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i just cant seem to fall asleep all thats on my mind is that Joyce broke up with me. i cant believe we already had our first fight and its all because of me. since i cant fall asleep i decided to do a little something to make it up to Joyce so i got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. i wanted to look up cute sorry gifts but nothing good came up, after a few minutes of think i decided to make her vanilla cupcakes with purple icing with white icing spelling I'm sorry. to start off the baking i had to find my moms recipe book for cupcakes once i found it i started the process. When i was finally done it was 3:00 a.m. But just because I'm done baking doesn't mean I'm done with the surprise once i laid the cupcakes out in the right order to spell I'm sorry i ran out side and got a rose when i got the rose i ran to my room and got my oldest teddy bare...and yes i still have a teddy bare my grandma gave it to me when i was little. But any ways i got the teddy bare out and put the rose in its arms. Then i put all that on a tray and quietly brought it into Joyce's room on her drawer i also added a small note saying

I'm so sorry for what i said to you... i wasn't having a good day and if you still want to know what was wrong ill tell you i know thats no excuse for what i said but trust me i love you and i want no scratch that i don't want you i need you pleas forgive me
xoxoxox; Xander
when it was all set nicely in her room i went into my room and went to bed.

Morning; Xander
i woke up a little earlier today so i could make my self look good. i took a shower and spiked my hair and brushed my teeth. i got on a pair of light washed jeans and a peach shirt that clung to my body i also added my old black leather jacket that i usually wore. once i was done getting ready in my room i went down stairs to eat, all i could think about is if Joyce would forgive me or not i really hope she does because i meant what i said on the note.
After a couple of silent minutes, i herd someone coming down the stair when i turned to look there she was the most beautiful and amazing girl in the world. Today she was wearing a white shirt tucked into a black skater skirt and silver shoes her hair was down in loose curls and she had her usual makeup on. She also had a beautiful smile on her face so i stood up when she saw me her smile grew larger and she ran into my arms. we clung together like our lives depended on it.
"i never want to fight again" i whispered in her ear
"me either... thanks for all of that you didn't have to do all of that though."
"i know... but your wroth way more than that if i could give you the world i would" i say honestly.
"i love you"
"i love you to"
once our little moment was over we both ate and my mom brought us to school.
today i decided to not be so protective over Joyce i also decided that she could hangout with her girl friends at lunch. once we got into the school i saw my friends and i also saw Joyce's friends she waved to them but kept walking with me so i stopped in my tracks and said to her
"you know you cam hang out with your friends to i wont stop you"
"are you sure?" she asked hesitantly
"ya I'm sure" i said giving see a kiss on the forehead "love you
"love you to" she replied walking off to her friends as i walked to mine.

I'm so glad Xander and i made up this morning i hate fighting. I'm also glad that he is letting me hang out with my friends although my only friends are
from my dance team its ok because we have gotten very close and there like sisters to me we tell each other everything.
once i got to them they all looked surprised.
"don't ask me he said i could so why not."
Like everybody els in the school they know that Xander likes it when I'm around him but now he is being a little more flexible. After a bit of talking the warning bell went off and we were off to class.
first period went by slow. Our English teacher was just reteaching us thing we already knew. once he handed us out
our booklet it was 10 pages long! i was hoping today would be an easy day but of course it cant. once i finished about three of the pages there was only 10 minutes left so i started to pack up once
i was done that i realized that tomorrow is Xander's birthday and i still have to get him something , ill just go to the mall today and ill might make him something to. i was soon taken out my thoughts when the bell rang, i shot out of my seat and was out of the class in 10 seconds I literally hate English class its the worst.
the rest of the day went by the same way long and boring. i hung out with the girls at lunch today to. once the day was finally done. i walked over to my ride home.
"hey honey how was your day?" Xander's mom asked
"it was long... where is Xander"
"he came home early today he had a head ache" she said almost like asking a question but i just shrugged it off.
once we got home Xander's mom told me she was going to go shopping and she wont be back until late. After we said our goodby's i walked into the house and it was all dark when i turned on the lights there was Xander looking as handsome as ever with some of the guy dancers from my dance team. i gave him a questioning look but then he started to talk.
"i know that you said that we were ok but i just have one more thing ok... now sit down and enjoy. Again i gave him a questioning look but did as i was told. when i sat down a song started to play, i believe it was called 'sorry' as the song began Xander and the other boy dancers started to dance it was seriously the cutest thing ever. once the chorus came he took my hand and we will sarted dancing as he sang the lyrics in my ear quietly. my eyes started to tear up this is the cutest thing anybody has ever done for me.
once the song was over there was a knock at the door and i knew who it was it was the girls so i quickly gave Xander a sweet kiss and told him
"i love you so much thank you for everything ill never forget this" and with that i got my wallet and walked to the door. as i thought it was the girls at the door since Stacy is old enough to drive so she is driving us to the mall.
it is a 20 minute drive to the mall and those 20 minutes where spent on us singing loudly with the songs on the radio.
once we reached the mall we all jumped out since i was shopping for Xander i went into a boy store as the other girls went shopping for themselves. once i got into the mans jewelry store i saw a key chain that says you are my missing peace with a puzzle peace cut out of it and then there is a necklace that is a shape of a puzzle and it says you complete me. when i saw this i thought it was perfect so i pick it up and buy it, it was $60 dollars but he is worth more. once i bought the set i walked into a different store and bought him a new leather jacket he has been talking about getting a new one for a while now but he's never gotten the time to buy a new one so why not. once i found a black one with brown stitches i could just see how hot Xander would look in it so i bought it for $80 dollars. after that i decided to go into a store for my self i was in the store American Eagle for an hour when i was about to leave until i saw something that caught my eye it was a black laced crop top with a pair of baby blue black and white loose short short with a blue neckless once i payed for it i met up with the girls and we were on our way home.
once they dropped me off i said goodby and ran up the stairs i wrapped Xander's gifts and then went to his room.
"hey baby" i shrieked when i saw him
"hey baby girl" he then engulfed me in a bare hug. i then kissed him on the lips it was just a little peck but Xander wanted more.
"no more kisses for you until tomorrow" i said pulling away "now let me show you my new outfit"
i then ran into my room and changed when i re-entered his room he was on his phone so i clear my throat to get his attention when Xander saw me his eyes widened
"is it really that bad?" i ask embarrassed
"bad? you look great" he exclaimed.
he then pulled me in for a kiss but i stopped him.
"tomorrow.... you have to wait until tomorrow" with that i left his room and entered mine. i then got out of my cloths and put on my 'pj's' really there not pj's but comfy cloths so i slip on a pair of jogging pants and a white tank top. i the combed out my hair and was about to go to bed when Xander walked into my room.
"just one"
"no" i cut him off knowing he wanted a kiss"you can wait, but you can have a hug. with that he walked up to me and gave me a hug goodnight. When he left my room i quickly fell asleep.

next day Joyce;
i woke up an hour early so i could look good for Xander. i took a shower got my new outfit on and curled my hair pulling back two side peaces clipping them together with a black little bow. i then put on my silver shoes and my neckless. i did my usual makeup brushed my teeth and ate breakfast. After sitting alone for 15 minutes i went into Xander's room to see if he was up luckily he had a towel around him because he just got out the shower.
"your going to get in trouble for looking that hot you know"
"you know we aren't going to school" said in the same tone he did
"why not" that's when i slowly walk to him and wrap my arms around his waist.
"because today is your birthday and its gonna be just you and me" so i got up on my tip toes and kissed him. he wanted more but i pulled away.
"go get dressed so i can show you something... hurry up ok" with that i left the room went into mine sitting on the bed with the gifts. after a little bit of waiting Xander came out in a green muscle shirt and jean shorts. when i walked up to him i pulled out the gifts
"for you" i simply said as Xander gives me a look that says you shouldn't have gotten me anything so i just waved it off motioning for him to open the gifts when he opened the leather jacket he looked so happy but when he saw the key chain he looked so excited and he engulfed me in a kiss this time i didn't push him off i simply enjoyed the kiss i cant lie its hard not kissing him this kiss was hungry but not sloppy i was perfect. when he pulled away we caught our breath and then i showed him my neckless that matched his key chain.
"i love you so much Xander words cant even explain and this is just a little something to show you that I appreciate you"
"i love you to and thank you for everything you didn't have to" with that he took my neckless and put it on. the rest of the day consisted of us cuddling, laughing, watching movies, a little bit of kissing, and a little walk under the stars it was the best day ever i really do love this boy he has gotten me completely head over heels... how can he do this to me.

sorry it took so long to update i have been really busy with school.... hope u liked this chapter pls comment what you think and vote... thanks if you do
Oh and i might just update a couple of times a week or even just on the weekends but I'm not sure tell me when u would like me to update!
And can u guys tell people about my book im not getting to many reads on my past few chapters it would mean a lot again thanks if u do ☺️

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