i cant

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im not going to lie i was hurt really hurt in fact. I dont get why she wouldnt just tell me she was hanging out with a guy i mean I wouldnt have cared if she told me but the fact that she kept it hidden makes me feel like maybe she did something behind my back. i fell asleep troublesome i couldnt get the fact that she was lying to me off my mind.

i decided that i wouldnt confront Joyce about anything just yet maybe she wanted to tell me but it just slipped her mind. i will wait a couple of days until i ask her again....hopefully she will be honest this time. i was in bed for a few minutes until i rolled out of bed i walked over to the bathroom with a a towel in my hand ready to take a shower. Once i got in the hot water got all my tense muscles loos again, i was in there for a good hour until i got out. i got in my room and slipped on a pair of black shorts and a lime green muscle shirt. when i was done getting dressed i walked into the kitchen when I saw a note taped on the fridge
"I'm going out with some friends cya in a few xoxo Joyce"
i was satisfied that she took the time to write me a note about where she was going but i wanted to make sure she was telling the truth about where she was i know that might not be the best thing to do and i should trust her and iii wold be able to trust her before but now she doesn't remember anything about us so im a bit worried. i decided i would text Emily one of her friends and ask if she was there.
me-hey emily is Joyce over there with you guys?
emily-ya she is...why?
me- i just wanted to make sure she got over there safely
emily-awwww thats so sweet but ya shes here you don't need to worry.
me- ok thanks i talk to you later...by
with that the conversation was done and i breathed a breath of relief i could relax now and not worry about my best friend hooking up with my girlfriend. i then texted Devan asking if he wanted to hang out with me, it would just be us though since all the other guys are at a surfing competition Devan and I should be there to but we both stayed back because of Joyce well i did anyways but he stayed back because he wanted to make sure that i would be ok.
Devan- ill be there in a few

i was just hanging out with the girls and we were talking about boys at first i just talked about Xander and they told me a few stories about what we did and i couldn't help but to blush although i did feel guilt at the pit of my stomach i guess the girls noticed my discomfort because Ashely asked,
"babes whats wrong"
"its nothing i just wish i could remember" i lied
"no its not you have been over that for the past couple of weeks you may not remember but we are best friends" she said pointing to everybody and the all nodded their heads "we can tell when your lying, now spill" and that's how it started i told them everything that had happened with me and Devan, i couldn't stop the water works from coming and now i was balling my eyes out. at first Emma looked uncomfortable but i can understand why because Devan is her older brother and I'm her best friend but after a minute or two she started to look more comfortable
"im so sorry Emma.." Emma then started to look angry
"you know what Joyce, i get that you lost your memory and all but you....you should feel bad this is something you can control you shouldn't be saying sorry to me it should be to Xander and my brother Devan.... this isn't fare to either of them what if you start to remember and you leave my brother broken hearted or you don't remember and you leave YOUR boyfriend in the dust...I'm sorry but I in this situation its not you who i feel bad for its the boys!!!!"
"i-im sorry.." she again cut me off with
"save it"
"emma thats enough" Emily and Ashely say "this is not how you treat friends" Emma was going to say something but Emily gave her a look to shut it i smiled at how my friends were backing up but it quickly vanished when the girls turned to me and said
"what Emma said was a bit harsh but you have to understand where she is coming from it is completely wrong for you to do what you are doing and its not us you should be saying sorry to it is the guys...we still love you and everything but you have to tell the guys or just Xander unless you told Devan you weren't together anymore...."
"ok ill tell Xander butt what if he gets mad and brakes things off"
"ok honey he is going to get mad and he is going to be really hurt like what if he did that to you but if you really still want him your going to have to fight for him"
i nodded my head in agreement and we all got into a group hug even Emma.
"look Joyce im sorry about my harsh words but you needed to hear the...friends'
"no not friends...sisters" we both laughed at my cheesy comment and hugged it out.
we still had a few more hours to hangout so we decided to have a movie marathon. But i decided i would go home since i wasnt in the best mood ever....but boy what that ever a mistake

Devan (finally);
I was on my way to Xander's place i was hoping that Joyce would not be there because i would have to have so much self controls and i don't know how much of that i have when I'm around her. i know it's wrong of me but i just cant help it she's so beautiful funny smart and a whole bunch of other things most girls don't have.
once i was at Xander's apartment i couldn't see Joyce's car parked in her regular spot so im taking it as she was with the girls which i was thankful for. once i got to his apartment door i knocked once and then walked in
"hey" i simply say
"hey whats up man" Xander said as we did our handshake and did a bro hug
"so what are we going to do tonight"
"well i was thinking we would just chill for most of the day and then later in the night we could go to a bar and grab a couple of drinks"
"sounds good...wanna play COD" Xander laughed at my randomness but nodded and started for the couch
We have been playing video games for a few hours now and we were just now putting away the games to get ready for the bar he said that it would be one of the fancy ones since he didn't feel like partying tonight so he told me i could borrow some of his cloths. i let Xander take a shower first and as i waited i herd the door open i looked at the door and there se was Joyce walking through the door. she didn't notice me at first but when she did a smile lit up her face and she shyly waved at me i got up and walked over to her and gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek a light blush crept onto her cheeks and smiled but then stepped away and i know why we didn't need to be seen by Xander.
"what are you doing here" she asked
"Xander and i are going to one of those Fancy bars you should come"
"nah ill let you boys have a night away from me" she laughed just then Xander came in and i stiffened at bit but I don't think it was noticeable i looked over at Joyce ad she looked completely calm damn she's good. she ran over to Xander jumped into in his arms and kissed him, oh how I wish that was me. Once they pulled away Xander asked
"what are you to talking about"
"i was just asking her if she wanted to go to the bar with us" i answered
"and..." Xander asked looking over to Joyce with hope in his eyes
"i sad said no you guys probably want to have your guys night out"
"No its fine you can come" Xander said nudging me telling me to do the puppy dog eyes because no one and i mean no one when turn down my puppy dog eyes not even Xander him self. After a few minutes of staring at her with the stare she caved in
"fine but only because Xander asked" she laughed and waked in the her room to get ready
After a hour Joyce came out in a white dress that ended a few inches above mid thigh the top was fitted and had sparkels on the straps and ended right under the chest. She also had a par of sparkly high heels that made her a few inches taller.
Yup i'm definitely going to need a lot of self control!
OMG thank you guys for the 1k reads it mean a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry i was going to update yesterday but stuff came up so hope you had a great Christmas
hope u guys like this chapter its a bit longer soo yay!!!!
COMMENT what u think
love you lots
-Hilda <3

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