the floor.

"Stay here. Phil will be here soon." Techno told them, gently pushing Tommy away.

"W-where are you going?" Tommy asked, his eyes wide and red from crying.

Techno gave a small sigh, "I'm going to find Wilbur and beat some sense into him."

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now