Chapter Two

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"Happy Birthday. I love you so much. Have a great day tomorrow," I smile at Mikey through FaceTime, Calum blowing me a kiss behind him before Mikey pans over so Crystal can do the same.

"Love you, Kitty Kat, bye!"

I blow kisses as the connection ends and I stare at my phone wallpaper, the one of all the guys from my birthday many moons ago when they made funny faces. My heart misses each one of them, but the picture makes me happy regardless. A giggle leaves my throat as I return to my pasta, trying to get dinner made so I can get some rest for my meeting in the morning at headquarters with Parker.  The door opens and closes behind me before a hand lands on my shoulder.

"Hey, Baby," sounds in my ear and I cringe as that name for me comes out of the wrong mouth, my shoulders raise along with the hairs on my neck. "Oh, sorry. I forgot. You don't like pet names," his tone haughty and annoyed.

I turn around and look at Mark, his dark brown eyes rolling as he leans against the counter and he stares back, before I sigh, "I'm sorry I just don't like that."

"Yeah, yeah, its 'impersonal'", he quotes my lie I told him when we officially started dating last month.

We met at the beginning of the year while at a conference here in Australia, as he works and manages a decently popular venue in the heart of Sydney. We became friends quickly, our interest in music creating easy and friendly conversation. His amazement at my stories of travelng with 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction also making it fun to talk to him. It felt so good to talk about them and how much those times meant to me.

Our friendship remained until I settled in with my parents in June when he first started his pursuit of me. Traveling was still very much my life as we wrapped up the finalization of our company, so I refused his attempts of courtship. But after realizing I would drop anything and do anything for Ashton, letting my heart get crushed over and over again, I decided I should try to move on. Mark took me out on a date two months ago, kindly letting me slowly ease my way, until I agreed to solidify our relationship.

"If you want to have a blue why did you even come over?" I ask flatly.

"I don't," he exhales annoyed.

"Well you're acting like it," I turn around to finish my dinner.

"Did he cheat on you?" he asks me.

"What?" I turn on him with furrowed brows.

"Sometimes guys use pet names so they can be with multiple women at once. Is that what he did to you while he was on tour?"

"No he did not cheat on me while he was on tour," I shake my head pissed he would assume that of Ashton.

"Then why do you find it so impersonal? There's got to be a reason, Kat."

"I just do. It has nothing to do with him," I lie, turning back to grab my plate and leave the kitchen. "That's that, Mark. There doesn't have to be a reason for everything."

"Okay," he lets it go and joins me on the couch, turning on the telly as I respond to a few emails that trickled in during my cooking.

I finish my meal and emails before I clean up the kitchen, washing all my dishes before I get ready for bed. Mark leans against the door frame as I wash my face, watching me with a small smirk on his face. I dry my face and smile at him through the mirror while massaging moisturizer into my skin.

"Would it be alright if I stayed the night?" he asks gently, looking me up and down before making eye contact in the mirror, running a hand through his short blond hair.

"Okay," I turn around and smile at him before we go into my room, shutting the door.

He takes off his shirt while I remove my jean shorts and slip on a pair of cotton pajama shorts, his eyes roaming my legs hungrily. I swallow as I feel my stomach tighten, concerned he has ulterior intentions for the evening. A sigh leaves my lungs as I turn my back to him, removing my shirt and bra before quickly throwing on a band tee.

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