Chapter Ten

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I let out a shaky breath as I hide in his shoulder, feeling safe after a year of brokenness as he squeezes me tight, his cheek against mine and his large hands gripping me to him; one on my shoulder and the other all the way around my waist, his fingers curling over my hipbone. My heart pounds so loud in my ears I barely hear him tell me he missed me and I just nod my head, too afraid to use my voice. He tells me he understands by squeezing harder, making my eyes well.

"Thank you for coming," he whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine and endorphins from my brain.

"I wouldn't miss this," I reassure him, my hand instinctively running up his neck to rub at his hairline above his condor tattoo.

He lets out a breath and pulls away, my hand following me and grazing over his neck before he looks me in the eyes and I swallow, wondering if he's going to kiss me. Then I feel a tingle in my brain, telling me that would be a bad idea.


I bring my hands to myself as Ashton's eyes dart to my lips then back up, and as if on queue asking, "Where is Mark?" He smiles softly; slightly forced I can tell, looking behind me as his eyes search all the faces while I take in his appearance.

He looks so different; if I didn't have his features memorized, I might not have recognize him, with a different hair cut and style, no longer the punk rock angsty young man. He wears a tucked in white button up shirt with pockets on the chest and rolled short sleeves, showing off his thick defined arms and new blood moon tattoos. He still wears a pair of black ripped skinny jeans with a belt and a pair of classic combat boot Doc Martens. Still punk, but now stunning and classy. Sophisticated Punk.

"He couldn't make it," I lie, feeling guilty as his eyes roam my face, knowing I'm lying, before I smile. "But that's okay, because I get to be with you guys alone and catch up without the awkward entertaining part," I add before he smiles back at me, his dimples making me so happy I start grinning at him.

"It's going to be a great day then."


"Ready?" Luke calls over to us and I peel my eyes away from Ashton's beautiful matured face to look at Luke and nod.

We all pile into the van, laughing as we sit on each others' laps, me of course getting shoved into Ash's as usual and I stick my finger in his dimple to make it less awkward, his giggle proving were still just two best friends after it all. The van rings out with laughter while I take in everyone's faces, so happy and joyful at this wonderful life they get to experience together. My heart aches I don't get to join in the way I used to, especially now that Crystal and Sierra are here, but I feel complete thankfulness to be here right now. I feel a hand on mine around Ashton's shoulders, Mikey noticing my longing gazes on the other side of the van, reaching out to me emotionally. I give him a small smile before he retracts his hand and Ashton's lands on my knee, a gentle squeeze of added reassurance before his other arm wraps around my hips, making my heart thump in my chest.

I stare out the window as we arrive at the venue, this place feeling like a third home here in Sydney, spending so much time in this building the past year. We all climb out, Ashton's hand grabbing mine to help me out and my heart deflating when he releases it. I swallow as I remind myself of Mark, making my stomach clench and force up that mistake of a breakfast. We all go inside, Ashton and Mikey asking me question after question to let me geek out and tell all of them everything I know as I wave and hug people who run the massive arena.


"A toast," Crystal stands, beaming at all of us at dinner, the lights low in the fine Italian bistro just four blocks from the hotel, raising her glass of champagne, "To happiness, love, and success. I am truly so blessed to be with all of you right now, experiencing such a wonderful time of our lives. I love each and every one of you."

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