This Is Halloween!

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"Dah!" Michael giggled to Tubbo as Ranboo finished applying facepaint to the child's face.

"Looking good boss man!" Tubbo smiled, adjusting his striped sweater.

Michael as wearing a pink shirt painted with bones and green rot. Ranboo had gotten facepaint and painted half of Michaels face pink as well.

Ranboo sighed, standing with his pallet of facepaint, "Bo, you messed up the squares again!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Tubbo laughed as Ranboo fixed the black and yellow pixels on his cheeks.

Ranboo huffed, flicking his tail, "don't touch it until it dries."

"Who knew you'd be so picky about this." Tubbo chuckled.

"I'm-I am not being picky!" Ranboo crossed his arms.

Across the living room, Tommy jumped out of his room. He was wearing a dark blue uniform with gold embellishments. A dark red sash was tied around his waist, and to top it off, a tricorne hat was on his head.

Tommy laughed, flaring his good wing and waving a fake sword around, "I'm fucking ready!"

"Hold on a minute mate." Phil chuckled, "we need to lay down some rules."

Tommy groaned, "why!?"

"Because it can be dangerous." Phil told them as they gathered around, "there are people who... Want to hurt other people. Sometimes they do it because they want to kill or kidnap, sometimes it's because they're looking for money or things they can sell. It's easier for these people to hurt others when they can wear a costume and mask. You need to be careful. If someone comes up to you and asks you to come with them, don't go. If someone seems suspicious, don't go near them. And watch out for each other. Make sure you can see each other at all times. That way if one of you goes missing, we can find you sooner."

Techno sighed at the terrified faces of the kids, "the chances of someone taking you are slim. Just stay together and keep an eye on Michael."

"And be back before one!" Phil nodded.

Fundy smiled, grabbing multiple buckets, "okay! Come on!"

Techno watched as the kids ran out the door. He was never one for these type of holidays, but they liked it so he wants going to complain.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Phil asked, holding his arms.

Techno looked up and hummed, "what do you mean?"

"The Masks." Phil said, "what if they attack again? We're not going to be there to help them."

Techno sighed, "the Mask attack was almost two months ago. There's been no sign of them since then."

Phil nodded, "still... That doesn't mean they won't come again..."

"Phil, there's going to be hundreds of kids out there tonight trick-or-treating." Techno told him, "no one's gonna kidnap kids while there's parents and other kids watching."

Phil groaned, "you're right! But I can't help but worry."

"They'll be fine." Techno waved it off, standing from the couch and making his way to his room.

Meanwhile, the kids were having the time of their lives. They couldn't believe how many people were out wearing costumes and getting candy.

"Over here!" Fundy gasped, "this house always gives out huge candy bars!"

Tubbo gasped, "how big!?"

"Giant!" Fundy laughed.

Michael bounced on his feet, holding Ranboo's hand tightly, "Candy! Candy!"

Ranboo hummed, "that's right Michael."

Tommy laughed, running ahead, "Come on!"

"Wait for us!" Fundy called as they ran after the winged boy.

Tommy reached the door first, turning and waiting for his friends. He didn't realize how quiet it had gotten. The laughs and shouts of kids and parents far away now.

"Michael should knock this time." Fundy smiled, urging the child to go up.

Michael looked at Ranboo and Tubbo, who nodded. The child smiled and walked up to the door.

An older woman opened the door.

"Tick or tweat!" Michael squealed, holding out his candy bag.

"Oh how cute!" The lady gasped and smiled, "here you go!"

Michael watched with wide eyes as the lady pulled out five candy bars the size of his face. The lady gave each of the kids one with a smile.

"What do you say Michael?" Ranboo prompted as the child dug around in his bag.

"Tank you!" Michael giggled.

The lady laughed, "it's nothing dears! Happy Halloween!"

A chorus of thank you's came from the boys as they started towards the next house.

"You weren't kidding! These are huge!" Tubbo smiled.

"Right!?" Fundy laughed.

The boys continued to walk. It was about midnight by now, a lot of the younger children had already gone home for bed. Michael was asleep, being koala held by Ranboo while Tubbo held all three of their candy buckets.

Tommy yawned, stretching his good wing, "I think I'm done for the night..."

Fundy nodded, "me too. But at least we got a good haul!"

"Yeah, I know." Tubbo rolled his eyes as he lifted the three bags higher.

Ranboo chuckled, "let's go home then. We can put Michael to bed and sort the candy in the morning."

"Sounds good boss man." Tubbo started yawning as well.

And so they started heading back to where Techno and Phil were waiting for them. Back in the house, much warmer than the chilly autumn air. And Phil had already started making hot chocolate for them, despite how much sugar they've probably already had.

Techno watched out the window for them. It was nearing one in the morning. They were going to give the boys a ten minute grace time, as they both knew how easily it is to lose track of time when you're having fun. But as it got closer to one-thirty, they started to get worried.

I knew we shouldn't have left them alone!" Phil worried, pacing the floor, "I'm going to call Fundy."

Techno nodded as Phil hurriedly pressed the contact. And he watched as Phil's face morphed from worry to horror. Slowly, Phil turned the phone on speaker.

All that they heard was the sound of screaming.

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