its been forever

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when i got home from school my mom was baking, meaning something was up. you see my mom only bakes when she is excited about something. so i decide so go in the kitchen and ask what she had on her mind.

"hey mom"

"hi honey, how was school"

"eh it was ok, so whats up" i ask curious

"well you remember Joyce right?"

"well of course i remember Joyce mom" i said in a duh tone and even though it has been 4 almost 5 years i still miss her... she was my best friend for crying out loud.

"well her mom has to go to a place 4 hours from hear so she will be staying in a motel but because she cant afford one for two people Joyce will be stay with us for the rest of the year!"when i herd these words leave my moms mouth i just wanted to jump up and down screaming like a girl but i couldn't let my mom know that.

"cool... hey im gonna go to my room ok" and with that i left. once i got into my room i closed the door and started shouting i was so excited go see my best friend again it would be just like it used to be. we would play x-box, play sports and anything els we used to do. then it hit me when was she coming so i quickly ran down the stairs to ask my mom.

"there coming on Wednesday"

once she told me i went back to my room with the biggest smile on my face!


"Joyce honey can you come in here i need to tell you something"

"yes mom"

once i got into tue kitchen i asked

"whats up?"

"well sweetie i have a business trip and its four hours away from where we used to live. so im going to rent a motel and stay there but i cant afford the both of us to stay there so you will be staying with Xander" my mom blurted out fast thing if i herd her i would spas but why would i? I CAN SEE MY BEST FRIEND AGAIN YAY!

"OMG really mom when? and for how long?"

"Wednesday, and for a year"

"YAY!" were the only words i could muster up so i ran to my room screaming out of joy!


so today was the day i would be going back to my home town and see my best friend again. But before i left the house i said my goodbyes to all my friends and drove off to the air port. once we got in the plain i put my headphones in and blasted "bang bang" by Ariana grande, Katy Perry and Jesse. i looked out the window only thinking that every minutes that goes by im closer to seeing Xander again. i fell asleep after a few hours and slept through the rest of the ride when they woke me up we were now here it was sunny and warm just the way i liked it. Today my hair was in a messy bun with a white bandana, i had a romper on and the top was white and the bottom was brown it stopped above mid thigh and was strapless. Once we got our bags we looked for Xander and his mom because they were our ride. after 10 minutes of looking my mom pointed out where they were, and boy had Xander change as weird as this may sound my best friend was HOT! when our eyes connected a burst of excitement rushed through my body! i dropped my bags by my mom and ran full speed to Xander.


as we were waiting in the air port for Joyce and her mom to come i got some snacks for my mom and me! after an hour of waiting my mom FINALLY pointed out where Joyce was. WOW she changed a lot she actually looks like a girl and she dresses nicely she is wearing a bit of makeup and had her hair in a bun... she was HOT! when our eyes connected her face lit up and she dropped her bags and ran towards me when i realized what she was doing i did the same thing and met her half way. when we were close enough i pulled her into the biggest hug ever and spun her around in circles as she giggled. wait what she's giggling that hasn't happened before!

"hey! OMG i missed you so much" she blurted still in my embrace.

"i missed you more!"

"that's not possible you would be dead then" i sighed in relief knowing she hasn't change much in her personality because she was still that girl i saw 4 years ago!

once we broke from our embrace we walked to my van i rapped my arm around her shoulders like i always did and to my liking everything was just like when she left only she was attractive!

when we got back to my place it was 12:00 pm so my mom quickly made lunch ready for Joyce and me since her mom wasn't here and my mom wasn't hungry. as we were waiting i showed her, her room and was right next to mine plus we shared a bathroom. when the food was ready we both got it and walked to the table we ate in silence but when we were done i decided to take her to the little park we used to go to all the time if we wanted to be alone.

once we got the park we just talked about the old times and what was new. but once we were all caught up we stared to walk down the path which was an hour long if you were to walk the whole thing there and back. there was so many trees around the path and flowers, at the end there is a little pond where old laddies always feed the birds. once we were almost back from the trail i decided to have a little fun.

"ill beat you to the park"

and with that i started running and i was faster so bonus.

"CHEATER!" i could hear her yelling and she was in my tail and not to long later i felt a thud on my back and there she was the most beautiful girl was on my back.once we got to the park she wanted me to put her down but i ended up carrying her all the way back home... man i really did miss this!

"you can but me down now" i heard her whisper in my ears giving me the chills... what was happening to me i have had girls whisper in my ears before this never happened.

"noP i will bring you all the way home" and since then the walk has been quite.

when we got home i walked up the stairs it was now 8:00 pm so i brought Joyce into her room so she could change into her pj's and get some sleep today has been a long day for her. but since i didn't go to school today i had to catch up on some homework. it took me an hour but when i finally finished i got in my boxers and went to sleep.

2:00 a.m.

it was in the middle of night when i herd whimpering coming from the other room so i got up and walked into Joyce's room to see if she was ok, she was sitting up crying her eyes out so i quickly rushed under the blankets with her hugging her until she calmed down i guess she still get though's night mares. i was just about to go back to my room when she stopped me.

"can you please stay"

"ya of course" this reminded me of the old times every time she had a sleepover i would have to wake up and cuddle with her so she would sleep. so i snaked my arm around her waist and she rested her head on my chest and we both fell asleep.

childhood friends (not edited)Where stories live. Discover now