i will...later

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we have been at the bar for about 2 hours now and we are all laughing at some joke i just cracked. you would think that since we are teenagers and are at a bar for 2 hours that we would be drunk right, but nope not us we may look irresponsible but again nope we don't believe in getting drunk to have fun. Another hour passed when we decided to go back to Xander's place i was going to go back to my place but Xander asked if i wanted to spend the night and i said sure. Once we got back to their place Joyce didnt say a word she just took off her shoes and headed for her room.
As we waited for Joyce to get out the room we slid in an action movie. After 15 minutes Joyce came into the room in short shorts that go a tad bitt longer in the back then the front and a pink crop top. she sat down between Xander and i but Xander soon got up to get changed him self
"did you really have to change into these pj's" i said pointing to her outfit
"yes whats wrong with them"
"they make me want to kiss you"
"then what are you waiting for hes in the other room" she whispered with that i swiftly bent down and softly kissed her lips. Once we pulled away we were panting for breath, a few minutes later Xander walked in and i got up to go get dressed. it took me a few minutes to get dressed once i got back to the living room i saw Xander kissing Joyce I'm not gonna lie it hurts seeing her kiss him but at least i could kiss her to just not when people are around but its still better then nothing once they puled apart Joyce turned to look at me and gave me a look that said sorry all over it i shook it off and smiled at her and the movie went on she cuddled next to Xander and since it was a small couch we were still close enough told hold hands and not get caught and to this could not stop smiling.

Everything seems to be ok between Devan and Joyce like they seem like friends but nothing more, which is great I no longer have to keep an eye out for the to and things between Joyce and I are getting stronger. the move just ended and Joyce Started to get things together for Devan to sleep on for the night. once she was done she walked into the room and crawled under the sheets next to me her hands were on my chest and her head on my shoulder blade and my hands rested on her waist and then the world slowly started to go black.

Once I was certain that Xander was asleep I sneaked out of bed and tiptoed over to Devan. he was sitting up on the couch
"Hey" I whispered Devan then looked up from his phone and smiled at me
"Hey beautiful" now it was my turn to smile I walk over to Devan and sit on his lap and wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck , Devan ever so slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered
"I want you all to myself I don't want to share you with anybody anymore. I smiled at his words but then frowned
"I know but I don't want to hurt Xander, I will brake things off soon if I don't start to remember" i said
"Ok...but what if you start to remember are you just going to leave me in the dust"
"No of course not because I have feelings for you and they are strong" He smiled at my words and kissed my forehead we sat there having small talk for what seemed like hours before I got up to go to sleep
"I'll see you in the morning ok" with that I gave him a slight kiss on the lips and walked away.
Once I got in bed again Xander turned and around and hugged me I relaxed in his arms. Just as I was about to fall asleep a thought hit my head... I'm a slut I'm going from one guy to another what has happened to me I need to stop this. I then payed in bed trying to catch some sleep but I just couldn't I can't do this anymore. But I don't know who to choose I mean Xander and I have been dating for so long but then again maybe this all happened for a reason and I should stay with Devan. I guess I'll have to find out and I need to spend more time with my actual boyfriend but I still really want Devan uhhh why can't I just remember already and none of this would have happened. With that I finally fell asleep.

morning still Joyce;
when I woke up it was 6:00 a.m. i groaned not being able to sleep longer but I got out the of bed and walked over to my closet and slipped on a cute simple white summer dress on that ended about a couple of inches above mid thigh. I then did my usual makeup and straighten my hair that was now just above my chest. once I was done I slipped on a pair of white toms that had anchors on them, then I walked into the kitchen throwing my hair into a French side braid I started to cook bacon with eggs and toast it took about an hour to finish all the breakfast for Xander and I I would have made some for Devan to but he left about half an hour ago saying he had to take care of some business. It was now 7:30 and I decided to keep my hair in the braid soon after Xander finally woke up and came to eat breakfast
"Good morning" I said giving him a peck on the cheek
"Good morning baby" he said smiling "where is Devan"
"Um he told me he had to take care of some business I don't really know what that means but ya" I reply
"He's probably going to meet up with his girlfriend" at that statement my eyes were about to pop out my head but I quickly covered that up with a laugh
"Hah he actually has a girlfriend, I never saw that coming" I said halfheartedly because I can see how he has a girlfriend but I didn't see it coming well at least that makes my choice easier even though I was a bit hurt I tried not to take it to heart plus I did deserve it.
"Is there something bothering you" he suddenly asked
"Ya but I'll tell you later ok I have a special day planed for us so once you done eating I want you to go get dressed ok" he just nodded and quickly ate his food when he was done he rushed to our room and got dressed I laughed at his anxiousness for our date day. it took about half an hour before he came out his room in a grey fitted t shirt with brown shorts and beani and black converse and damn did he look good.
"Ready?"i asked
"Yup lets go"
With that we walked out of the building hand in hand talking about little things when we were finally at the beach.
"Xander, I want to remember and I want to be with you but I need to tell you something"
"Ok shoot"
"Don't get to mad... actually if you do I will understand what I did was u expectable."
"Joyce just tell me"
"I kissed Devan a few times" I looked over at Xander and he look hurt angry and blank all at the same time.
"Hey I'll leave you to think about stuff and to calm down ok call me when you want to talk" I started to walk away with tears in my eyes but then someone grabbed hold of my hand
"Honestly, I'm pissed and really hurt and yes what you did was unacceptable... But I kind of saw it coming but I still love you and I still want to be with you...just promise me one thing" he paused and I nodded my head crying," never do that again" he then whipped the tears off my face and I just hugged him and gave him the biggest kiss ever"
"I promise Xander....i think I love you to" I said now smiling "but I still want to "remember"" I said putting air quotes around remember. "so will you take me on the dates again or at least tell me stories all the time.
Xander just nodded and took my hand in his he started to walk it was quite at first and I was about to say something when Xander started to talk at first I was confused but then I relished what he was talking about...he was telling me stories about our life I couldn't help but smile it sounded like we were in a fairy tail book and I couldn't be happier.
After hours of talking and walking on the beach we started to walk on the road I thought we were heading home but then we took a turn to the left not the right
"Xander home is the other way" I said confused
"Ya i know I thought maybe you would like some ice cream" I smiled at him because I'm guessing he knew I loved ice cream.
"Ok" after that I was silence, we walked for about 6 more minutes until a little ice cream shop came into view I haven't been to this place since I was little and it was my favourite. when we got to the shop Xander held the door opened for me then grabbed hold of my hand again. When we took a seat a older women came up to us with a chirpy voice
"Aww what can I get this cute little couple" I smiled at her welcome to us and I was about to answer. But Xander beat me to it
"We will have a vanilla ice cream with caramel and sprinkles on top thank you" the waitress wrote that down on paper and walked away. I was a bit disappointed that Xander didn't know that my favourite ice cream was plain chocolate but it didn't bother me to much.
"Don't worry you will love the ice cream I promise" Xander said smiling as if he could read my mind. I just smiled at him but then the waitress came back and set the ice creams on the table
"Enjoy" and with that she walked away
I then took a bite out of the ice cream and moaned at the delicious taste Xamder just smiled and asked
"Do you like it"
"Yes it's my new favourite" I giggled
"Ya I thought so"
"How did you know I would like it so much" I asked
"Well I took you here before and I did this exact thing and I thought I would blow your mind again" he laughed taking another bite from his ice cream.
Once we were done the ice cream we went to pay but the waiters said it was on the house we gave them a grateful smiles and headed off for home again hand in hand we talked as the sun was setting making the clouds a beautiful pinkish orange colour.

Omg finally it's just her and Xander
Tell me what you think and I hope u enjoyed it
-Hilda :)

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