Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It's three hours after a short facetime conversation with Ashton before he went to bed that they announce the plane is repaired and we can board. I cry with happy tears, feeling stupid for being so emotional, as I collect my bags off the floor and stand up. I wince at the soreness in my ass and back from laying on the ground for so long, but it was worth it. Excited I take out my phone to tell Ash before I realize he's sleeping and I also really want to surprise him, so instead I text Cal, knowing he will gladly be in on the secret.

Calum confirms to keep it a secret but to let at least Luke know so someone else is in the loop just as I line up to board the plane. Only one third of the original passenger's are present so we get settled quickly and prepare for take off. I can't stop smiling as I look out the window, so excited to surprise Ashton and to be there for not only the release but for this special concert. My phone lights up as I click the home button and stare at my lock screen, a picture of us from brazil, but I only look at the beautiful happy smile on my wonderful boyfriend's face, and I can't wait to see it in person after this eight hour flight.

The plane finally lands in New York, my body aching from sitting for so long and sleeping in such a weird position. Although my neck is sore, I am grateful to have slept the majority of the flight, giving me a rush of energy as my anticipation makes me giddy. I inform Calum of my arrival and call an uber, before I quickly make my way to the restroom to freshen up and then haul ass to the passenger pickup.

Calum texts me Ashton's room number and I fix my makeup on the ride, before my phone starts ringing; Calum⚽️.

"Hey," I say quietly as I pack my concealer in my bag.

"Hey, we're leaving in like 30 minutes to get to the venue for rehearsal and briefing. Will you make it?"

My stomach tightens with anxiety and disappointment as I look at our location and the traffic, "I think I will, but I'll be cutting it close, let me know if he leaves his room okay?"

"Will do. Seeya soon."

"Thanks, Cal. See ya!"

"Wait, Kat?"


"I'm happy you made it. This means a lot to him. As it does to all of us, I just mean you being here."

"I know Cal, love you."

"Love ya, bye."


I put my phone back into my pocket and return to fixing my makeup and hair until we finally arrive at the hotel. Grabbing my bags, I thank the uber driver, telling them no to worry with assisting me and practically run into the hotel to the elevators. I keep my phone in hand just in case I get a notification of Ashton leaving his room, but luckily no such alert comes when the elevator dings to his floors arrival.

My feet sprint down the hall with my suitcase in tow as my bag bounces against my hip, a stupid giddy smile on my face as I read the plaques that guide me to my soul mate. The doors count higher and higher to his room number until I stop in front of it, taking a deep breath to calm my lungs before I knock and cover the beep hole. My body vibrates with exhilaration as I wait for him to the open the door.

"Oh yeah, cover the peep hole," I hear him say loudly on the other side of the door before the handle clicks and the door begins to open, "Real fucking fu-" his sentence cuts off as he eyes land on me, shock and confusion taking over his face before he laughs, "Oh my god!" His eyes well up, making me instantly cry, before he scoops me up into arms. I press my cheek over his heart and breath him in as his voice becomes thick with emotion, "I guess they fixed the plane."

"Yep," I cry, squeezing him tight.

"Thank you," he whispers, his voice cracking still.

"I told you I wanted to be here."

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