baby on bored

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Last chapter you guys ahhhh. I hope you guys enjoy dont be to mad though ok thanks for reading
My face broke into a smile "a baby...we are having a baby?! "
"Yes we are having a baby" she said still upset. I went to sit next to her and hugged her she was upset that I have to go to war and I'm upset to but right now we need to be happy.
"Joyce... can we just be happy right now and we can talk later? " she nodded her head and smile.
"Is it a boy or a girl? " I asked
" it's to early to tell I'm only a few weeks pregnant " I nodded we talked about baby names for both boys and girls if it's a boy his name will be either Mataues or Joshua if it's a girl either Faith or Elliot.
We talked and ate for a an hour before we paid and left. When we got home I just the door looking at Joyce and her sad expression I hated seeing her like this.
"When do you leave? " she asked.
I let out a sigh, " I leave in two months and I will be gone for three months." She just nodded and changed the subject . We went to go watch a show called baby daddy . Its a very funny show. Anyways we watched it for hours on end it's was 3:45 a.m. when I noticed Joyce fell asleep. I just watched her sleep for a few minutes she had a frown on her face I hated seeing her like this and if I new sooner I would have denied the war offer but now it's to late. I picked up Joyce knowing this is one of the last times I will be able to do it for a while considering there is a baby growing in her. I still can't think about having a child with her without smiling. Just picturing us havinga child wake us up at night and running around learning how to talk is just so amazing. I know we are a little young and we wanted to wait a few years but I'm glad we didn't use protection. Once I get to our room I undressed Joyce putting pjs on her. My fingers traced her skin and she shivered. I took a look and her beautiful body and her stomach I'm upset that I won't be able to see her grow but we will Face time and write letters all the time. I kissed her belly only to feel it moving I smiled knowing it was my baby. Once I got her clothes on I tucked her in and I cuddled with her falling asleep with the thought of me and Joyce saying a family together.

I woke up when Xander picked me up but just kept my eyes closed. He laid me on the bed and started to undress me I wanted so badly to kiss him but held back the urge. His fingers grazed my skin making me shiver I mentally cursed but he kept going. Just and the baby moved he smiled and then redressed me tucked me in and cuddled up to me a smile crept it's way into my face Xander couldn't be any more perfect.
I soon fell asleep in his arms


Xander was in a casket closed because he was lost in action he was lost for three months so the declared he was dead. I was holding my baby in my arms she was crying she didn't get to know her father but she was crying because mommy was. I wanted nothing but to have Xnader hug me and tell me everything was alright but he was causing me this pain. He is gone and I can't get him back. After the funeral was over I took Anna to our new home is was a small old fashion type of home. I couldn't stay at the old house to many memories and Xander were in there. I started to cry again at the thought of him. Anna walked to me and hugged my legs I picked her up and left I had to clear my mind I needed to drive away.

I was waken up my Xander he was shaking me telling me to wake up a d when I did I hugged him for dear Life I couldn't let go of him I left as if I did he would vanish into thin air. He was soothing out my hair and drying my tears.
"What's the matter? " he whispered
I explained to him what I was dreaming I saw a few tears running down his face so I dried them up to.
"Joyce it was just a bad dream that won't happen I will always come home to you. I promise OK?" His voice was so soft and filled with truth I just nodded my head and kept on hugging him. I don't want him to leave me and our baby. I soon fell asleep again with no night mare thank goodness.

Next Morning Xander:
She had a bad dream already I haven't even left yet I can't just leave her without someone around her I need someone to watch after her. Ill ask her friends and Devan I know most people would say they have a past how can you trust them, well how can I not trust my wife and not trust my best friend I don't blame Joyce she lost her memory she couldn't help it.

Since we have a doctors appointment we had to wake up a bit earlier I made us breakfast consisting of toast and eggs Joyce needs twice as much food now she's eating for two. I just can't wait until she gets bigget she will be twice as beautiful.
After breakfast we did dishes and got dressed Joyce is wearing her girly clothes claiming she won't be able to wear them soon so today she is wearing a pair or peach skinny jeans and black tank top with a vest on top. Her hair is straightened and down but she is going to cut it up to her shoulder because her hair is annoying her. I just got on pair of brown pants and a black tight shirt.

Once we got to the doctors office we waited for a few minutes before they call us in. I was holding her hand as the doctor put the jell on her tummy
"OK so there is the baby isn't still to early what its sex is though," he kept moving the jell around and then paused a surprised look on his face. I looked at him concerned is something wrong with the baby?
His face broke into a smile " see that right there that's another heart beat....your having twins!!!"

And there you have it I hope you enjoyed this chapter but dontnworry it's not the last chapter I was just kidding there are still more chapters to come I hope you enjoyed pls
love -Hilda

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