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When we walked into the house you could smell sweat and bear. People were grinding on each other and making out. The second we got there all the girls were dancing with random guys I laughed and went to the kitchen to get a drink. When I got into the kitchen I walked to the fridge and poured my self a cup of bear then some vodka. After a few more drinks I think I was a bit tipsy and I went to go find my girls and dance with them. As I was walking to the dance floor I dumb into a guy

"Hey beautiful" the guys slired obviously full blown drunk I was only a little tipsy but not to much so I was smart enough to walk away. As I was walking away to the tall black haired boy grabbed my arm and said "don't just walk away"

I started to tug my arm away but he tightened his grip

"Let go of me "I shouted the boy just pulled me to the couch and pushed me down and got on top of me he tried to kiss me but I moved my head but he gripped my chin and moved me I was wiggling and screaming but everybody was to drunk to here. Just as the body was about to pull my shirt off he was off me I looked at him and he was on the ground and someone was beating him up when he was done with the boy who tried to rape me he looked up and I saw that I was Devan I hugged him and thanked him and he told me he would take me to Xander since they were here together. When I saw Xander I ran up to him and hugged him with all I had and started to cry Devan was whispering in his ear and I could feel his fist balling up and he was pulling away

"I'm gonna kill the bastard!"

"No Xander please there's no point just ...just stay with me please "I begged Xander,he walked over to me and hugged me "OK but we are going home" with that Xander lead me to his car and brought me home.


When Devan told me what happened to Joyce I was angry that I didn't find Joyce it should have been me but I'm glad that Devan found him because if he hadn't then who knows what that guy would have done to my baby girl. Once I got her home I took her hand and kissed her lips lightly for a few minutes then I pulled away wanting more but knew that's not what she would want now. I noticed that she was a bit drunk so I told her to go change. After a little while of waiting Joyce she still wasn't out so I walked to the room and knocked on the door

"Come in" I walk in and I see that Joyce is still not dressed

"Why aren't you dressed yet? "

"I can't "she whined, "I didnt drink that much but I also haven't had a drink in a while, can u help" I just nodded and walked closer. I got the tiny short she wanted to wear and the black matching crop top. I got her to her bed and slipped on her shorts grazing my fingers on her skin causing her to shudder. Once I got her shorts on I put her top on,

"There you go" I said then I rook her to the bathroom and washed her face then put her hair up in a bun.

"Come on lets go relax" I then take her to the living room and sit her on my lap on the ground full of blankets I had set up waiting for her to get dressed. Once we were comfortable I played our favourite show the walking dead.

     After watching a few episodes Joyce feel asleep and I just kept her in my embrace and before I knew it I was falling into a deep sleep.

Morning Devan:

When Xander and I were at the party I was with my girl friend and she was bringing me to the sofa when I noticed that some boys was on a girl and I could tell she was not willingly there so I Yank the boy off and beat him a little then took a close look at the girl and noticed it was Joyce she was crying so I went back and beat the crap out of the guy once I was done I took Joyce over to Xander and told him what was going on HDTV was about to go kill the guy but lucky for him Joyce wanted her boy friend with her she saved him damn worthless life. After that they both left to go home. I was pissed at the guy even though Joyce and I aren't close anymore I still care for her and nothing can change that. After they left I stayed at the party for another hour things started to slow down and got boring so I decided to go home to. It took me a while to find my way home. But when I finally got home I found my sister passed out on the couch so I took her bridle style and and brought her to bed it's been a while since I have done something nice for her. Once I got her into bed I went down stairs and got her a tydonal and water for when she wakes up in the morning I also left a little note say.

    'Hey baby sis I found you passed out on the sofa so I brought you to your room there is tydonal on ur counter take you going to need it: ) love your totally hot and amazing brother; )'

When I stuck that to where I knew she would look first I kissed her forehead and told her goodnight when I left the room I closed the door and went to my girlfriend Alise. She was sitting on my bed and I went on top of her and kissed her hard. After a little bit of making out I pulled away and we cuddled under the bed sheets "goodnight Alise love you"

"Love you to" and just like that we were both out.


Here is another chapter OMG Devan is back in the story how do you feel about that.

Pls comment





And guys can u pls do me a favour can you go follow my instagram @matched_melody_  i share it with my friends and we would apperciate the follow like the pics of me so i know who to follow back and i will like ur photos to also if u want u can follow my personal instagram @baseball_love098

Love Hilda pls do me that favour it would mean tons

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