Chapter Twenty-Six

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A week later and the beeping of Ashton's alarm awakes us, a groan leaving his throat before he hits it off and snuggles back up to me. He falls back asleep almost instantly, tired from the constant promo the last few days and this mornings radio show interview having him up earlier than he would like. His breath his deep and warm on my chest as he sleeps for the short ten minutes until his alarm goes off again.

He does the same thing; hitting the alarm off and rolling into me, but this time I play with his hair, trying to keep him awake. A small contented moan vibrates in his chest as he hugs me to his strong frame and slides his hand up into my shirt, his palm hot on the skin of my back. I comb his wild hair before I kiss his forehead and squeeze him back having missed him during this busy time.

His hips push into me as he leans up to kiss my neck his fingers digging into my skin as his hands drags down my back. My body throbs, his schedule keeping him away from me and so tired when he arrives home, that we just lay in bed to catch up before he passes out. His yearning is just as thick as mine, my body wanting to be satisfied by him, but my mind also craving that connection and to help him relieve his pent up stress. However, he needs to get up and get ready, now ten minutes behind schedule.

"Ash," I say gently, reluctantly pulling away from his warm insatiable lips, "you need to get up."

"I am up," he says huskily as he follows me, reattaching his lips to my neck and grabbing my waist as he rolls his warm body into mine.

"You need to get ready," I counter, trying to pull away from him again, knowing I will succumb to his delicious mouth.

"I will after this," he smirks and grabs my ass, shoving my hips into his.

"No, you will be late," I push his hair back and look at him apologetically.

"Fine," he huffs and rolls onto his back away from me, annoyed but understanding.

"Fine," I pout and follow him, rolling onto his chest to kiss his cheek. "I'll go make you some coffee though."

"Thank you," he yawns and rubs his face, his fatigue taking back over now that his yearning is being put, once again, on the back shelf.

I kiss his cheek one last time before I crawl out of bed and go downstairs to the kitchen, quickly getting the coffee brewing for him as I also grab him some food for breakfast. The coffee maker beeps at me that the brew is finished and I pour it into a mug for him, adding the perfect amount of sugar and creamer. I head back to him upstairs, coffee and omelet in hand as I meet him in the bathroom with just a towel around his hips; fresh out of the shower.

I bite my lip at his glistening beige skin, calling out to me as I place his breakfast on the counter, taking a deep breath to control my urges. He grabs another towel and rubs his head, drying his hair as he approaches me, making my skin tingle and hands twitch, longing to glide over his wet muscles. I turn away to grab my toothbrush and take my eyes off of him before his hands slide over my waist, his wet body pressing into my back and wetting my shirt.

His hand pushes my hair over my shoulder and he kisses my neck, a whine creeping up my throat as I shrug my shoulders and squirm away. He frowns playfully at me before he smirks and steps away; taking a sip of his coffee and then begins styling his hair. I quickly brush my teeth and leave, going to my office, finally furnished to monitor my emails and check on schedules; and maybe to get away from him before I jump his bones. I don't get far before Ashton shows up in the doorframe, wearing only a pair of black dress pants and a belt, both the belt and his pants button undone.

Sometimes I want to smother with him a pillow.

"Do you know what happened to my white button up shirt?" he asks me, his demeanor composed but I see the playfulness in his eyes, purposely coming to me this way.

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