Overprotective Dad Mode Activated

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"TOMMY!" Wilbur screamed as he ran through town.

Somehow, the boys and Dream disappeared. Wilbur, Phil, and Techno we're searching for the boys. Meanwhile, George and Sapnap were scouting for Dream. George and Phil were looking in the forest, while the rest searched the town.

"TUBBO! RANBOO!" Wilbur yelled into the darkening night.

He was starting to panic. No one had reported in yet and night was falling soon. Who knows what could happen to them!? They had no idea how to live in the real world!

Wilbur paused at a corner of a park to catch his breath. Where were they? Wilbur walked into the park. He needed a break after running around town for half the day. The phantom shifter sighed and walked over to a bench where three boys-

Wilbur froze, "for fucks sake..."

Ranboo was asleep on the bench, with Tubbo curled up on his chest and Tommy sleeping on the back of the bench. Wilbur almost didn't recognize them with their disguises.

"Tommy?" Wilbur shook the boy gently, "Tommy, wake up."

Tommy whined, curling around a toy gun. Where did he get a toy gun? Wilbur sighed and texted in their group chat.

Phantom: found them

Phantom: they're asleep in Pogtopia Park.

The Blade: on my way

Philza: we'll be there soon

Wilbur sighed, brushing the hair out of Tommy's face. He smiled lightly at they way Tommy leaned into the touch. They were going to be in so much trouble when they woke up.

"Wilby?" Tommy yawned, blearily looking up at the hero.

Wilbur smiled, "hey Toms. Where'd you run off to?"

"Arcade with Dream." Tommy rubbed his eyes, "I got a gun."

"I can see that." Wilbur laughed lightly.

"Tubbo got a stupid light up duck." Tommy said, laying back down.

"Benson's not stupid..." Tubbo yawned, pushing Tommy off the bench.

Wilbur caught the boy, opting to just hold him as Tommy was about to fall asleep again. In the distance, he saw Technoblade running up to them.

"Hey Techno." Wilbur smiled awkwardly.

"Were they here the whole time?" Techno asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Apparently, Dream took them to an arcade." Wilbur chuckled.

Techno sighed, picking up Tubbo. They boy had a death-like grip on a small white duck. Ranboo woke up as the pressure lifted from his chest.

"Hmm, where..?" Ranboo mumbled, his tail waving sleepily.

"Hello Ranboo." Wilbur smiled, "you fell asleep on a bench."

"Oh..." Ranboo yawned, his ears going back as he sat up.

Phil swooped down, landing next to the bench.

"Ah, so this is where you were." Phil smiled, "come on mate, let's go home."

Ranboo nodded, standing up and letting Phil guide him down the street.

"Where's George?" Techno asked.

"Still searching for Dream." Phil said, making sure Ranboo didn't walk into a lamppost, "did you see him?"

Wilbur frowned, "I didn't actually."

"You mean he just left the kids on a bench?" Techno said.

"I know he's reckless, but I don't think he'd leave them." Phil sighed.

Ranboo looked at Phil, "Dream was there when we fell asleep... He said he'd go find you..."

Phil frowned, "alright. Let's just get home."

Ranboo nodded. Soon their house came into view. However, the door was wide open...

"Stay here." Phil said, stopping Ranboo from taking another step.

Phil crept into the house. The lights were off, not much seemed to be disturbed other than a dark liquid on the floor. Phil took another step into the house and something hit his foot. He leaned down to see Dreams mask.

"Shit..." Phil whispered, picking up the blood smeared mask.


Phil stood up quickly at the raspy voice. He could barely make out Dream's form laying on the ground.

"Phil they're back..." Dream gasped out, holding pressure to a wound on his stomach, "the Smiley Men are back."

"Phil!" Wilbur shouted from outside.

"Shit..." Dream tried to sit up.

Phil paged George and Sapnap, "you stay there. I'll be back."

Dream nodded as Phil ran back outside. Wilbur and Techno we're fighting off men in smiley masks, protecting the now very awake boys.

"Phil!" Wilbur yelled, throwing a knife into one of the masks and watching the man poof into green dust, "what the fuck are these things!?"

"They just keep coming!" Techno growled as he sliced through multiple Masks, fully shifted into piglin form.

Phil ducked an attack, slamming the Mask with his wing. He grabbed it and flew up. The Mask squirmed, unable to get out of Phil's grip before he threw it back to the ground. It dissolved into green dust as it hit the ground.

Phil swooped down to the boys, "are you boys okay!?"

"What the fuck is going on!?" Tommy cried, holding on to Tubbos sleeve.

"I don't know. But we're getting out of here." Phil said, "Tubbo!"

The boy jumped, looking at Phil with wide eyes, "y-yes?"

"You're going to have to help me fly Ranboo out of here." Phil told him, "Ranboo, can you teleport us over to that tree?"

"Y-yeah, I can do that." Ranboo nodded quickly.

"Tommy." Phil turned to the boy, "you're going to have to fly."

Tommy shook his head, "N-No! I c- I can't!"

"I can't carry you and Ranboo." Phil said, "you have to try. Please."

Tommy nodded, "okay, okay."

"Alright. Ranboo?" Phil turned to the boy.

Ranboo nodded, squeezing his eyes shut as purple particles swirled around them. Suddenly, they were by the tree. Ranboo slumped into Tubbos arms.

Phil looked behind them to see George and Sapnap had arrived. However, the Masks had noticed they'd disappeared.

"Fly." Phil spread his wings, "fly now!"

Phil and Tubbo grabbed Ranboo, launching into the sky. Tommy paused, his jacket tied around his waist, but his wings refusing to move.

"Tommy!" Phil called down to him, "we have to leave now!"

"I-I-!" Tommy gasped.

"Tommy, it'll be okay." Phil smiled.

Tommy gulped, backing up a few places before sprinting forward and jumping into the air. His wings spread, red feathers catching the air under him and lifting him up.

Tommy clung to Phil's sleeve, tears filling his eyes, "I don't like this, I don't like this!"

"You're doing great Tommy." Phil said, "come on, we have a ways to fly."

"Where are we going?" Tubbo asked as Phil started leading the way.

Phil sighed, "The Hero Complex."

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now