i will get you

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"hey i need to tell you something" Joyce says walking up me to me.
"ya i need to tell you something to."
"ok you go first"
"ok well umm don't get to mad ok" i begin "ikissedhopetheothernight" i say really fast.
"ok say that again and maybe a bit slower"
i take a deep breath and again say "i kissed Hope the other day"
At first Joyce looked pissed
then sad and then both.
"how could you do this to me... i thought you were better than that" she shouts as tears pour out her eyes.
"i I'm sorry" i stutter.
"YOUR SORRY. you just told me you kissed a different girl and you can say is sorry!"
"ya WHAT els do you want me to say oh it was a terrible mistake that it didn't mean anything" i say her face
just went from pissed off to depressed
"oh ok well you can just forget about us its not like it matter to me anyways we would of only had a month left. thank you for opening my eyes now i can live my last month with freedom and do what ever i want." she whales out i instantly had a puzzled yet sad look on my face what she just said hurt... a lot
but what confused me was why she said she only has a month left.
"what do you mean your last month"
tears just keep falling down her face.
"i cane here to tell you that I'm... I'm dying." i almost fell over i was backing up to lean against the wall when she continued
"i have cancer its spread all over my body i only have 4 weeks to live." i walk up to her and wanted to hold her in my arms to hug her and kisser and never leave her side but she backed away.
"i came here to tell you i wanted to spend my last month will you and only you but now i want you to stay the h*ll away from me i never want to see you again" with that she left my house crying. i fell to the ground and cried the rest of the night i just lost the one girl that means the most to me and soon so is every one els but there is nothing anyone can do.

i fly into a sitting position
it was just a dream a really really bad dream i wipe the tears off my face and walk over to Joyce's room to see her laying on her bed with her eyes opened.
"hey" i whisper
"hi... what are you doing here" she asks
"i had a bad dream... you you and i were fighting and then you told me you were dying" i cry. Joyce then walks up to me
"its ok Xander I'm fine we are fine" she says hugging me tightly
"i never want to loose you Joyce if i did it would be the death of me" i cry more Joyce just pulls out of the hug and brings me to her bed. i knew i had to tell Joyce so i was going to tell her now the sooner the better.
"Joyce i i kissed Hope it was an accident she kissed me and i pushed her away i didn't mean anything to me and i" i was cut off by Joyce putting her hand on my chest.
"its ok I'm not mad i believe you" she says all snuggled up next to me. I'm glad shes not mad it would kill me if she was.

once Xander told me he kissed another girl i was upset and angry but then i thought back to what he
just said and I believed every word he said. i loved him and i don't plan on loosing him so someone els he is MINE and only MINE. with that thought i fell asleep to an already sleeping Xander.

Morning Joyce; when i woke up in the morning i notice Xander was still sleeping i tried to move but he had a death grip on me. so i just stayed
in his arms as my thoughts led me to last night im so happy Xander told me right away and not have waited for me to find out. I was soon taken out of my thoughts when i looked at the clock it was 7:40 a.m. we only have 20 minutes until school starts i try to wake up Xander but nothing works so i give him a kiss and less then a minutes he kisses me back i wanted more but we had to get ready to i pulled away and got out of bed as Xander groans
"we need to get ready for school...now" i say pointing at the clock and as Xander's eyes see the time he rolls out of bed rushing to his room to get ready.

i walk over to my closet and slip on a white laced skirt that is a dew inches above the knee with a brown belt with a bow on it i match it with a black shirt tucked in. i grab my black flats and take my hair out of the braid giving it a crimped look. i do my usual make up brush my teeth and head down the stairs. i then grab an apple and leave the house to get the the car where Xander and his mom are waiting.

we made it to school just in time for us not to be late but we had to hurry so no talking for us. once i got to my class i sat in the one empty chair and listened to the lesson we where to learn today.

Hope (finally);
i don't really feel bad for kissing Xander even though he has a girlfriend i was surprised that he kissed back even if it were for just a second. when he left i was hoping he would tell his slut of a girlfriend and maybe she would dump him for some other guy. even if they don't brake up now i will get what i want. i might act shy but its not who i really am. when i got to school today Xander wasn't here yet so i waited when he finally came he was holding hands with the slut. i was angry to say the least. when Xander arrived to the locker he didn't even look at me so i run my finger up and down his arm.
"did you tell her what happened last light Xand" as i say this Xander turns to me with an evil look
"first of all you make it sound like we had sex. second of all yes i did tell her and she isn't mad so yes we are still together and thirdly my name is Xander not Xand" he was almost yelling but then the bell rang and he just left for class. to bad we have every class together. i think to myself.

really short chapter i no sorry but i hope u still like it and thanks for all the reads it means a lot guy pls
fan and one who follows me will get a follow back
sorry if there are any mistakes my keyboard is kinda screwed up :/

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