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when i got home i locked the door and was about to take a shower but someone grabbed my arm and took me to the living room.
"we used to always dance a night" Xander whispered in my ear.
"want to show me" i ask he nodded his head and wrapped his arms around me and i wrapped mine around him. he play soft music and we swayed to the beat. when the music ended he gave me a slight kiss in the cheek causing me to blush.
"im going to take a shower now ok"
with that i walk off to the shower.
i was in the shower for iabout an hour thinking about everything i just wish i could remember so i could just love Xander i see the way he looks at me and the way he holds me and he makes me feel safe but Devan he has this spunk to him and he just looks amazing he also is one of those laid back and chill kind of guy.
once i got out the shower i slipped on my purple crop top pj shirt and black short shorts. i then slipped into bed and fell into a peaceful sleep.

i just want her to remember. i feel like its all my fault. i love her so much and i just want her to love me the way she used to.
i need to come up with something that might help her remember.
with this thought i laid in bed falling asleep but then it clicked i can just relive our life not all of it but the things that stick out. i quickly got out of bed and started to plan out what i wanted to do. it was about 3:44 a.m. when i was done planning i then walk back into my room and see my beautiful girlfriend sleeping. i crawled into bed and snuggled up next to Joyce.

it was tuff to get out of bed. i only got a few hours of sleep due to planning todays event but i needed Joyce to get out of the house for the day so i planned for her to have a girls night out. I have been up for a couple of hours already calling up people who would be able to help me with my plans when Joyce came out in blue faded high waisted jeans and a black crop top. To be honest she looked great
"where are you going" i ask trying to sound clueless
"I'm having a girls night out"
"oh cool when are you leaving"
"right now actually ill see you later though ok" she answered and pecked me on the cheek.

today the girls asked me for a girls night out but i was also asked to hangout with Devan so i turned down my girls to get to know him a bit better.
I didn't want to to tell Xander that i was going to meet up with Devan because i didn't need him to feel bad.
Right before i left i gave Xander a kiss on the cheek.
i then walked down to the front lobby to meet Devan he was wearing a baby blue muscle shirt and badge shorts.
"ok lets go" Devan said giving me a hug. we started to walk down a couple of blocks first he took me to Starbucks and then we went to the mall. first we walked into Sirens and i got a pair of turquoise high waited short shorts and a black sweetheart jean crop top. Then we went to a store for him and he got black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt.
After about 3 hours in the mall we went back to his place and changed into our new outfits. Once we were both in our new outfits we went for a walk to the beach. once we were in the middle of the beach Devan grabbed my hand and swung me around so i would be facing him. he gently crusade my face a smoothly swooped down to my lips. His lips felt so soft on mine and it felt so right it kind of reminded me of how Xander kissed me but better.
When he pulled away we sat down and watched the sunset. once the sun was fully down you could see the sky was a beautiful pinkish orange colour.
It was quite for a few minutes until Devan spoke up
"hey i should probably take you home now"
"ya that would probably be a good idea" i answer. with that we stood up and made our way back to my house.

About half an hour of walking and we were finally in the front lobby
"goodnight Joyce....ill see you tomorrow?" he asked shyly , i couldnt help but smile at his shyness it was adorable. i gave him a peck on the lips and nodded my head and started to go to the elevator but then someone grabbed my hand and planted a big kiss on them just by the feel i could tell it was Devan and i relaxed right away and kissed back once we needed air we both pulled away
"ill see you tomorrow Devan" and with that i got in the elevator and he was out of sight.
i sighed to my self, today could not get any better ill go home take a shower and sleep. i closed my eyes rethinking everything that happened today but suddenly i remembered something.....Xander. Oh no i feel horrible hes my boyfriend and i just kissed a different boy three times, he cant find out about this i cant act all in love....waiy what in love do i really love i just went him i mean i feel the connection but i cant love him can i.
i was snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened. i slowly walk over to the door of my apartment trying to regain composure.
i unlocked the door and everything was dark except the living room i saw a dull light shine in there i was walking towards it when i bumped into Xander he wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me from falling. i look into his eyes and smile he starts to lean in and once he is a few centimetres away from my lips he whispers
"im gonna help you remember" and with that our lips connected i felt something amazing something i felt with Devan. i pulled away after a while should i tell him what i did i font want to hurt him and i still want him but i also want Devan, what am i going to do.

she walked into the room and i just wanted her then and there but i knew i couldn't. so i decided a kiss would have to be enough.
once we separated i took her to the living room where i hung up christmas lights and spread blankets on the floor. Joyce made her self comfy as i put in the video of us from a few years back.
Once i started i sat next to Joyce and gently wrapped my arms around her and she snuggled up to the side of my body... it was half way through the video and Joyce broke into tears
"hey whats wrong" i ask quietly
"i i i don't remember I'm so sorry" i felt bad for her i did i just need her to know we had something special and i don't want ti lose her.
"no its ok, i just want you to know we have something between us and ur the only girl for me"
"ok" with that said we both payed attention to the video.
once it was over Joyce looked over at me
"i may not remember doing those things but i feel like i remember i just want you to know that" i smiled at what she said i loved her so much and im so lucky she didnt die in the car crash i font know what i would have done, i would die without her.
we Stayed snuggled up for a few mire hours when i noticed that she feel asleep i laughed to myself she may not remember but she is just the way she was before she is no different which i am grateful for.
i carried her to bed and climbed in right after her right before i fell asleep i herd Joyce's phone go off it was in her hand so i was just going to put it on the counter but i caught a glimpse of what the message read;
i had a great night Joyce lets do it again....Devan.
thats it my heart is shattered.

Poor Xander what will he do next.... sorry ik its been a really long time since i updated but my grandpa is sick in the hospital so i didnt have much time.
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