this is going to be fun

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we were just out side the front door when we knocked we quickly ran to the side of the house peaking through the side. when one of the guys opened the door he noticed that no one was there so he walked back in side. we knew that he wouldn't lock the door so we quietly walked into the house, we locked the door and tip toed to the room they were in. Stacy then turned off the lights and the guys didn't really do anything but turn the light back on. thats when we knew we had to take this up a notch. i got all the girls to find a good hiding spot and when they do run all around the house making sure the boys would hear it. me on the other hand i hid in a kitchen cabinet so i could make a whole bunch of sound with the kitchen tools.
once the girls ran around i heard one of the guys say
"hey did you guys hear that"
that's when i took out my phone to record.
"i didn't hear anything dude" a different boy said...Xander.
now it was my turn i took the two pans from my hand and bashed them together as loud as i could.
"ok you cant say you didn't hear that!"the one boy said again
"ya i heard it this time to"
once they were all out the room i texted the girls to start. once i said that they all started to sprint and giggle giving it an evil effect.
"im freaked out guys" i giggled when i hear that but i quickly shut my mouth i couldn't let them find me. luckily the boys didn't hear me and they all ran up stairs so i texted the girls to get in their hiding spots. when i heard someone say "see no ones up hear" i dashed to the game room and blasted there music and hid behind the computer desk since I'm so small i could fit behind there. i also took the the cordless control with me and started clicking random buttons. when the guys got in the room they looked as pal as ghosts. i had to try really hard not to laugh when i looked down i saw that there was a little toy my my foot so i took it and through it at the window. the boys heads all napped at the toy and that's when one boy snapped.
"who ever or whatever you are we will do anything just don't hurt us!" all the girls where in the door way now with there hair in front of their faces looking dead so i quickly got out my hiding spot and got to them. thats when we started to walk towards them. luckily it was dark or they would not be scared. we all laugh in sink all the boys look at us.
thats when i turned on the lights and laughed my guts out.
"omg! you should have seen your faces they were priceless" i chock out between laughs. thats when all the boys started to run towards us and all us girls shrieked and ran to the door we all got out and ran to the car but before we reached all the girls were being held down by the boys so now it was only Xander and I
"your going to be sorry for what you did." Xander says with a grin on his face.
"oh ya what are you going to do" i ask
"you'll have to wait and find out" thats when i decided to run but didn't get far before he got me. he and all the other guys started to drag us in side the house.
"you look hot by the way."
"i try" i laugh
once we got back in the house the boys dragged us in a room and locked it. all of us where in one little room they started to walk towards us but we held our ground.
"your going to pay for what you did"
"oh no I'm so scared" i try to say sounding scared but failed. he then gave all they boys a look and they took us over there shoulders and took us to the back yard. I'm guessing they just came up with the plan because they could have done this in the first place. i was soon taken out of my thoughts when my body hit ice cold water. THEY THREW US IN THE POOL REALLY!!!! i decided to stay underwater for as long as i could to scare they boys again. when i didn't come up i herd a splash in the pool and someone pull me to the surface once i got air i bursted out laughing. Xander just looked at me angrily and worried at the same time.
"what the heck Joyce you scared me to death!" he shouted.
"sorry its just pay back for your pay back you should know i am queen of pranks ask anybody from my old
"whatever" Xander says and swims to the edge of the pool as i did the same.
when we got out the pool the guys decided to let us girls stay but since we were soaking wet we left there house besides its girls night out. when we got back to my place it was pretty late so the girls left my house. once i took a shower and did my homework i went to sleep.

morning Xander;
last night was so much fun even with the girls scaring us to death i still like a good scare once in a while so it was still good. its was 1:30 when i left i should have left a bit earlier since i have school tomorrow but oh well.

next day Xander;
today wasn't the best day for me i didn't do any of my homework so i get a detention. i stained my shirt twice this morning so i had to change and on top of all that I'm being a bench warmer for two games of soccer since I'm falling behind my grades.

it was now lunch time and i was eating my lunch silently until Joyce tapped my shoulder
"hey whats wrong" she whispered in my ear
"its nothing"
"it doesn't seem like nothing to me come with me ok"
i didn't want to make a scene so i got up and walked out with her.
"now tell me what's wrong"
"i said its nothing"
"really nothing, i know you like the back of my hand i know somethings wrong but why wont you tell me!" i know she is getting upset but i don't like it when my girlfriend yells at me.
"I TOLD YOU ITS NOTHING... now back off ok just because we are dating it doesn't mean you need to know everything that goes on in my life" i was full out yelling now and i saw the hurt in her eyes i went in to give her a hug and say sorry but she backed away from me.
"fine ill back off and just so you know I'm not acting like this because i am...was your girlfriend i was doing it because I'm still your best friend. Once your ready to talk maybe ill be willing to listen." she was whispering and her eyes were watering she was about to walk away from me when i grabbed her wrist.
"so your braking up with me?" i ask firmly
"i think that its funny that that's all you have to say" she was now walking away proudly, "goodby Xander" how is it possible that my day is just getting worse and this time its all my fault if i would have just told her it wouldn't be like this!

i cant believe it. why wouldn't he just have told me what was wrong.i didnt want to brake up with him but it sounded like thats what he wanted. i was way to hurt to go through the day so i left school and walk to my new favourite spot that not even Xander knew about. it is behind the woods near our house there is a beautiful meadow, there are flowers and green grass that reaches my waist and in the middle there is a little tree stump that i like to sit on. i don't know how long i sat there but it was soon dark and my eyes were red and puffy i finally stopped crying. i herd someone calling my name so i got off the stump and laid on the ground hiding making sure not to make a sound. once i was sure they were gone i got up and ran to the woods so no one could find my favourite thinking spot. when i reached the house i quietly walked in and up the stairs i was almost in the clear... key word ALMOST.
"where were you honey you had us worried sick"
"um... i was in the woods thinking, sorry for worrying you" i say trying not to sound like i have been crying but failed.
"have you been crying?"
"no i just have a runny nose from the cold air." i say stupidly since it doesn't get cold here.
"do you want to talk about it" that's one thing i loved about Xander's mom she always saw it when i needed someone but right now i just wanted to be alone and sleep to forget about the day so i shook my head no.
"ok but when you want to just come to me ok"
"ok, goodnight" and with that i went into my room took a shower and went to bed i didn't bother with homework since I'm a straight A student plus its only in my last two classes i can do it at lunch tomorrow. with that thought i feel asleep.
I'm scared I'm all alone in a dark dark room and you can hear people whispering. it went quite for a little bit until someone bursted through the door making me jump i was crying now. the man took me by the arm and took my to a car blindfolding me. we have been driving for about an hour when suddenly i had a shooting pain in my rib cage and head but i only remember a little bit of the pain before everything went black. just like the shooting pain the darkness only lasted a little bit before i saw a light and a man walking towards me telling me to take his hand and i wasn't scared any more and i wanted to go with him.
*end of dream*
i shot out of bed thanking God that it was just a dream the first bit was terrible but after the darkness was over i was happy that man told me that i would be ok and that i should go with him and i wanted to... it felt so real.
after thing about the dream i fell back a sleep hoping to see that man again...

heres the next chapter its a bit longer hope u like it pls comment what you think.and pls vote for my book thanks if u do :)

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