why our love

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once we arrived at the empty parking lot i got out the car and helped Joyce out to.
once we were both out we looked up at the stars and stayed quiet until Joyce asked
"so what are we doing here"
"well you will have to wait and find out" i answer with that i opened the car door and played a calm song.
"may i have this dance" i say holding my hand out to grab hers
"yes you may"
we slowly started to sway to the music
"thanks this means a lot to me" she whispered as she leaned her head against my shoulder
"its not much though"
"so the littlest things you do mean the most"
after the song was done i intertwined out fingers and started to walk to the mack of a old brick wall.
"what is this"
"you'll see" i then put a nice blanket on the ground and sat down as a movie was starting.
half way through the movie Joyce was all snuggled up to me and i had my arm around her waist she was slightly sobbing due to the movie "if i stay"
when the movie was over Joyce was asleep so i carried her bridal style back to the car and buckled her up.
then i saw him appear all dressed up in black buff and scary looking he had a camera around his neck. once he was
in arms length away i shook his hand.
"did you get the pictures" i ask
"yes would you like to see some"
"sure" he then showed me some pictures of us dancing,cuddling, me carrying her and a lot others. i believe that if you take pictures without being positioned they capture a real moment and for a graduation gift to Joyce i want to put all pictures we have taken on our room wall in the shape of a heart.
i was having such a good time tonight i was having even more fun where Xander took me then at the actual prom. when i woke up in my bed next
to Xander i figured that i fell asleep during the movie and carried me to bed.
i truly do love him. i want him to be mine forever and always. i started to trace his lips again and lightly kissed them. when i herd him moan i pulled away.
"i liked him keep going" Xander said i laugh and did as he said. when he was fully awake he kissed me back full force and he was soon on top of me. my fingers were curled up in his hair and his arms were rubbing up and down my sides making me shiver.
"i love you" he moan between kisses making me smile against his lips. when we pulled apart we were breathless.
"i wouldn't mind waling up like that everyday" Xander breathed
"same here"
we stayed quiet until i got out of bed
"where are you going" Xander pouted
"to take a shower"
"can i join" he teased
"haha very funny"
with that i closed the door and locked it. i was in the shower for 20 minutes until i got out i wrapped a towel around me and went to slip on my undergarments. i then let the towel fall and herd Xander groan.
"you should really cover up before i do something i regret" i giggle but walk over to him.
"do you like what you see"
"yes and maybe to much" i then swoop down and kiss him hard i he was again soon on top of me until i pulled
"i need to change" with that i slip out from under him and went for my closet swaying my hips a bit more. i then come out in a pair of white high waisted short shorts and a peach coloured laced tank top. i then walked
out the room to eat some toast.
After about 15 minutes Xander
walked into the kitchen in just a pair of shorts with water droplets coming out of his hair. He came to hug me from behind and kissed my cheek.
he then went to go make his own toast and we both went out side to go to the town fundraiser, we had to sell apple pies so that our town can send money to the poor.
once we got there the place was pack so many people were walking around laughing. i smiled at the sight I'm so glad that people care so much about the needy.

the day was almost over and im yet again laughing at one of Xander's corny jokes. we got in the car and we were off.
we were about 10 minutes away from home and the song 'ride' by somo was playing i was quietly singing along.
Until i let our a horrifying scream.
i saw a big sami truck loose control and crashed right into my side...nothing i felt nothing but i also saw nothing everything was black i could sirens in the background and people crying telling me to hold on.
it wasn't to long after that until i completely went blank.

One month later Xander;
Here i am once again watching Joyce sleep in the hospital bed. its been a month since the car crash and i am fine i only have a broken leg and I had a minor concussion but am fine now.
Joyce on the other hand she is in a comma unfortunately the sami hit her directly everyone says that she luck shes alive and she is. i just hope that she will wake up people say to hold on stay strong have hope. but its hard to have hope when a machine is keeping her alive. this is her last day she has to get a chance to wake up.
"Joyce...i know you probably cant hear me but if you can pls wake up. i need you and i love you i can't imagine life without you. Pleas just pleas give us a sign your still in there" when i was done my speech i got up from my chair to go get a drink but then i herd the voice of an angel a voice i thought i would never hear again
"...Xander" i run up to Joyce and kiss the living day lights out of her. it felt so good but then she pulled away i gave her a confusing look
"i shouldn't have kissed you im so sorry"
"what why"
"because kyla is your girl friend its not right Xander of me to kiss you " she said sternly
"what i the only girlfriend i have is you we broke up a long time ago"
"no you didn't i saw you guys kiss just yesterday"
at first i thought she was kidding around but then i full on hit me
"you don't remember"i said more
to my self then her.
"Joyce...what grade are you in?"
"I'm in grade 9 you dork"
i was blank she doesn't remember i sat down and started to cry the love of my life doesn't remember our love...why why does this have to happen to us.

OMG what just happened...
sorry it short ik but im still really busy but im going to try and update this week again since i haven't in a while hope u guys like it :)

-hilda xoxoxo

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