Smiley Man

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Phil frowned at the message. The Dream Team was coming to check on their progress of finding the creature. Honestly, it was their fault for not reporting in, but to send the 4th, 5th, and 6th top heros? Why couldn't they just send a hero who wasn't constantly busy, like The Warden or Quackity?

He sighed. It couldn't be avoided. He'll tell everyone tomorrow.


Ranboo was in the kitchen making breakfast like Techno had taught him. No one else had woken up yet, so it was just him trying to decide which cereal sounded good. He shrugged to himself, grabbing some Creeper Crunch.

The enderman-hybrid frowned lightly as he poured the cereal into a bowl. The ratio of good stuff to bad stuff was completely disproportionate. And he wrinkled his nose at the smell. Why did Phil get this?

A knock at the front door broke Ranboo out of his thoughts. His ears swiveled on his head, trying to hear if anyone was up to get the door. All that he was met with was silence.

Ranboo sighed, making his way over to open the door, "Hel-!"

A white mask stared back at him, the same smiley face that haunted his entire life was boring into his soul.


Phil woke up with a start as a loud screech echoed through the house.

"Ranboo!" He heard Tubbo scream as two sets of footsteps ran past his room.

Phil jumped out of bed, running out to the living room. What he saw shocked him.

Ranboo, his eyes glowing purple, was attacking Dream. Tubbo was stood frozen while Tommy was standing protectively in front of him.

"What the..." Wilbur said, coming out of the hallway.

"Ranboo!" Techno yelled, running into the fight to try and calm the boy.

Phil turned to the other two boys, "Tommy, Tubbo, what's happening?"

"T-th-the S-Smiley M-man." Tubbo whispered, trembling from head to toe.

"I won't let him get you again!" Tommy yelled, raising his wings, "I promise!"

"Dream isn't one of the Smiley Men." Phil told them, "he's a hero, like me and Wil and Techno. He's not going to hurt you."

"How would you know!" Tommy shouted, unseen tears pooling in his eyes.

"Look." Phil gestured to the fight, "Dream isn't attacking. He's just defending and he's not hurting Ranboo."

Tubbo relaxed slightly when he saw Phil was right. Ranboo wasn't hurt. And they hadn't been hurt yet either.

"Tommy." Tubbo whispered, "Ranboo's been teleporting a lot during the fight. He's going to pass out soon."

Tommy's wings dropped slightly. Phil gave him a small smile.

"You can go back to your room if you want." Phil said.

Tommy sighed and shook his head, "no. We have to help Ranboo."

Phil watched as the boys walked up to their friend. Ranboo screeched an inhuman noise, ready to attack Dream again, but paused when he saw Tommy and Tubbo.

"Hey big man." Tubbo smiled, keeping his distance from Dream, "it's okay, we're okay."

Tommy nodded, "no one's gonna hurt us anymore."

Ranboo made a pained noise, looking down at his two friends. Purple particles flurried around him. Tubbo pulled the tall boy into a hug, continually whispering that they were safe. Tommy joined the hug too, using his wings to shield Ranboo's view of Dream.

Slowly, Ranboo's breathing evened out and the glow faded. Tommy and Tubbo let out a sigh of relief. Their friend was back. They were safe.

Phil frowned, walking up to Dream and his team, "are you alright mate?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm okay." Dream nodded, "what was that?"

"That was Ranboo." Techno shrugged, "we uh, kinda found him and his friends in the forest."

"Why did they attack Dream?" The 5th hero, NotFound, asked.

"It's a long story." Wilbur said, appearing next to the 6th hero Sapnap.

"Geeze dude!" Sapnap jumped, "stop doing that!"

Phil sighed, "long story short, they don't like smiley faces. Your mask triggered them."

Dream seemed to frown, "alright. Well once we're inside, I'll take it off."

"What? Are you serious!?" NotFound yelled.

"Yes George, I'm serious." Dream said, "I'm not scaring kids over a mask."

Phil smiled lightly, "Well come in then."

Phil lead the dream team inside. Techno had already started shutting the blinds, concerned that the masked hero would take off his mask so easily. Wilbur had stayed outside with the boys until they had calmed down.

Dream sighed softly, taking off the hood of his green hoodie. Phil raised an eyebrow at the sight of goat horns, much like Tubbos. He wasn't expecting that, as Dream's power was Creation. He watched as Dream unclasped the mask, taking it off completely.

He looked... Normal. Dark, sandy blonde hair, green eyes. Light freckles on his nose and cheeks.

"Honestly, I was expecting you to be some horrifying monster." Techno said, "no offense."

"None taken." Dream laughed.

Wilbur walked in, carrying a sleeping Ranboo on his back. Tommy and Tubbo followed close behind.

"Oh shi- I didn't mean to hurt him!" Dream said, "is he okay?"

Wilbur smiled at him, "he's fine, just tired."

Tommy gave Dream a dirty look, "pussy."

This caused Sapnap to go into a laughing fit.

"Oh man! I like this kid!" Sapnap gasped between breaths.

"Shut up Sapnap!" George said, holding back laughter of his own.

Dream laughed lightly, rubbing the back of his head, "I probably deserved that."

Phil sighed as the boys were taken to their room. They were going to have to do a lot of explaining to the Dream Team.

"So, why were the kids scared of smiley faces?" Sapnap asked.

Phil sighed, gesturing for everyone to take a seat, "they were experiments. They grew up in this facility where they were experimented on. Tubbo, the goat boy with the insect wings, was injected with bee DNA. Tommy had those wings surgically attached. Ranboo gets burned by water, and those people would submerge him in it. And everyone in the facility wore smiley face masks."

George looked at Dream, who seemed deep in thought, "That sounds like the facility we destroyed five years ago."

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now