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Michael happily colored away on some sheets of paper. After a few hours, they had gone home. All Wilbur's blood work came back normal, but he still hadn't woken up. Meanwhile, Phil was out posting missing child posters for Michael.

"Hi Michael!" Ranboo smiled, crouching down to the child's level, his tail wagging.

Michael smiled, showing Ranboo a picture of them and Tubbo all holding hands. Ranboo awed, taking the picture and hugging Michael.

"So do you know what his power is yet?" Techno asked.

Ranboo shook his head, "no. He's about four we think, but he doesn't talk."

Techno hummed, crouching down as well, "Do you think he's a shifter?"

Ranboo shrugged, "I don't know. Michael, can you turn into an animal?"

Michael blinked up at Ranboo, holding up another, half finished picture.

"Let me try." Techno turned to the child, "Michael, can you do this?"

Techno shifted into his piglin form, causing the child's eye to go wide. Michael looked and Ranboo and pointed to Techno. Then he screwed his eyes closed and in a poof of pink dust Michael turned into a piglin.

Techno smiled softly, patting the childs head, "well I guess that answers that."

"You have powers!" Ranboo laughed, picking up Michael and spinning him around, "Tubbo! Tubbo! Michaels a piglin shifter!"

"What?" Tubbo looked up from where he was trying to teach Tommy chess, "oh my god Michael!"

Tubbo flew over, smiling widely, "Tommy! Look at Michael!"

"Pog!" Tommy yelled over the back of the couch, "good job Michael!"

Michael squealed happily as Tubbo scooped him up. Tubbo giggled, setting Michael on the ground next to his drawings.

"Your dad's are so proud of you Michael!" Tubbo said, Ranboo humming in agreement.

Techno snorted, "so are you two married then?"

"Married?" Ranboo tilted his head.

"Uh... Yeah." Techno said, "like Phil and Mumza. They love each other and so they did this thing where they're legally together forever and now they have tax benefits or something."

"So if we get married we'll get tax benefits!?" Tubbo gasped, "Ranboo! Marry me for tax benefits!"

"What!?" Tommy yelled from the couch.

"Shut up Tommy! I'm getting married!" Tubbo yelled back.

Ranboo laughed, "I'll marry you Tubbo."

"Yes!" Tubbo cheered, headbutting Ranboo.

Techno chuckled, shaking his head. The kids were having fun, he didn't think it would escalate very much. And it was taking their minds off Wilbur.

"Michael! Can you say Dad?" Tubbo asked with a smile.

Michael tilted his head, poofing back into human form, "Dah?"

Tubbo gasped, "RANBOO!"

"Yes! Very good Michael!" Ranboo chuckled.

Michael smiled, "Dah! Dah!"

"What about me!?" Tommy clambered over the back of the couch, "Can you say Tommy?"

Michael tilted his head again, "Dah?"

Tommy shook his head, "Tommy. Tom-my."

Michael pouted in concentration, "T-dah! Dah!"

"I'm not too good with kids, but I think you should teach him one word at a time." Techno said, shifting back into human form.

"Okay." Tubbo nodded.

"We'll teach him Dad first, then names." Ranboo said.

Tommy groaned, "alright. But I want to be the first name he says!"

Tubbo laughed, "alright boss man."

Techno sighed, "welp. Phil said you all are ungrounded now, so uh... You can do whatever?"

"Minecraft!" Tommy cheered, running towards the computer.

However, halfway to the device, the elevator doors opened. Standing in the entryway was a young man, just barely older than the kids, with a fluffy orange tail and white tipped ears. He wore a black jacket over a white shirt. A bag was slung over his shoulder.

"Um..." The man said, his tail flicking, "did I get the date wrong?"

Techno sighed, "no Fundy. Sorry, there's been a lot going on."

"Who the fuck are you?" Tommy asked.

"This is Fundy." Techno said, walking over to the fox boy and rubbing his ears, "he's Wilbur's son."

"Where is Dad?" Fundy asked.

Techno froze up, "uh, he's uh..."

"He's just running late!" Tommy smiled, "he'll be back soon."

Fundy gave Tommy a strange look, "how old are you anyway?"

"I'm seventeen bitch!" Tommy crossed his arms.

"I'm nineteen." Fundy huffed, his tail flicking.

"Isn't Wilbur only twenty-four?" Ranboo asked.

Techno sighed, "it was a... weird time... Please don't ask..."

Fundy dropped his guard, "physically I'm twenty-one, but I've only been alive for maybe five years so my mental age is younger. We all agreed that my age is nineteen."

"So how did you age up like that?" Tubbo asked, Michael sitting in his lap.

Fundy shrugged, "don't know. I wondered off one day and came back an adult. But I still live with my mum and dad. I just switch houses when Dad gets back home."

"Oh, well I'm Tubbo! This is Ranboo and Tommy!" Tubbo smiled, then held up Michael, "this is Ranboo and mines son Michael! Ranboo and I got married!"

"Uh, okay?" Fundy's tail flicked.

Techno sighed, "the guest room is a little occupied right now, so unless you want to stay with these four, you can stay in Wilbur's room."

"Okay." Fundy nodded, moving towards his father's room.

Techno shook his head. Nope. He wasn't babysitting five kids. Not even the Goddess of Death could make him.

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now