what ever

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when the day was over my mom was in her normal parking spot and Joyce was already in the car. once we got home Joyce went straight to her room without uttering a word to me she talked to my mom the whole ride home but she didn't even look at me when i tried to start up a conversation. whats wrong with her i thought we were supposed to be best friends! so when she went to her room i just followed her she attempted to shut the door on me but i got in the way just in time.

"what do you want!" she semi yelled

"damn... i just wanted to talk whats up with you!" i semi yell back

"my problem is that you were supposed to show me around the school but the second a girl shows up you ditch me and pretend like i was never there and then in class you make it sound like we did something AND you pretend that you don't know who the Frick i am so if you will excuse me I'm going to take a shower do homework and then text some REAL friends!" she was now full out shouting and i felt really stupid i didn't even relies what i did to her man i must be stupid. it was only her second day back and and she was already pissed at me we used to never get mad at each other and when we did i felt bad. the only difference from those fights and this one is i don't feel bad so i just shrug off the feeling and go in the kitchen to eat a little snack.


i am beyond pissed first he does what he did at school and then he comes to me asking why I'm acting the way i am. no just no and then on top of that he doesn't even care and to think that i thought everything was they same it is quite the opposite and i hate it i just want my old best friend back! to calm my self down i asked Mrs.Jones, Xander's mom, to take me to the school so i could dance, except i told her that i needed to catch up on somethings in school which i did but i was going to dance first. once i entered the gym i plugged my ipod on the docking station and blasted they song 'dirty dancing'. i danced for about an hour swaying my hips to the beat and dropping when the lyrics said. when i was done i was full of sweat so i went in the change room and took a short shower. when i was done i went back into the gym to do my homework but there was a guy and a girl standing by the door waiting for somebody.

i try to move past them but the girl stopped me.

"hi I'm Stacy I'm a dance captain for the shooting stars and we saw you dance frankly we just lost a dancer, his partner" she said pointing to a boy with midnight black hair and hazel eyes he was tall and tanned plus he was buff to say he is hot would be an understatement.

"any ways you were amazing and I'm guessing that was free style?" i nodded my head."so would you like to join our team and be his partner." i was so shocked and happy but i had to hide it.

"umm ya sure i would love to, when do i start?" i asked looking the guy up and down but making sure it was not noticed .

"tomorrow after school we practice here even though most of us don't go here like this guy over here" she said pointing to the boy

"ok, oh and I'm Joyce" i said stretching my arm out to shake their hands.

"I'm Andrew and this is Stacy"

we talked for a few more minutes before they left. i went over to my backpack and started on my homework while i quietly played some music occasionally singing along. i was just about done it has been half and hour since i talked to Andrew and Stacy, when i herd someone walk into the room. my head shot up and my eyes met Xander's.

"what are you doing here" i ask with no emotion.

"calm down my mom came here to pick you up" when he said that i quickly checked my phone and indeed it was 5:30 so i got my stuff together and headed for the door without saying another word to Xander. when we got back to the house i finished my homework and changed into my pj's and went to bed.

next day at dance practice

we have been practicing the dance for an hour and i finally got half the dance down pat. we still had an hour if practice to go so i could learn the other half. but right now we get a 15 minute brake i spent my 15 minutes talking to Andrew considering we have to get to know each other. i learned that he plays guitar and sings, he is funny and nice. he is everything i look for in a boy. our 15 minute brake went by fast and we were now on the dance floor teaching me the dance. the song 'work' by Iggy blasted through the room and we were now starting our sexy yet modest dance. when the song started to play i started to sway my hips and do our dance.

at home Joyce;

once we were done practice i learned the dance and had it down pat all we need to do now is get it perfect. since Andrew and i still had a lot of catching up to do i invited him over, with Mrs.Jane's permission of course. the ride home consisted of me and Andrew sing terribly to random songs. when we got home i lead Andrew up to my room we bumped into Xander as we were doing so.

"hi my name is Andrew" he greeted Xander

"Xander" he simply answer. then he

looked at me and asked

"whats he doing here"

"he's my guest and we are going to hangout" i stated the obvious

"why" ok now he was starting to piss me off why does he care any how.

"because i like him and i want to hangout with him" with that i grabbed Andrew's arm and brought him to my room. at first it was silent until Andrew spoke up.

"so do you really like me" he asked cockily

"don't get your panties in a twist. but yes i do like you, your funny and nice and we have a lot in common." i stated blushing! why did i just say that!

"so what now" he asked i just shrugged not knowing what to say.
by the time he was about to leave it was getting dark we have been talking for hours. so i walked him out as we waited for his brother to pick him up.

"thanks for coming over i gad a great time" i said sitting in the swing

"thanks for having me i had a great time to" he was now sitting next to me we were so close if i were just to lean in a little our lips would touch. as if he could read my mind he started to lean in and just before our lips met someone walked through the door, Xander. i was so pissed at him even though he didn't know we were gonna kiss i was still mad i was about to have my first kiss with someone i really liked and he ruined it. when we made eye contact he looked angry, but why would he be angry its not like we were dating. a few minutes of me glaring at Xander a horn honked Andrew and i made our way over to his car and i gave him a goodnight hug.

"goodnight beautiful" he whispered in my ear that made smile from ear to ear.

"goodnight" and with that he got in the car and he was off to his house.


ok here is another chapter hope u guys like it tell me what u think :)

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