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ok this is a short chapter but i didn't want to leave you guys thinking he was purposing cuz he wasnt hope this helps and i hope u like it :) i was going to wait a day or two to post this but what ever
Ok when Xander was saying all these things i was starting to think he was purposing. No offence to Xander
i love him and all but i would never say yes to marriage at this age. But i sighed in relief when he took out a long but little box when we opened it, a bracelet appeared the band was black and the the word love was spelled out in silver jewels.
"its like a promise ring just a bracelet" Xander said with a smile
"thanks i love it" i said into his shoulder as i hugged him "at first i thought you were purposing"
"no no no... i mean maybe one day but not yet that would be gross" Xander spat out quickly
"ya it would, now lets go inside im cold" with that we walked into the door Xander walked over to his room as i walked over to mine. i was to lazy to take a shower so i will just have to take one tomorrow morning. i got into a pair of yoga shorts and a tank top. when my face hit the pillow i fell asleep to the thought that i will never take off the bracelet he gave me.
morning Joyce;
when i woke up this morning i felt nasty like i hadn't taken a shower in forever. i shot out of bed and ran into the bathroom for the amazing shower before anyone els could. i was in there for a good hour until i got out smelling like strawberry vanilla. i then brushed my teeth kept my face natural and threw my hair in a messy bun i also stayed in my pj's i guess today is my lazy day. once i was in my cloths again i walked down stairs texting my girls to see of they wanted to hang. to be honest i haven't hung out with them in what seems like forever and i missed them. i told Stacy and the rest of the girls to bring beach cloths and to be at my house in an hour.
i was now finishing my bowl of cereal when Xander walked in.
"what are you doing today" he asked
"well I'm going to hangout with the girls at the beach how about you."
"nothing to exiting"
"you can invite your guys over and all of us can go to the beach." i say hoping he would say yes.
"ya ok sounds like fun ill tell the boys"
after that he left the room texting.
once i was done my food i cleaned the dishes and went into my room to find a bathing suit. when i found a mint green full peace that hugged my curves perfectly i also found a matching colour bathing suit shorts and pulled those on top to give it a tucked in look. i kept everything els the same i pulled my "pj's" on top and left my room to watch some t.v.
i just started a show when i herd someone at the door. i got up to let my girls in. when actually to let my self out with them. when i opened the door i only saw Stacy
"where is everybody els" i ask confused
"they couldn't come because they both went to a party last night and stayed out to late so they are both grounded... so its just me and you today"
"well and the boys" i say
"oh they are coming to"
"ya Xander had nothing to do so i told him to invite the guys and come with us."
"oh" was all she said
"Xander Stacy and I are going to leave now see ya later" i shouted through the house and left.
"they aren't coming for another few hours so we have some time to our selves" i told Stacy. Her face lit up
"ok good" with that we both got in her car and left for the beach.
once we arrived at the beach. Stacy and i didn't hesitate to run to the water. as we were running stripping to our bathing suits. once we got the water i screeched at the sudden coldness but it felt good on a hot day like this.
we swam in the water for an hour and a half until we got out to sun dry on our towels.
once we were dry we did the most childish thing ever we built sand castles. we made about 3 each and when we were done we stomped all over them. we laughed sooo hard its the most i have ever laughed. its been a few hours and the guys still didn't show up and we wanted to go home so thats what we did.
we decided that we could go to Stacy's house today. we were planning on starting a new dance and go hot tubing later. now was a time that i was grateful that i did my homework in advance.
Before we did a dance we watched the move "fault in our stars" i swear that movie gets to me every time. by the time the movie was over we were both bawling our eyes out on the floor. after 10 more minutes we recovered from the sad state and decided to skip the dancing part and go straight for the hot tub. we sat there for what seemed like hours, laughing,drinking (non-alcohol drinks), and eating some snacks.
it was 10:30 p.m. when i left her house, tomorrow we had school and i didn't want to look like a zombie.
Next day Xander;
the guys and i both decided not to hang out with the girls yesterday instead we played video games all day.
when i woke up this morning for school i quickly got dressed and did my usual routine. when i was going to go to the door there was a note from Joyce
"I'm going to school an hour early with Stacy so don't worry"
when i read that i was a little sad that couldn't see my girl this morning but i knew she need time with the girls. so i walk down the stairs and eat breakfast when i was done my mom brought me to school.
when i got out of the doors i said good by to my mom and walked to the school entrance i sighed knowing that today was going to be a long day... it is Monday after all.

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