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its been a few months of hard work Joyce and i continue to send each other letters. Every time i read her words my heart swells with happiness. she writes about how big shes getting and how none of her old clothes fit her anymore. she sent me a picture of what she looks like and true to her word she is bigger but in a good way. in my letters i just tell her how much i miss her and i cant wait to come home in a few months i also tell her that I'm sore but i never tell her about what war is like its a very scary thing. Your guard is always up not knowing when you will be attacked and when you are you don't just want to look out for yourself but for others to spending everyday with these men you become friends and no one i mean no one likes to lose a friend. Anyways tonight was my turn to use the computer so i skyped Joyce just like i promised in one of my letters. when she answered her face lit up as did mine she screamed her high pitch scream and started to cry and laugh at the same time. tears started to prick at my eyes seeing the most beautiful human on earth.
"hi baby" i say talking first. when the guys hear this they all come rushing to the computer everybody saying something at the same time so you have no idea what any of the are saying. Joyce just sits there in amusement while i try to shoo them away. most of them leave but not my bet buddy Alexander.
" its so nice to meet you...finally this boy," he says pointing to me"doesn't shut up about you i swear we know everything about you...he is whipped honey....WHIPPED!!!!!" he all but whispers my face heating up as Joyce snickers.
"shut up man i am not whipped" "mhmm" he hums and walks away. i look back at the screen to see Joyce smirking
"I'm to see you have made friends" she says
"ya these men are pretty cool and they try to keep my mind off you...but i cant control where my dreams take me." i say wiggling my eyebrows Joyce snickers again.
"oh so you dream about me now do you" she asks smirking as i just nod my head. we bantered on like this for hours on end but still didn't feel long enough, but since it was time for lights out i had to leave. that night my dreams where consumed with Joyce and our babies.

time lapse
its been three months since Xander and i have skyped but we still send letters but not as often. i ask him when he will come back home but he says he doesn't know yet but he will find out soon. right now i am cleaning the apartment in one of Xander's shirts and a pair of shorts. I have one last doctors appointment today i have to be there in a few hours so i put the wash cloth away and climb into the shower. after i was done my shower i got into a white flowy dress that fell to my ankles. i put my hair up into a sock bun and did lite cover up on my face and some mascara. finally i slipped on a pair of gold flats and headed out the door. Devan was waiting for me in the parking lot he insisted on taking me today just like every other time telling me he was going to keep his promise to Xander by going with me. We got to the doctors office a bit early so we end up going out for an ice-cream.
"so...have the babies been kicking their mom lately" i cant help but laugh
"yes i don't think they ever stop...they must be mad at me for letting their dad leave." i joke but still frown a little. Devan most have noticed since he grabbed my hand and said "hey he will be back before you know it ok" the look in his eyes made me believe him but still i wanted him with me right now. but i just said "thanks" with that he change the subject.
" I hear you are looking for a new place to live." My ears perked up at this Xander was going to love the new place
"ya actually i already bought a new place we will move in just after the babies are born...our apartment is just to small." i sigh.
"thats great Joyce I'm proud of you...you know that right."
"i know we used to have a thing and all but now i see you as my baby sister and i love you ok ill always be here for you ok no matter what." he said looking me in the eyes i then got up pulled him out of the chair and hugged him whispering "i love you to ....brother" we both laugh then head out to go to the doctors office. for some reason Devan looks excited but then again he always does. Once we finally get to the office we get out the car and wait in the waiting room. when a nurse walks out and calls my name. Both devan and i get up and walk into the room i lay on the bed and close my eyes waiting for the doctor to walk in. when the door opens i open my eyes about to greet him but when i looked at who's at the door my hands fly up to my mouth....no it cant be can it.
"Hello" came the voice of an angle....its...its

so here is another chapter hope you liked it...who do you think it was at the door comment who you thin it is.
my updates will be coming in faster now hopefully cuz i don't have work for a while.
love:hilda :)

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