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I started crying happy tears twins? Twins!  Xander had the Same expression on his face. "Now I'm going to get twice as big I think I'm going to need to buy bigger clothes
soon." We all laughed and I stared at picture.

Two months later:
Today is the day that Xander leaves to go to war. I'm a bit bigger now but I can still wear some of my old clothes . We were getting ready to go to the airport in silence I threw on a pair of shorts and a flowy black top. Xander was in his uniform I was holding back tears just thinking about him leaving. This wasn't fair why does he have to leave me.  We are a about 2 more hours away from the airport and we left about 3 hours ago. We still have about 3 hours to spare since we left early. There is a mall near the airport and we decided to buy bigger clothes for me as I will be getting big soon.  I also bought Xander a heart key chain to go with the surprise I will be giving him as a reminder he is loved and has a family. We were walking hand in hand people giving me sad looks and proud looks to Xander obviously knowing what is going on. We were walking and I felt the babes kick so I stopped Xander so he could have a feel of his babies. We looked so proud and smiled so brightly he was on his knees talking to my baby bump I looked down at him and felt tears swell up in my eyes. He looked up at me only to reveal his sad eyes.
" I don't want you to go....Xander Im scared I need you" I say  Xander pulls me into a tight hug and whispers in my ear
"I don't want to go either Joyce but you don't need to be scared I will ALWAYS come back to you...always"
The way he said my name just broke my heart it was like a goodbye I don't want to say goodbye. We have just another hour together before he has to get on his plain. He whipped my tears away and grabbed my hand and placed a heart necklace with our names in graved on it. He put it on my neck and kissed it. We walked to a baby store and got a few things that we could without knowing the sex of the babies. After that we went back to the air port.

We were now at the airport waiting for my flight to be called.  We were just having small talk about the babies.
" just in case I give birth before you get home what do you want to name the babies?" She asks
"Well if they are both girls one elliot and one Finley or Faith . If both boys James Joshua or Mataue. But if it's both then we will choose from one of the girls and one from the boys." I sate "we will Skype if I'm not there but hopefully I will be OK"
"OK" she answered
"Flight B-13 ready for take off " I heard over the PA system.
I stood up and tooked at Joyce.
"I don't want to say goodbye " I said crying.
"Then don't. " I say hugging her "you never have to say goodbye "
"Ill see you soon then I love you Xander "
"I love you to Joyce. " I looked down at her tummy and kissed it and whispered ill see you soon to.
I kissed Joyce one more time before she slipped something in my hand.  I then had to walk away waving my my wife. 

When I got on the plain I looked at what was in my hand I saw the picture of our babies and hearts around them and then a note on the back. That read;

Dear: Xander
No matter how fare away you are I and your babies will always be with you.  I loved you the first time I saw you and I promise I will never stop loving you. Im so proud that you will be serving our country. You have always been by my side and whenever you miss me or the babies look at this picture and the key chain. Just like you said you will always come back to me I will never leave you.  I love you and be safe.

Love; Joyce

These words are just what I needed to read. I have just taken off and I already miss my baby she is my home I need her yet I left her.  But I will come home soon.

When I could no longer see him I went home. I was so out of it I wanted him with me and he isn't here.
When I got home I saw Devan waiting on my couch.
"Joyce,  come over here I'm so sorry!" I ran over to him and cried into his shoulder. It was just after six when Devan started to make food.
I smelled hamburgers and it smelled yummy. I walked into the kitchen just as he set up the table. I wasn't hungry but I knew now I wasn't eating just for me anymore I was eating for three now.
When we were done eating I walked over to the tv and watched "coming home to you" It was about a teenage boy who had to move halfway across the world from his best friend who he loved and a few years later he moved back and they fell madly in love but so many things changed.  It remained me of Xander and I's story.  Devan came to me after he did dishes and told me his sister and the rest of my friends would come for the nights and that's how it would be until I was comfortable to be home alone. Im not to sure if I will be comfortable anytime soon. Once my girls got home they were all screaming about my little baby bumb.  We blasted music and did our nails hair and got dressed up. My hair was is loose waves since my hair is short now and I have my usual make up on but with a black smoky eye with blush and red glossy lips. I had a black tight dress  on that was sparkley that showed off my baby bump nicely I also had on a pair of high silver high heels.  All the rest of the girls were wearing the Same thing just different colours.
We are about to have a girls night out again.

Here is another chapter guys hope u like it the book is always done yay

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