The Facility

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T.W: torture, blood

Tommy woke up with a jolt. The memories of what happened last night flooded into his head. The Masks attacked. They tried to fight them off, but there were too many. They took everyone.

"TUBBO!" Tommy shouted, jumping from the small bed toward the glass wall that served as the door to his cell, "RANBOO!"

Tommy banged on the glass, finding it just as sturdy as the last time he was placed here. His breathing started to pick up. No no no, he didn't want to be here again. Where was Tubbo!? And Ranboo!? And Fundy and Michael!?

"LET ME OUT!" Tommy screamed, bashing his hands onto the glass until they bled, "LET ME OUT! Let me out! Let me..."

Tommy fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably. He was never going to see Phil or Techno again. He was never going to play Minecraft again. He was never going to to trick-or-treating again. He'd never feel free enough to fly again...

A loud bang sounded to Tommy's left, followed by screeching and clawing. Tommy flinched at each new bang. Then there was a click. The screeching turned to pained screaming. Tommy winced as he recognized the voice. Ranboo was Enderwalking.

Tommy curled up in the center of the blindingly white room. Would they be able to escape again? Where was Tubbo and Fundy and Michael? Tommy let out a strangled sob. What if he never saw them again? What if they were dead!?

Footsteps approached the cell, barely audible over the sound of Ranboo screaming. Tommy lifted his head slightly to see a Smiley Man watching him. The boy jumped up, banging against the glass again.


Tommy fell to the ground as electricity shot through his body. A few moments later, it was gone.

Tommy just layed there, breathing heavily and twitching slightly. Shaking, he reached up to his neck to feel a shock collar. A fucking shock collar. Like he was a misbehaving dog.

"Don't damage him too much." Tommy heard a voice say, "he'll be necessary to control the Project after the Andrenidae-Capra is gone."

Tommy rolled over, slowly sitting up, "w-what project?"

The boy looked up to see XD smiling down at him. A loud bang echoed through the hall, followed by the pained sounds of ender screeching.

"That." XD whispered excitedly.

Tommy's eyes went wide, "Ranboo..."

XD hummed, "is that what you call it? Either way, you can't be harmed here."

"What about Tubbo!?" Tommy screamed, fully facing the glass wall.

"The Andrenidae-Capra hybrid?" XD shrugged, "it's expendable. Total failure."

"Failure?" Tommy's voice shook through grit teeth.

XD nodded, "we knew from the day it's wings didn't develop property. We only kept it around to keep you happy. Otherwise we would have let it die."

"Why!?" Tommy asked, his mind spinning from all the information being thrown at him, "why did you need to keep me happy!?"

XD pressed his hands to the bloodied glass and smiled, "because you were going to be a God."

Tommy fell back in shock. Something Dream said surfaced in his mind. A piece of a conversation they had the day they went to the arcade. It felt like so long ago now...

"I was the first experiment. I had the power to float originally. They gave me the agility of a goat. And then they tried to make me a god."

"A god?" Tommy scoffed, "did it work?"

Dream smiled, creating a disk out of thin air, "yes."

They tried to make Tommy like Dream. The thought shook him to his core. After everything they had already done to him, they wanted more. They always wanted more.

"But you were too stubborn." XD frowned, "and by the time you complied, you were too broken. And then my other facility was destroyed!"

XD shook his head and smiled, "but that's okay! In fact it was good! We got the Enderhominidae-Feline. At first we thought it was a failure, but then it teleport to protect you and the Andrenidae-Capra! None of our Enderhominidae hybrids were ever able to teleport! We needed it. And we needed you."

Tommy didn't know what to say. He was being used against his own friend.

XD sighed and turned around to address the Smiley Man, "I think we will start the first emotional experiment tomorrow to see how much distress will cause the end state. Prepare the Andrenidae-Capra to be shown to the Enderhominidae-Feline. Make sure both are secure and cannot reach each other. Slowly increase the pain for the Andrenidae-Capra and record the Enderhominidae-Feline's reaction. Continue for the week and at the end, kill the Andrenidae-Capra and record the Enderhominidae-Feline's reaction. We will move on to the second experiment after a few days after."

"K-kill?" Tommy whimpered, his wings shaking, "y-you're going to k-kill Tubbo..?"

XD ignored him, taking a tablet the Smiley Man handed him. Tommy stood up as anger started bubbling up in his chest.

"Fuck off!" Tommy punched the glass, "I'll kill you if you hurt Tubbo! Let us out!"

XD pressed a button on the tablet. Tommy screamed as he fell back on the ground. His wings and tail spasmed as he thrashed around, clawing at his neck.

Tommy was still as the shocks stopped. His broken wing was throbbing, probably more damaged now. His throat burned both inside and out, and his head was spinning.

XD walked up to the glass, frowning down on the boy, "Shut up."

With that, Tommy blacked out.

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