trying and hard

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its been three days since Joyce woke up. i have stayed with her every minute trying to help her remember but there was no use. today she gets to go home and im hopping that maybe special things will trigger her memory.
i was just helping her pack until i broke the silence.
"im gonna be taking you to our place today ok"
" how long have we been dating"she asked, i told her everything she "missed out on" luckily she believes me but she still doesnt remember.
"its been a few years" i say simply.
"so do you really not remember anything" i ask desperately.
"no im sorry" she said with a sad look on her face.
"hey hey...its fine ill help you, remember the doctor said if you see certain things it should trigger
something lets just give it time ok" as i was talking tears pricked at my eye but i held them back i had to be strong. Joyce was shaking in my arms crying saying how sorry she was that she doesn't remember.

after about 20 minutes we left
the hospital and at 40 minutes we
were home. i set her things in our room.
"go sit on the living room couch i want
to show you something" i said
"ok" i then walked into the kitchen and made us smoothies then i went to go look for the pictures we got taken on the day of prom.
"look through these ok"
"when did you take these" she asked
"the day of prom but you didn't know i wanted to give these to you the day we
graduate but stuff happened..."
i trailed off
"well they look beautiful... i wish i could remember though."
"same but theres not much we can do" i sighed
"wanna watch something?" i asked changing the subject
"sure" i then slipped off the couch and put in her favourite movie.
"omg i love this movie" she squealed
"ya i know"
Once the movie was half way over she was all cuddled against me and everything felt normal. i snook a peek down at her and smiled when i saw that she was slowly slipping into sleep.
"is there something on my face or what are you staring at"
" just are so beautiful its hard not to look" she blushed a deep red due to my statement.
"im not really used to that" she said sheepishly. by now the urge to kiss her has over come me so i swoop down to her lips and kiss her passionately also hoping it might bring something up. She kissed back after a little but it wasn't like it used to be like so i pulled away.
"how do you feel about me" i ask
"well...i like you and i like you a lot but
and i have for a long time"
"thats good enough for me" now it was already 10:44 p.m.
"hey lets go to bed"
as we get into bed i start to strip to my boxers i look over to Joyce and she blushes a deep red and looked away.
"you can look you know" i chuckle.
i then climb into bed and kiss her goodnight.

its my first time home from the hospital and i feel overwhelmed by everything from what my past is that i don't remember. once i got home though everything felt so normal and i felt right at home. when Xander and i were watching my favourite movie i cuddled up next to Xander i almost fell asleep but i felt his gave set on me so i asked if something is on my face but when he said it was just my "beauty" i blushed a red.
Now we were about so go to sleep and Xander was starting to strip down to his boxers i might have been used to it before but not any more even though i did enjoy the view i looked away.
"you can look you know" he said
as he climb into bed he gave me a quick kiss and with that i fell into a deep sleep.

im feeling something i never felt before. my heart is beating a thousand miles and hour. im laughing and running on the beach someone is just grabbed my waist and kissed my neck his face is blurry but i can tell he is handsome i keep having these feelings when this boy touches me and i cant but i face on him. the boys face is starting to come clear and i can almost see it...

i was just about to be able to see the boys face but i woke up i then look over to Xander and he had the same figure as the boy in my dream. i smiled at him knowing that i could be starting to remember my past. i look back over to Xander and start to trace his six back i hear Xander groan in his sleep and quickly pull away. i then crawl out of bed and walk to the bathroom and strip out of my cloths and take a shower about 15 minutes into the shower
i start to lather my hair in my vanilla scented shampoo. i also wash my body with my strawberry vanilla body wash after about another 20 minutes i stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and walked
out into room to get dressed.
i walk into my closet and slip on some black laced undergarments. once i walk over to my clothes i look through what i want to wear once i see a pair of lime green shorts that just cover my butt i then slip on a black shirt that covers half my stomach fully and the other half was covered by strings from the shirt. i then start to straighten my hair and slightly do my make up once i looked in the mirror and saw that i looked good enough and walked out the closet to see Xander on his phone once he noticed i was there he looked up and checked me how with a smile on his face i look down and blushed as usual. i wonder if i blushed this much before.
"I'm starting to remember" i simply state
"really! what do you remember" he asked excited
"nothing really but I'm having dreams i was at the beach running away from a boy but he caught me and kissed me" Xander just stood there with this big smile on his face soon he walked up to me and swiftly kissed me. I felt slightly uncomfortable and pulled away.
"umm I'm just gonna go out with some friends i don't really remember them but i want to try to remember so see ya soon ok" i say trying to sound a little less sad then i felt. But i went to to grab my purse and went to meet my friends ay the park since the park is only a few
blocks away on my way there i bumped into something causing me to fall i shut my eyes waiting for the hard impact
of the fall on my butt but instead i felt arms around my waist and not letting me fall once i opened my eyes i saw a tall boy with brown hair and ice blue eyes and boy was he handsome.
"um sorry i should of looked where i was going" i quickly say looking away blushing.
"no its fine it was fault to so name is Devan by the way."
"Joyce but i should get going I'm meeting up with my friends" i say walking away
"wait what if i want to talk to you again" i then turn back around and give
him my number and text my phone with it so i have his and with that i walked away smiling...he sure is the most handsome boy i have ever set my eyes on.
once i got to the park i saw a group of girls assuming they were my friends i walk up to them with a smile
"hey" with that everyone indulged me in a hug. they were all speaking at the same time all saying the same thing.
"um girls i might have healed and everything but there is still once flaw...i cant remember anything sonce grade nine so i need all of your names"
"omg I'm so sorry Joyce...I'm Emma."
"I'm Ashely"
"and I'm Emily"
"cool i feel so bad that i don't remember so how about we go to one of your places and tell me stories"
"sounds good we can go to my place" Emma said

After about 5 hours of talking and laughing i decided to go home as i was walking down the stairs i bumped into someone... whats up with me and bumping into people. once i look at the person i bumped into i was utterly shocked it was the same boy as before...Devan.
"if we are gonna keep meeting lets just plan it instead of bumping into each other... by the way why are you at my house"
"i agree and i was just visiting Emma"
"Joyce..." he whispered to himself them his eyes grew wide
"are you the same Joyce that got into a car crash."
"ya" i say simply
"well it is nice to meet you I'm Emma's brother
"i didnt know she had a brother...maybe i did before but not now"
"ya i herd you herd u lost your memory sorry about that and i doubt it we aren't exactly close and don't tell people that we are siblings"
"oh well I'm gonna go home now see
ya around"
with that i walked home and i couldn't stop thinking about Devan as wrong as that may be i cant and i feel bad about it because I'm only supposed to think of Xander...damn it why do i have to forget im sure everything was easier
before i forgot.

uh oh whats gonna happen next
will she fall for Devan who will she choose
comment what u think
and plssss SHARE my book for more reads it would mean lots to me thanks if u do :)

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