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I'm all dressed up for the wedding and I'm about 10 minutes away from the farm. My nerves are growing every second and before I know it I'm at the there everything is so Perfect there are colours of purple and yellow every where. The  barn has the most beautiful decores and the venue is gorgeous.  In an hour I will be married to my best friend. Right now I'm just talking to my men as we stand in the barn waiting for everybody to show up. Soon everyone is here and Joyce's bridemaids just walked in. My nerves are coming in 10 times faster as the music starts and when Joyce walks in I brake into a smile, she looks Perfect. 
         The service was going by fast and as the preacher was talking I mouthed "you look beautiful " to Joyce
"You don't look bad your self " she mouthed back.  We both smiled and soon it was time for the vows.
"Joyce with out a best friend like you I would never have feelings this strong to someone else you have made me the man I am today you are the most Perfect person in this world and I'm glad that I'm the one who gets to be stuck with you forever and I promise I will love you to the day I  die and if you go before me I will go with you " When I was done tears were streaming down her face.
"Xander you have been there for me through thick and thin when I lost my memorie you didn't let me forget how much I love you we have so many many memories some I know and some I know but don't remember I love you Xander and I would die if I didn't have you and it will always been like that."

The service was soon over and I am now Joyce Banman and I'm proud of it. After the service was over we have the party it went by quickly and now we are on the plain to Fiji
           In Fiji
Once we got to Fiji it is late so we go  to our hotel room and it is beautiful we have a beautiful view of the city. I lay my bags onto the bed and Xander does the Same.
"Do you want to try the jaquzie "he nods his head excitedly. 
We both strip into our bathing suits and step in. I sit on his lap and kiss him he licks much lip asking for entrance and I let him in.  We kiss until are are out of breath he kisses my neck and comes back to my lips "I love you "we both say at the Same time and that's what did it.

Next Morning Joyce.
I wake up next to Xander remembering last night.  He is still sleeping I sneak out of bed and dress in a black skater skirt and a hot pink crop top I loosely curl my hair and do my usual make up Once I'm done I start to make breakfast. Xander and I are going to explore this beautiful city.  When breakfast is done I wake him up he dressed in a red plaid shirt and brown shorts.  He left his hair alone but it looked good.  We ate in silence until Xander said "how is my lovely WIFE " he says with a smirk and I know why "I'm great how is my HUSBAND " "GREAT " I laugh at his enthusiasm. When we are done eating I do the dishes and Xander  hugs me from behind and kisses my neck "are you ready for a great day"
I nod and smile and before I know it we are outside in the beautiful city of Fiji.

Last night was the best I love Joyce so much I can't even explain it . The first place Joyce and I go is the private island to bring all of our things there before we travel the city.  The whole time we just talk and laugh people look at us like we are crazy and in a way they are right because we are crazy in love.  If I could go  back and undo our past I wouldn't ever do it.
Soon we are done unpacking everything and then we go to the beach to wait for the boat to pick us up and we wait we go into the water until it reached our thighs we both hug each other and sway with the  waves we were in our own little world until the boat blew it's horn and we were in the real world Once again. Once we are on the boat we watch the sun rise.  We just sat there in each others arms looking at the things that are passing us.  About 2 hours later we arrive at the forest.  We paid the sailor and we were off.Joyce looks so excited about  everything it's so cute.  We take pictures of all the animals and plants we like. Soon we come to a bridge and as we start crossing it the rain starts it's pouring and we start dancing . We saw flashes from people taking pictures we both laugh and soon continue to walk. We both didn't care that we were soaking wet we just laughed and laughed.

It  was now 6 and we went back to our island get changed and shower . I got into a red dress shirt with a black tie and black pants . Joyce was dressed in a red flowy dress that reached the floor her hair was in a bun and  she had her regualr makeup on but she had red lipstick witch made them look so kissable . Our dinner was filled with laughing and talking about our future and when we wanted kids we both agreed on 2 years from now. When  we were done the dinner it was 10 and we went back home once we got home I  kissed her like it was my last time and it lead into a very firece makout session . I picked her up and carried her to our bed and climbed ontop of her and kissed her somemore .
Sorry its beem a while but here is another chatper its getting close to the end hope u enjoy

love hilda

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