is this a dream

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this cant be how is he here?
"X-Xander?" i stutter
"yes baby" came his sweet voice again i quickly got off the bed and ran over to him hugging him with everything i had thinking he would soon disappear i began to cry and he ran his fingers through my hair to sooth me. After being in a tight embrace which felt like forever he bent down and rubbed my tummy talking to the little ones inside.
"hello kids I'm your daddy and I'm gonna be with you forever I'm never leaving again."my hand shot up to my mouth in shock and smiled.
"your not going to leave again?" i asked just above a whisper. Xander shook his head and smiled "never." he said.
i hugged him once more before the doctor came in with a smile on his face.
"are you guys reading to find out what gender the babies are?" we both nodded ors heads as i got back on the bed. Just like every other time i came here for a check up he put the blue gooy stuff on my stomach. Once again i got to see my babies, the doctor stopped on one of the babies and said " this one is a girl" i looked our at Xander and he had the same goofy grin on his face as i did. Once the doctor got on the other baby he said "its a boy" i couldn't be happier right now I'm having one girl and one boy. Tears started to fall out of Xander's eyes i let out a small giggle as tears fall from my eyes as well.

Once we got home from the doctors office we were both grinning from ear to ear. When we walked in i saw that everything was boxed up just not somethings we would need to use everyday. i look over Joyce who is smiling sheepishly
"whats going on" i ask
"well since we are going to be having two babies with us soon i decided that we needed a new bigger home...i already bought a house for us with our parents help of course" she finished. i don't know why but i was fuming i was so angry at her right now how can she just make a decision like that without me!
"Excuse me but what if i don't want to move your not the only person who's going to be living in the house i think i should have a say in if we move and where we move you cant  just do what you did!" i yell i see hurt flash through her eyes but right now I'm just so angry.
"well I'm sorry for thinking about our future its not just us anymore there is gonna be more then two more people living with us we have stop stop acting like teenagers now we have to act like adults...parents" she yelled but whispered the last bit. i now feel bad she was thinking about our kids and i wasn't here for her during her pregnancy. i walked towards her and she to a step back i still see hurt and a little bit of fear in her eyes.
"look I'm sorry i didn't mean to yell....when do we move" i sigh and she visibly relaxed.
"in a few weeks your going to love the place i promise" she says excited i smile at her mood swings...all anger vanished and i hug her come one ill call the moving trucks we can start moving today.
"what really! OMG i love you babe" she squeaks i know she says we need to stop acting like teens but that her that i fell for will always be a teen at heart.

****time lap*****Xander******
its been a three since we have moved into the house and our life has been perfect we lived near the beach with an amazing view the house is huge and Joyce was right a did love it and to make up for hurting her that night we went for a little swim in the ocean. A couple of weeks after moving in Joyce had the babies and they are just beautiful the mean the world to us. im not going to lie and say taking care of the babies was and easy in fact it was hard we didnt sleep for months. But now the kids will be turning three in a few weeks. Ally was dark brown curly hair with bright blue eyes where as Alex has blond hair and hazel eyes. they never leave each others side they are always holding hands and laugh its jut so cute.
"daddy daddy...can you make me some food I'm hungwy" 
"sure thing kiddo, where is Alex?" i say picking her up to put her in her high chair
"mommy is dressing him" i nod my head and  give her some apple sauce. i then turn around to see Joyce Holding Alex and asks if we are reading to go i tell her yes we are just waiting for Ally to finish her food.
today we are going to paris for a few weeks once we all get into the car a song that Joyce and i used to listen to before she lost her memory came on i started to sing and i looked at Joyce her eyes coming out of her head i pull over to make sure she is ok "Joyce are you ok" i looks at me and screams a happy scream she hugged me and kissed me while the kids quickly squeal and close their eyes and i chuckled
"Xander i....i....i remember"she whispers "i remember" she screams again while laughing i hug her again and say"its about time" and then we where off to Paris just me and my perfect little family.

Oh and i forgot to tell you Joyce is pregnant again and its a girl a sweet little girl.

there it is the last chapter of the book i hope you guys enjoyed it ask much as i loved writing it  oh thanks for the 5.4k reads i never though i would even get more then 300 thanks soooo much you guys i will be making a new book soon ill let you guys know it will be called nerd crush thanks for all the support guys please tell me what you though of the book...sorry if the romance part sucked i have never been in a relationship so i don't know what couples do lol but thanks again  for reading losts of love Hilda

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