day 1

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So today was they day, the day i wouldn't be able to hold my best friend in my arms if she was sad even though that didn't happen often i would still miss it... i will miss her. i will miss playing sports with her, laughing with her, play x-box with her, i will miss every single thing about her. People say we will fall in love and maybe we would have if she wouldn't move. But i could never really see myself with her she is like a sister to me but more of a boy version.

"why do you have to leave you can just live here with me and my mom we wont mind!" i began to beg for her to stay

"i know but i have to stay with my mom she's the only family i have, i love you and I'm going to miss you!" she was now tearing up.

"i love you to and I'm going to miss you way more" now it was my turn to tear up. we were both crying now in each others embrace. ten minutes later my best friend was no longer in my arms and no longer in view.

4 and a half years later: Joyce;

it has been around 4 years since i left my best friend i expected him to text me or something but when he didnt i took things in my own hands and i texted him first but he never answered eventually i just gave up and made new friends here. it was tuff though considering i looked like a guy i just barely made a new friend this year, 4 long years of loneliness . so my new friend Jen gave me a makeover after a few months of being close friends. she took my short brown hair and gave me extensions and died my hair black. she applied mascara and cover up to make my brown eyes pop. she gave me a whole new wardrobe and even got my ears and belly bottom pierced. every since then i have done exactly that.

today is Monday October 23, almost halloween but here in Miami its always warm so i threw on a pair of white skinny jeans and a turquoise flowy crop top that showed a bit of my stomach. i loosely curled my hair with a flat iron and put on a pair of hoop earrings. To finish off the out fit i slipped on a pair of gold gladiator sandals. then i went down stairs to finish getting ready. when i was done my mom drove me to school even though i have changed my mom doesn't know I'm popular. yes you herd me right every since i changed my looks i have been popular but I'm not like those others girls i don't act popular. once i entered the school all eyes fell on me i smiled and waved to a few people as i passed them.

"hey Joyce"

"someone's lookin extra fine today"


i hear these side comments, i let out a little giggle man people can be weird!

once i got to my group of friends by my locker i got my stuff and we were off to class.

once they day was over instead of going home i went into the gym in the stage and practiced my dancing and singing i have been doing this for a month now but no one knows and i plan to keep it that way. once i plug my headphones in i blast the song "up down" by B.O.B after about an hour of singing and dancing i rap it up and go home.

once i got home my mom was making dinner apparently we are having guest over so i have to dress nicely so i go take a shower put my hair in a sock bun, do my usual makeup and slipped into a white laced dress that had spaghetti straps so i place a jean vest on top and add a pair of grey flats to match. once i was done i herd people talking down stairs so i go and greet our guest it was my favourite aunt and uncle from Australia today was there last day here so i guess they came here. we talked for an hour about how much i have changed and how Australia is. then we eat supper that my mom prepared as my mom had small talk with my aunt and uncle, i just sat there eating. once i was done i cleaned my dishes and went to my room to do some homework. it took me about an hour to finish all of it so when i was done it was 6:00 pm so i changed into my sports shorts, a tank top and my head phone to go for a jog. after running for half an hour i came a cross a little empty park so i sat on the swing and enjoying my breeze. i was there for an hour just sitting alone until some guy comes next to the swing and starts talking to me. weird huh!

"hi im James"

"um hi" i simply answered

"what's a pretty lady such as your self doing here all alone"

"nothing" i was hoping that my answers would give him the hint to stop talking to me this is where i come to have peace and quite not to here strangers talk to me! But unfortunately he didn't get the memo.

"hey um it was... nice talking to you but i better go... by" i say in my happiest voice. with that i was on my may home.

next morning: Xander;

BEEP BEEP BEEP my damn alarm clock went off and i had to get up for school. so i slowly got out of bed and slipped on a white shirt, jean pants and my leather jacket. i then went to the bathroom and spiked my hair like i always did i brushed my teeth and headed off down stairs to leave for school i was late so i had no time for breakfast. once i got to school i walked into the building to my locker where all my friends were. i wouldn't call my self popular but i was well known apparently ALL the girls drool over me but i think people are just over reacting ya sure a few girls have hit on me but that doesn't mean a thing.

"hey bro" Justin greets me


when i got my things together we walked off to out first class, tech. right now we were making a picture frame in class and mine was just about done. by the time class was over my project was finished and i handed it in to get marked.

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